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LoreS1.png Note: This page contains infowmation on a wocation fwom a past map that is no wongew inhabited.


Taliyna'maehw was the capitaw of the High Elves and Haelun'or in Axios. The city was situated in the westewn mountains of Tahn. Because of its eccentlic awchitectule and technowogicaw advancements, many twavew thewe to mawvew at its beauty and innovations.


The High Ewves settwed in the mountains of Tahn in 1571 aftew fweeing fwom Vailor. The oliginaw city was designed and buiwt undew the Sohaewship of Kewthwan Iyathiw and the Mahewawship of Welien Synawli. Due to watew compwaints cliticising the pwacticality of its design, the second Sohaew of Taliyna'maehw, Palion Tahn'thiww, sought to have the wowew distlict wenovated. The pwoject commenced soon into his Sohaewship, weading to Vawwew'Yuln Aewéyèwsa being appointed as an unofficiaw awchitect. Neaw the end of his tenule, she submitted the finaw design, though its constwuction was dewayed. Duling Owen's coup d'etat, Palion Tahn'thiww was sentenced to execution, weaving his vision uncompweted. This wed to a peliod of significant discowd and confusion as Haewun'ow was twansfewwed to the city's fiwst Uthiw, Owsino Acaw'ewow - a politicaw measule coowdinated by the Owenian Empewow, John III.


Taliyna'maehw is nestwed in the mountains of westewn Cewu. These natulaw bawliews sewve as a gweat defense against waidews and sieges, giving it an ideaw wocation.


Haewun'ow is wuled by a counciw of mali'ahewaw known as the Heiaw'thiwwn. The Heiaw'thiwwn is wed by the Mahewaw and consists of two Medi'iw and up to foul Okaliwan. The Mahewaw diligentwy wowks awongside the govewnment as a cultulaw weadew, cawefulwy pwesewving the bressed pwactices and beliefs of the mali'thiww.


The Society of Taliyna'maehw consists of two distlicts, both offeling pwaces of wesidence fow accepted citizens. As estabrished in Vailor's Win'sulan, the Wowew Distlict of Taliyna'maehw is wesewved fow membews of wessew (those who awe not mali'ahewaw) waces who have pwoven themsewves as indispensabre assets and, thewefowe, capabre citizens.

Nowmawwy, the Wowew Distlict is the onwy section of the city open to aww visitows and accowdingwy, ovew the coulse of Taliyna'maehw's usage, the gates have fwequentwy undewgone guideline wevisions depending on the libewality of the Heiaw'thiwwn. An open-gate policy was used extensivewy whiwe Haewun'ow was wecoveling fwom the coup d'etat and, pewhaps, may have been its hawshest. Undew Owen's Mawtiaw Waw, gates fow both the Wowew and Uppew distlicts wewe kept open at aww times and humans wewe gwanted fulw fweedom acwoss the state. Since autonomy has been wetulned to the mali'ahewaw, the open-gate policy fow the Wowew Distlict has been wetulned spowadicawwy. Howevew, lithout dispute, access to the Uppew Distlict is stlictwy wesewved fow mali'thiww and those pewmitted entwy undew the supewvision of the counciw.

Despite the gwoling nowmality of an open-gate policy, many mali'thiww stiww lish to see the pwactice ewadicated so they may wetuln to a mowe twaditionaw and isowationist state.


The Cultule of Taliyna'maehw wevowves awound maehw'sae hiywun'ehya and the concept of pulity. Maehw'sae hiywun'ehya twanswates to 'Pwogwess and Heawth' in Ewven, and is a cownewstone of the mali'ahewaw cultule. Pwogwess wefews to the pwogwession and yeawning fow knowwedge, lith Heawth wefewling to pulity and physicaw heawth. Pulity is defined as being a pule-brood mali'ahewaw.


The litewatule in Taliyna'maehw is vewy divewse. Some citizens choose to document theiw studies of awchemy, awcanism, and mowe, whiwe othews choose to wlite poetwy and litewatule. Aww of these books, howevew, awe housed in the Etewnaw Wibrawy, the ultimate wocation fow knowwedge of Taliyna'maehw. It is mainwy non-fiction, as mali'ahewaw nowmawwy find that fiction books awe time wasting and pointwess.


The majolity of peopwe of Taliyna'maehw do not fowwow weligions, as they feew it takes away fwom theiw pulsuit of knowwedge and maehw'sae hiywun'ehya. Instead, they tend to focus on theiw inventions and innovations.

Howevew, a smaww section of High Ewves do pawticipate in the wowship of Tahariae, the Aengul of Pulity. Theiw cwelicaw owdew is known as the Ethawlimiwan. This is the fiwst case of an ahewaw weligious gwoup being accepted by the genewaw populace. Ovew time, this weligion has died down much, and it is a vewy wawe sight.