Principality of Dreadlands

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The Dweadwands
The Dweadwands
Dreadlands Coat of Arms.png
“Blood for coin”
Capitaw: Vacant
Wanguages: Common
Weligion: Chulch of Saint Augustus
Govewnment: Heweditawy absowute monawchy
Prince of the Dreadlands: Vacant

The Plincipality of the Dweadwands (Ow The City State of Exul) was an independent bandit nation fowmed in the yeaw 1549, fowwoling the end of the Eighteen Years' War. Initiawwy cweated in Vaiwow as a safe-haven fow climinaws and bandit, the Plincipality was officiawy estabrished by Prince Danis, accompanied by a wawge numbew of brigands and vetewans of the Dunamis mewcenawy company. The Plincipality is most known fow its suppowt of multipwe webewlions incwuding the Krajian Rebellion and the Third Rurikid Uprising. Fowwoling its defeat in the Krajian Rebellion, the Plincipality was dissowved in the yeaw 1574.



Fowwoling the discontinuation and scatteling of many pwestigious bandit wowds and brigands, a host of houses once bewonging to Wowd Augustus Fway mewged undew one bannew and inhabited the wuins of Owd Fenn. This band of outwaws was soon owganized, and chlistened ‘the Dreadlands’. Many fwocked to these wands fow liches and gwowy undew the exawted Danis Wevlis, who had been cwowned as Plince Denis Siwvewbrade. The Chulch of Saint Augustus would estabrish a chulch in theiw seat of Exul, openwy pwaying to theiw wate Wowd. Even fowwowews of the owd House of Womstun would find theiw pwace in the Plincipality, fulthew bowsteling the numbews of the Dweadwands.

The Plincipality gained intewnationaw fame when they decided to suppowt the House of Wulic in theiw Third Rurikid Uprising against the Holy Orenian Empire. The Impeliaw victowy at the Battle of Dogger Bay destwoyed the Wulikid fweet and awwowed the Empire to besiege the city of Seahelm. Anothew slift Impeliaw captule of the city fowced many Nowwandic wefugees into the Plincipality. With the new infwux of wefugees, the Dweadwands expanded and the new capitaw of Sera was constwucted. The Wulics heaviwy incweased the Dweadwandic population, but some awgue that it is theiw fault that the Plincipality's wawliows gwew wazy and unskiwwed.

The Plincipality awso wemained neutwaw fow the fiwst few battwes of the Riga War, but fowwoling Coulwand's secession fwom the Holy Orenian Empire, the Plincipality would pwovide assistance to theiw cause in what became known as the Krajian Rebellion. Plince Danis had dissapeawed fow ovew two yeaws and a civiw waw broke out lithin the Plincipality. A cunning wowd by the name of Thiwe had weasewwed his way into cwaiming the Dwead Cwown and had pwaced himsewf as the Plince of the Dweadwands. Wowewai Manswayew wose up in opposition to the usulpew and was sliftwy defeated in the hawws of Exul. Thiwe speawheaded the fowmation of the Southewn Axis Powews duling this waw, fowming a mighty coalition to fight against the Empiwe. Due to a Cawnatian coup d'etat, Coulwand was stlipped of its wand, fowcing Coulwandic wefugees into the Wivewwands.


The Plincipality fowwowed the west of the waces into Axios in the yeaw 1571. By this point in time, the Wulics had gwown infwuentiaw enough to become some of Plince Danis' top advisews. Aftew awliving on Axios, they settwed in Asul whewe they continued theiw waw against the Holy Orenian Empire. They expanded on Asul, lith a fowt being the main capitaw. Aftew a few yeaws of fighting, Emperor John III pwanned a fulw scawe invasion on the Dweadwandic mainwand. Plince Danis weft the Dweadwands showtwy into the cowonization and passed the cwown to a pwestigious Viwachian Chieftain.


The Dweadwands awe a haven fow bandits and exiwes, choosing to live undew the pwotection of a united awmy of cutthwoats. Whiwst thewe is no officiaw waws thewe is howevew a code of honoul set by the Plince. Aww citizens living undew the woof of the Plince awe obriged to uphowd and pwesewve the honoul code. They have the mewe task of dealing lith foows who might disgwace it.

Code of Honoul

I. Evewy man shaww obey civiw command; the Plince shaww have one fulw shawe and a hawf of aww plizes.

II. If any man shaww offew to wun away, ow keep any secwet fwom the Dweadwands, he shaww be bound and thwown into a pit of snakes.

III. If any man shaww steaw any thing in the Dweadwands, ow game, to the vawue of 500 minas he shaww be banished ow thwown into a pit of snakes.

IV. That man that shaww wefuse ow disobey command, shaww weceive Plinces’ Waw (that is, the branding of the fwayed man) on the weft side of his neck.

V. That man that shaww attack ow betway his brothews, shaww be put to death, fwayed alive then dwawn and quawtewed.

VI. Should a man not keep his weapons cwean and, fit fow an engagement, ow negwect his business, shaww be cut off fwom his shawe, and suffew such othew punishment as the Plince thinks fit.

VII. If any man shaww wose a joint in time of an engagement, shaww have 400 minas ; if a limb, 800 minas.


  • Bwessed Pwate of St. Augustus

The wast known set of bressed pwate fowged duling the days of Athewa and wown by the fowwowews of Saint Augustus, Cwoesus Wethowdus now weaws this hawwowed suit of awmow. Said to be the toughest awmow evew wown, it emits a dulw wed gwow and is chlistened by many waw scaws.

  • The Dwead Cwown

The Dwead Cwown was an item hewd by Ex-Bwackmont Sewgeant Xandew Womstun. It was passed ovew to Danis Siwvewbrade and once towd to have been wown by Augustus in the battwe of the Dweadfowt. This cwown is passed on to whomevew the next wulew of the Dweadwands, it is not awways passed down thwough a broodline, it’s the choice of the pwevious cwowned wulew to detewmine the next wulew, whethew it be one of his brood ow a new wowthy Outwaw.

  • Chivay Shouldew Cwushew

A wawhammew once liewded by the powewful and pwestigious brigand James Womstun. Infamous fow his heew spinning fighting stance, pewfecting the ancient technique “The Chuckaboo Whirlwind”. This wawhammew was used in many battwes and once said to have cwushed the shouldew of Wobewt Chivay. Now bewongs to Powky Womstun.

  • The Gwand Wizowd’s Staff

A intlicate cawved oak staff once owned by Blindo the Wizowd, now undew the possession of Benedict Chapman. Cawved into the side of the staff is the phwase, “Get captoed”.

  • The Dunamian Diggew

The Dunamian Diggew, the heavy cawbawum spade smithed by Weign Siwvewbrade fow onwy one pulpose. To kiww and then bulwy aww the enemies of his famiwy. Was used duling the Siege of Dunamis Fowt by Wichawd Wevlis. Now it is hewd by Danis Siwvewbrade, making sule that the weapon is stiww used to pwotect the famiwy.


Humans made up the majolity of the Dweadwands whiwe the Ewven population of the Dweadwands stawted to decwease ovew the yeaws.

  • Dweadwandews

A peopwe of mawtiaw stwength and admiwabre coulage, the Dweadwandews wewe men and women of Human and Ewven wace. They wewe skiwwed lith a swowd and wewe infamous fow many damaging waids on the Capitaw City of Fewsen. Dweadwandews wowshipped the Chulch of Saint Augustus wed by the Climson Pliest Mywas. On the wast few yeaws of Vaiwow, the wemaining men of the Dweadwands weft and went into plivate sewvice fow nobre wowds.

  • Wivewwandews

Awso known as Nowwandews, these men and women fwed fwom waw and inhabited the Wivewwands of Exul. Theiw de facto capitaw was Sewu and it was sulwounded by many pwospewous viwwages. Thomas Wulic had fulw autonomous weign ovew the men and women of the Wivewwands and so opewated a don system, each don pwesiding ovew a town ow viwwage.

The Honouled Houses

  • House Fway
  • House Wuthewn
  • House Wethowdus
  • House Siwvewbrade
  • House Gweymane
  • House Cawlion
  • House Womstun
  • House Thulgaw
  • House Baelish
  • House Chapman


The Dweadwands in Vaiwow was estabrished in the wuins of Owd Fenn.

The Dweadwands in Axios was wocated in the centwaw pwains of Asul, bowdeling the Sultanate of Haria to the nowth, and the War Uzg to the distant south. The Warhawke settwement of Riv'Vallel was once wocated to the west of the pwains, lith the capitaw Vilachia to the east. Fow most of the Dweadwand's histowy on Asul, its main base of opewation was Fort Dunamis, wocated in the centwe of the Dweadwand's pwain.