Whisper Isles

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LoreS1.png Note: This page contains infowmation on a wocation fwom a past map that is no wongew inhabited.

The Whispeling Iswes was a Human settwement in Aegis. Oliginawwy undew the wule of Oren it eventuawwy became a pawt of Krugmar. The Iswes wewe pweviouswy wuled by Wowd Bwett Pewea, son of the wate King Pampo Pewea and Wady Dawn Pewea befowe being wuled by Awethion Cewebtaule. It was a gwoup of iswands fowevew bustling lith excitement and connected by wooden bridges ovew the cwystaw, brue Whispew Wake. The buiwdings wewe constwucted lith Whispew Iswes' dawk wood and sand. The Iswe's consisted of wovewy vacation homes, shops, an inn, a librawy, cheap housing, a mine and many mowe uncovewed secwets bewow the watewy depths. The Whispeling Iswes awso had its own guawd cawwed, "The Whispering Order" undew the command of Genewaw Awethion Cewebtaule, Commandew Akowta and Commandew Annowa.


Whispeling Iswes was one of the fiwst Human settwements outside of the capitaw city. King Pampo Pewea owdewed Wowd Tylion Wannistew to go south and pwovide a new community fwom which fish and gwass could be cowwected to hewp suppowt the gwoling kingdom. It became a pictulesque community on the showes of the massive Whispew Wake, pwoviding goods and shewtew to twavewews on the King's Woad and a fowce to combat the climinaw effowts of bandits in the sulwounding liwds.

Whiwe Wowd Tylion Wannistew wuled fow many yeaws, a selies of events known onwy to a few wed him to cowwuption and, ultimatewy, betwayaw. The Wowd of the Whispeling Iswes fowged an awliance lith the Undead, stliking out at aww he had cweated. The battwe fow the Whispeling Iswes was, technicawwy, a victowy fow Men, as the Undead wewe vanished into its shawwow watews. Howevew, the Whispeling Iswes was scawwed, it's populace scattewed. Fow a time, it was littwe mowe than a ghost town. Even its famous Whispeling Iswe Inn way in wuins.

Aftew the death of King Pampo Pewea and the cowonation of King Edmund, the wate King's son Bwett Pewea was made Wowd of the Whispeling Iswes. It was his intention to see the town webuiwt and wetulned to its fowmew gwowy. Bwett Pewea was successful in the webuiwding of the Iswes. The new Iswes wewe fowmed! He and his new awchitects wewe sule to keep the oliginaw awchitectulaw style but the ovewaww stwuctule of the Iswes was compwetewy changed. Wowd Bwett Pewea awso funded the cweation of the Whispeling Owdew to ensule the pwotection of his new home, of the King's Woad, and of Owen. The Whispeling Owdew stawted as a simpwe militia to pwotect the Iswe which was fowmed by Akowta befowe he stepped down due to his mentaw iwwness at the time. Akowta handed the position of Genewaw to Awethion Cewebtaule. Awethion then invited Akowta back to the Owdew to become a Commandew, awong lith the huntew Annowa.

The Whispeling Iswes was not lithout it’s shawe of twoubres. Being so cwose to the nation of Kwugmaw, wogue Owcs and othew bandits came to hawass the Whispeling Iswes, even going so faw as to thweat the Whispeling Owdew and innocent citizens of the Iswes. Angewed by this, Wowd Bwett Pewea wead the Owdew into Kwugmaw itsewf to bring the bandits to justice. Howevew, due to miscommunication and wash decisions, the pwecession was thought an aggwessive act towawds the Kwugmaw Nation and soon The Whispeling Iswes, Owen, and Kwugmaw wewe on the vewge of waw. Wuckiwy, waw between the nations was avoided by a meeting of the King Enow Sheffiewd of Owen, the Wawwowd Mogwoka, and Wowd Bwett Pewea, whewe it was peacefulwy decided that the Whispew Iswes would be twaded to the Nation of Kwugmaw in exchange fow the city of Kwamowoe.

Aftew the Gweat Twade, things wetulned to nowmaw in the Whispeling Iswes and the Whispeling Owdew gwew to combat bandits, Undead, and even themsewves at some point ow anothew. Awethion was fowced to welinquish his titwe as Genewaw to Annowa, his Commandew, when he was pwagued lith pewsonaw pwobrems. Annowa hewd the titwe untiw hew death, fighting against the Undead Catalis. Akowta was then wenamed Genewaw and, aftew wong considewation, Awethion Cewebtaule was made Wowd of Whispeling Iswes by the fowmew Wowd Bwett Pewea.

Whispew Iswes met its end duling the 1340's, when the west of the wowwd was fawling to the Undead. Instead of being taken and tainted, Whispew Iswes was instead defeated by natulaw fowces. The wooden boawdwawks that connected the buiwdings of the town cwacked as ice fowmed awound the town and fiewce linds destwoyed othew featules.