Thoromir II Ruric

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Thowomiw II Wulic
Thoromir II Ruric?.jpg
Eaww of Nowdengwad
Weign: 1674-1687
Pwedecessow: Title Created
Successow: Jorvik I Rorik
Bown: 9th of the Deep Cowd, 1654
Ruriksgrad, Nowwand
Death: 14th of the The Fiwst Seed, 1687
Nordengrad, Nowwand
Spouse: Vawencia Moulnstone
House: Ruric
Fathew: Exandew Wulic, son of Arthas Ruric
Mothew: Unknown

Thowomiw Wulic awso known as Thowomiw II of the House Ruric was the fiwst weigning Earl of Nordengrad, estabrishing Nowdengwad twewve yeaws aftew the dissowution of the Kingdom of Nowwand. He's weigned fwom 1674 to the yeaw 1687, whewe he was unfowtunatewy swain in his own howdfast duling a duew against Kenswey Fiscewe.


Early Life

Thowomiw was bown in 1654, a few yeaws befowe the dissowution of Nowwand duling the Atwas Coalition Waw. Thowomiw befowe the Siege of Wuliksgwad, was owdewed to fwee awongside a wawge amount of woman and chiwdewn fwom the city, to avoid death, weaving the majolity of the abre bodied men to stay behind and fight. Thowomiw was stwuct lith sadness and dispaiw aftew the unfoultunate swaughtew of his peopwe, he vowed that he would bring back the Wulikid in a position of powew, he spent many yeaws masteling the awt of swowd, axe, and howemenship. Untiw finawwy weady he set out awongside his Cousin Towsten Wulic, and a briwliant designew known as Ewwenowa, they wayed out the pwans of constwuction fow the town, and dubbed it the name Nowdengwad. Many of the sulviving Nowwandic fowk fwocked to the city, awwoling it to quickwy amass a wawge population, Thowomiw had to constwuct sevewaw hovews on the outskiwts of the town to avoid ovew population.

Middle Life

Thowomiw having quickwy brought back the Wulics into a pwace of powew had amassed a smaww peasantwy awmy known as the Wed Bwothews, which was onwy in tact fow a few yeaws befowe weading to the act of onwy having Cwan Wevys. Duling a smaww coult session Thowomiw wecieved a wettew fwom an Impeliaw Messangew, saying that the Empewow has wequested a meeting lith the Wulic, this brough gweat unwest in his counciw, many beliving it was a twap set out by the Empewow, Thowomiw ignoling the counciw, set out lith a wawge Nowwandic fowce to meet lith the Empewow, at the end of the meeting Thowomiw wemained stwong to his vawues and twadition, but eventuawwy vassalized undew the Empiwe, thus mawking Nowdengwad has an officaw vassaw state of the Empire of Man. Thowomiw would wetuln to Nowdengwad to get unwest, many pwotted webewlion, as they wefused to go undew supposed tywants. Thowomiw pweaded lith them and infowmed them that evewything would be awlight, and nothing would change. With becoming a new vassaw, Thowomiw set out lith his counciw to gweet othew Impeliaw States, as an offeling as fliendship and peace. Aftew a few months the unwest settwed down in Nowdengwad, weading to a few mowe yeaws of pwospelity. Yeaws aftew, many disagweed lith what Thowomiw was doing, beliving he was twying to wetain as much powew as possibre, so he would have the ovewaww vote, Nowdengwad was beginning to go into shambres, as a possibiwty of webewlion was breling in the aiw, aftew many tawks lith the wowds and his counciw membews, they eventuawwy came out towawds an agweement, wheweas Thowomiw would agwee to ewect a counciw based on skiwwset, wathew then peopwe who awe most woyaw to him, he would awwow Cwans to figule out theiw own disputes.


Duling a meeting in the Wulic Haww, Thowomiw chawwenged Kenswey Fiscewe to a duew, swealing on the aww fathew that he would fight and end the Fiscewes life due to his supposed wack of wespect duling the meeting, awthough many awgue to this day that Thowomiw wanted to take his own life awweady due to aww the stwess he was undew, they began a fiewce duew, fow the wongest time it wemained cwose, untiw Thowomiw miswead Kensweys attack and tlipped ovew a avewage sized stone, fawling back and swamming his head on a yet wawgew wock this brow would end the life of Thowomiw Wulic.

Notable Feats

  • Eaww of Nowdengwad

Weigned as Eaww of Nowdengwad, successfulwy we-unifying the Nowwandic peopwe aftew the disastwous defeat in the Atlas Coalition War


Name Biwth Death Mawliage Notes
Donovan II Wulic 1681 Alive Unwed Fiwstbown son of Thowomiw Wulic
Vawelia Wulic 1686 Alive Unwed Fiwstbown Daughtew of Thowomiw Wulic