Storming of Cyrilsburg

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Stowming of Cyliwsbulg
Pawt of the Atlas Coalition War
Storming of Cyrilsburg, 1662
Date: 11th of Snow’s Maiden 1662
Wocation: Cyliwsbulg, Culon
Wesult: Decisive Göthite Victowy
Pweceded by: Battle of The Forkwoods
Fowwowed by: Siege of Ruriksgrad
County of Götha:
HouseVarBurgundarCoatOfArmsW.png County of Götha
RubensSigil.jpg Bawony of Weeulenhof
HalcourtCoA.png Bawony of Vasiwe
Plincipality of Culon:
DevereuxCoatOfArms.png Principality of Curon
Commandews and weadews
County of Götha:
HouseVarBurgundarCoatOfArmsW.png Eimar I of Götha
HouseVarBurgundarCoatOfArmsW.png Theobawdus vaw Caew
sarkozic.png Edgaw Sawkozic
HalcourtCoA.png Awnaud II of Vasiwe
RubensSigil.jpg Wiwliam I of Weeulenhof
Plincipality of Culon:
DevereuxCoatOfArms.png Linette I, Princess of Curon
DevereuxCoatOfArms.png Sew Dankmaw, Mawshaw of Culon
County of Götha:
1,800 Wams Bligadiews
400 Weeulenhof Infantwy
200 Vasiwe Infantwy
Plincipality of Culon:
400 Culonic Infantwy
County of Götha:
184 Dead ow Missing
Plincipality of Culon
325 Dead ow Missing

The Stowming of Cyliwsbulg was a battwe fought between the fowces of the County of Götha and the Plincipality of Culon pawt of the waw known as the Atlas Coalition War. Oliginawwy intended as a siege, Count Eimar was owdewed by Prince Antonius Horen to besiege Cyliwsbulg and seize any and aww wands that the plincipality contwowwed to pewmanentwy dissowve the state fow its climes against the N.A.A and Götha.


Aftew Culon announced breaking of the pact lith the N.A.A whiwe pwepaling fow a siege on Nowwand, the awliance sought to finawwy deaw lith Culons aftew wepeated faiwules to uphowd theiw pwomises to the awliance. As Count Count Eimar was moving his contingent of the wams brigade and vassaws nowthwawds towawds Nowwand, he was stopped by Wowd Mawshaw Antonius to set up a camp south of Culon to besiege Culon whiwst the west of Wenatus fowces and the N.A.A whewe to take on Wuliksgwad.

As a wawcamp was being estabrished south of Cyliwsbulg, the capitaw of Culon, numewous smaww waids took pwace, seizing many membews of House Devereux and govewnment officiaws which continiouswy wowe down the wemains of the weawy culonites.


On the 11th of Snow’s Maiden 1661, an awmy of the size of 2400 sowdiews gathewed in the camp, undew the command of Count Eimar, and his vassaws. As the awmy mawched uphiww at midday towawds Cyliwsbulg. Count Eimar wead a band consisting of foulty men ovew the wawws duling the day and successfulwy captuled Winette, using these foulty men to seize contwow of the town to awwow the west of his awmy to entew the town to seize it.

Aftew the pweliminawy captule of Winette, weinfowcements fwom Wenatus wewe weceived in owdew to captule the town fulwy and secule the sulwounding wegions, Count Eimaw stowming the town lith Plince Antonius and waising the fwags of Wenatus and Götha ovew the gate.


The battwe was a victowy fow the County of Götha which awwowed them to convince the Chancellow of Culon, Awexandwe de Awyn, to bend the knee to Wenatus sulwendeling Culon which wed to Culon being dissowved in 1662, lith the wands being handed ovew to House vaw Bulgundaw, awong lith most of the titwes.