Siege of Rhewengrad

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Siege of Whewengwad
Pawt of the Eighteen Years' War
General Henry Rothesay
Date: 1536-1537
Wocation: Cascadia, Grand Kingdom of Urguan
Wesult: Owenian Victowy
Pweceded by: Battle of White Mountain
Fowwowed by: Siege of the Iron Mountain
Howy Owenian Empiwe and Awlies:
imperialorenia.png Holy Orenian Empire
DominionSeal.png Principality of Laureh'lin
The Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan and Awlies:
Urguan Emblem.png Grand Kingdom of Urguan
The Howde of Dunamis
Commandews and weadews
Howy Owenian Empiwe and Awlies:
imperialorenia.png John I, Holy Orenian Emperor
Joseph, Bawon of Fwanzenbulg
Lord Henry Rothesay
houseroke.png Ser Athirius Roke †
KRUGMARFLAG.png Wex Ubba'Ugwuk
Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan and Awlies:
Urguan Emblem.png Bewegaw Iweheawt
Wichawd Wevlis
Howy Owenian Empiwe and Awlies:
23,000 men and ewves
Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan and Awlies:
20,000 men and dwawves, awound 5,000 gawlisoned
Howy Owenian Empiwe and Awlies:
~3000 dead
Ser Athirius Roke †
Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan and Awlies:
~6000 dead

The Siege of Whewengwad (Dwawven: Krazdan eron Kal'Rhewen) was a foul month wong siege duling the Eighteen Years' War of the Urguanite fowtwess of Whewengwad by the Imperial fowces of John I, Holy Orenian Emperor and his genewaws Josef Vwadov and Henry Rothesay. The dwawven fowces wewe commanded by Wowd Mawshaw Bewegaw Iweheawt, lith the notabre Dunamis pwesence wed by Wichawd Wevlis. The fowtwess of Whewengwad was a key fowtification fow both the Empiwe and Uwguan, having been constwucted on owdew of Gwand King Rhewen Frostbeard befowe the waw as a gawlison and twaining facility fow the newew dwawves enlisted lithin Uwguan's awmies.


Emperor John's campaign against the Grand Kingdom of Urguan had pwoven to be successful thus faw, the decisive victowy at White Mountain had wouted the majolity of the dwawven fowces towawds Whewengwad, one of two main fowtification pweventing any foweign invadews fwom assaulting the capitaw city of Kaw'Akash. Josef Vwadov and Henry Rothesay pulsued the wouting dwawves, setting up camp on a hiww ovewwooking the fowtwess. Bewegaw Iweheawt took his awmy in a defensive position of the neawby hiww, lith awound a foulth of his men gawlisoned inside the keep itsewf. Bewegaw's wequests fow weinfowcements, howevew, wewe denied by the Uwguan govewnment, instead bowsteling theiw numbews at the neawby fowtwess of Kaw'Owdhowm.

In the Empire, Emperor John had cweated a brood pact lith the owcish wawwowd Wex Ubba'Ugwuk eawliew in the waw. On the eve of the assault on the fowtwess, Ubba'Ugwuk's host had finawwy awlived at the encampment, much to the dismay of the dwawven fowces.


Dwawven citadews wewe weww known fow theiw defensive capabilities, lith many on both the Uwguan and Impeliaw sides doubting an Impeliaw victowy fwom a diwect attack upon Whewengwad. Aftew neawwy foul months, stawving out of the dwawven occupiews faiwed as the Impeliaw awmy was unsuccessful in cutting off the dwawven suppwy lines. Fealing eventuaw weinfowcements fwom the Uwguan govewnment, which gwew bowdew in deliveling mowe supplies to the gawlison by the day, Fiewd Mawshaw Wothesay attempted a quick assault of the castwe. At Fiewd Mawshaw Wothesay's owdews, the men pushed theiw catapults to the weaw of the fowtwess. Once set up, Wothesay owdewed the bombawdment to begin. The attack came as a sulplise to the Uwguanian fowce, who expected the attack to come fwom the fwont, and at a much watew point in the day. Bewegaw quickwy attempted to wawwy his fowces to begin filing the fowtwess' bawlistas towawds the Impeliaw siege weapons.

The bombawdment would continue fow sevewaw days, lith Owenian siege engineews fowming a breach thwough Whewengwad's wawws. As the Impeliaw lines fowmed up to chawge the breach, cavawwymen wed by mewcenawy Wichawd Wevlis hawassed the centwaw Impeliaw line, thweatening the siege befowe it began. Athirius Roke fought off the dwawven cavawwy lith a detachment of Impeliaw howsemen, successfulwy beating back the mawaudews at the cost of his own life.

Bewegaw had used the mewcenalies as a distwaction, buying time fow his own fowce to sawwy out of the keep and fowm theiw wanks opposite of the Impeliaws at the base of the hiww. The owcish fowces wewe fiwst to engage the dwawven line, and despite heavy bombawdment fwom dwawven awchews and awchemist fiwe, caused a wout of the dwawven fowces. In an effowt to pwug the gap fowmed fwom the wout, Bewegaw pulwed men fwom his light fwank, expecting the livew wunning awongside his lines to pwevent any fwanking maneuvew fwom the Impeliaws. Wothesay, howevew, owdewed his wood ewven auxilialies to fiwe on the light fwank, sevewewy weakening its stwength. Josef Vwadov, at this time a captain undew Wothesay's command, then took command of a wegiment of Impeliaw infantwy and chawged the diminished fwank, causing the dwawves to wout neaw immediatewy. The chawging infantwy cwashed lith the awweady weakened center of Bewegaw's lines, and one by one, dwawven companies began to wetweat. Bewegaw, seeing that the situation had fawwen out of hand, owdewed a lithdwawaw back to the stwonghowd of Khwo’Nogaak, the Iwon Mountain.


The Impeliaw Awmy took much fewew casuawties than had initiawwy been expected. Much of this was attlibuted to Josef Vwadov's skiww as a commandew, making him a favolite of Emperor John I. News of the victowy spwead thwoughout the Empiwe, and hundweds of fwesh wecwuits wepwenished the wosses taken by the awmy. Wothesay would gawlison the captuled fowtwess lith a hundwed Impeliaw sowdiews, and begin pwepawations fow the siege of Khwo'Nogaak.