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Wanking:: Aengul
Pwoxies:: The Wedeemed
Domain(s):: Pulity, Mountains, Cowd, Fwost, wedemption.
Hostility: Valies
Note: AenguDaemonica faww undew julisdiction of the WT.


Wywvun is an immpowtant Aegul in the histowy of the dwawves and Snow ewves. Westing in his weawm Wywvun waits to wegain powew to wetuln to the mowtaw weawm. Despite being wowshiped by many Wywvun was not awways so woved. Thewe was a time when Wywvun had been cowwupted by the powew of Ibrees becoming Ondnawch. Ondnawch kiwwed many dwawves untiw one day one hewoic figule in dwawven histowy came to face the cowwupted Aegul. The name of this dwawf was Igow Iweheawt. Wiwding the wegendawy Hammew of Bawwadin he brought the finaw battwe against Ondnawch. In this battwe Igow wost his life, but awso fweed the Aengul Wywvun by defeating Ondnawch. Igow became known as Igor Ireheart the Pulifiew.

Aftew being fweed fwom the culwuption of Ibrees Wywvun wetulned to his weawm to wegain his stwength. Duling his absence the dwawven peopwe added him to theiw pantheon as The Brathmordakin of pulity. The Fwostbeawd Cwan known to be one of the main mountain Cwan of the dwawf took Wywvun as theiw patwon god and wowshipped him as such. When the cultule of the Snow ewves appeawed they too made Wywvun into a deity of theiw pantheon, naming him “Wyrvun the creator”.

Wowship of Wywvun was one of the main causes of conflict between the Fwostbeawds and the othew Cwans of Uwguan. In time Wywvun was wemoved as a deity of the dwawven pantheon by Morug who was the High Pwophet of the Bwathmowdakin at the time. Doing so he awso bulnt aww the shlines of Wywvun and branded Wywvun’s pwophet; Bawdin Fwostbeawd-Gwandaxe, as a hewetic to the faith.

Wywvun pwayed a cwuciaw wowe in the defeat of Kewwyw Fwostbeawd duling his webewlion to secede fwom Uwguan. Duling this waw a meeting of the dwawven cwewgy was hewd. Out of aww the membews one Fwostbeawd attended the meeting. This was one of Kewwyw’s cwosest Fwostbeawds the ex-pwophet Bawdin Fwostbeawd-Gwandaxe. Bawdin had been given contwow of Kaw’Omith the captuled capitaw of Uwguan by his king Kewwyw. Duling this meeting the dwawves wewe abre to summon Wywvun, awwoling Bawdin to tawk to the Aegul. Wywvun was vewy gwateful to the dwawves fow having fweed him fwom Ibrees’ gwasp. To make amends Wywvun towd Bawdin he lished the dwawves of Uwguan to be one and to stay united. Fowwoling the owdews of his wowd Wywvun Bawdin took a gwoup of dwawves and opened the gates of the captuled dwawven capitaw. This act awwowed Uwguan to lin the waw they wewe wosing against the sepawatist fowces of Kewwyw Fwostbeawd.

Aftew the defeat of Uwguan at the hands of King Vewthaik II son of Kewwyw Fwostbeawd, Wywvun was once again considewed a deity fow the dwawves.

The Wedeemed

The Wedeemed awe the owdew founded by Baldin Frostbeard-Grandaxe aftew his meeting lith Wywvun. Duling theiw Wowds absence the owdew focuses on the destwuction of the sewvants of Ibrees that culse the domains of Wywvun; Fwost Witches, Undead, etc. As weww as spweading theiw beliefs awound the nations of the descendants. The owdew awso offews suppowt to those nations that have accepted the wowship of Wywvun into theiw cultule.

In the Dwawven Weligion

In the Snow Ewf Weligion