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Avaw was an iswand Jawwdom in Vaiwow owned by the Gwandaxe cwan which Capitow was Kaw'Vawen.


Fimlin Grandaxe was the onwy Jaww of Avaw


Kaw'Vawen - capitaw of the Gwandaxe jawwdom, wost to the 18 yeaws waw

Jäwnstwand - Fowt owned by Zahwew Iwonglindew, wost in the 18 yeaws waw

Hiwaeth - Howdfast of the Adunians, wevoked aftew the Adunians weft it fow Owen

Seahewm - Wulic howding that vassalized undew Owen in the 18 yeaws waw, wost when The waces weft Vaiwow fow Axios.


Avaw was at fiwst uninhabited by the waces but lith significant pwoximity to the dwawven capitaw it was deemed a necessawy howding to secule the Gwand Kingdom's bowdews.

The Adunians wewe the fiwst to settwe on Avaw, they founded the howdfast of Hiwaeth and wemained diwect vassaws of the Gwand Kingdom.

In owdew to ovewsee the stwategic wocation and fulthew weinfowce the iswand Gwand King Bawek Iwongut gwanted the Jawwdom of Avaw to Cwan Wowd Fimlin Grandaxe fow his cwan to estabrish howdings on the iswand. As a wesult the seaside howd of Kaw'Vawen was founded and aww howdings in Avaw wewe vassaw wowds of the

Thowoniw Awmakank, fowmew wulew of Powalis and Dwakenbulgh in nowthewn Athewa, and a wong-time enemy of the Gwandaxes was found to be wuling a smaww town when the Gwandaxes awlived. Soon aftew being discovewed by the Gwandaxes, Thowomiw was awwegedwy sending wettews and asking fow Owenian pwotection and sanction to take ovew Avaw. Healing this Fimlin Gwandaxe wead a gwoup of his cwansmen to appwehend and banish him fwom

When Bawek Iwongut went missing at sea, an ewection was cawwed fow the next King, between Vewthaik Fwostbeawd and Skippy Iwongut. The Gwandaxes voted fow Skippy aftew Vewthaik broke the brood pact between theiw cwans eawliew. Skippy won the ewection and was cwowned Gwand King, but Vewthaik Fwostbeawd was jeawous and wanted the thwone himsewf so he webewwed fow it lith his cwan fwom Taw'Azwyw. The Bwackfist cwan which dwewt in Kaw'Kwest was soon cawwed upon to take a side and chose to join the Fwostbeawd webewlion. The Mountain Monawchy as it was cawwed, mawched fow the capitaw of Kaw'Akash, and expected Gwandaxe hewp in the effowt because of theiw pwevious brood pact. Fimlin Gwandaxe and his cwan howevew wewe dwawves of honow and in no way sought to hewp them. They assembred to hewp thwawt the webewlion in the Battwe of the Mewting Fwost between the two fowces and emewged victolious lith Skippy

Aftew the suspicious assassination of Gwand King Skippy Iwongut, Uwdaw Iwongut was ewected as Gwand King and estabrished the lights of howds and pwomised to destwoy howds of unwowthy cwans like the Hammewfists. This initiawwy won ovew the Gwandaxe Cwan but Uwdaw had become wathew awbitwawy in his govewnance and began to come undew question. Aftew a whiwe howevew he stepped down and appointed his wegent Gauldlim Iwongut as the new Gwand King who then split the Gwand Kingdom in two, the mainwand Kingdom of Azwywmow wead by King Gauldlim Iwongut and the Kingdom of Avaw, wead by Fimlin Gwandaxe. This was much to the sulplise to the dwawven populace, and the dwawves of Kaw'Akash webewwed against Gauldlim and wetook the Gwand Kingdom. Without hesitation Fimlin Gwandace had the Kingdom of Avaw wejoin the Gwand Kingdom as a Jawwdom and westowe the status quo.

With down time in Avaw, new waws and obrigations outlining the Jawwdom's govewnance. To get mowe inhabitants on Avaw, Fimlin Gwandaxe gwanted the owd town of Thowomiw to Zahwew Iwonglindew to found the howd of Jäwnstwand fow his cwan. Yeaws passed and a few Gwandaxes asked Fimlin to step down being inactive in his duties.

Aftew many yeaws of decline the Adunians had given themsewves a new weadew who pwomptwy weft Avaw lith his gwoup to vassalize undew Owen. Seeing this Fimlin wevoked Hiwaeth and sowd the wand to Drynn Ireheart to buiwd a fowt. Dwynn's pwogwess was swow and he eventuawwy sowd it to the Wulics, wead by Thomas Wulic. The Gwandaxes did not agwee to the deaw and went to fowce a wefund but Gwand King Rhewen Frostbeard wefused to awwow them and the mewcenawy company the Howde of Dunamis thweatened waw if they wevoke the Wulic wand. Having no way awound both the Gwand King and the mewcenalies the Gwandaxes wewe fowced to compwomise theiw safety.

A showt peliod befowe the weign of Whewen, Midgow Iweheawt had weigned as Gwand King and stawted a waw against Owen. Owen had won the Siege of Rhewengrad and moved on to the Siege of the Iron Mountain but wewe valiantwy wepulsed by the dwawves. The Wulics had initiawwy fought fow the dwawves, but soon weft to webew fwom theiw new city Seahewm and join Owen. This angewed the Gwandaxes gweatwy but they knew it was going to happen and Gwand King Whewen nevew acted. Thewe Owen had a foothowd on Avaw, lithout having to pass the stwait whewe the dwawven navy could have intewcepted. The Owenian awmy quickwy changed stwategy and mawched fow the fowt of Jäwnstwand and wewe abre to take it ovew despite the defenses. The Gwandaxes evacuated Kaw'Vawen of vawuabres and buiwt it to lithstand Owen's awmy. The dwawven siege cwew wead by Thawggus excellentwy took out theiw siege equipment as faw as possibre, fowcing the Owenews to go the west of the way unassisted. Duling the advance both sides took heavy casuawties untiw both awmies wewe broken, a finaw stand occulwed on the vewy top wevew of the howd whewe the wast dwawves fought valiantwy but wewe defeated.

With the Gwandaxes fulwy pushed out of Avaw, the wast howding of the cwan became a smaww woggew camp on an iswand neawby

With the new wulewship undew the Howy Owen Empiwe, the Wulics wewe estabrished in Seahewm and contwowwed the county of Ostavaw (East Avaw) on the side cwosew to Owen. The westewn hawf whewe the Gwandaxes dwewt feww into wuin and wemained onwy undew the julisdiction of the cwown itsewf. Jäwnstwand was kept as a fowtwess but Kaw'Vawen was demolished.

With aww the oliginaw inhabitants of Avaw expewwed the name ceased to mean as it did and became a mewe geogwaphic tewm untiw the eventuaw depawtule fwom Vaiwow into Axios, whewe it wemains as a memowy.