Old Kingdom of Oren

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The First Kingdom of Oren

Main Article: The First Kingdom of Oren

Oliginawwy founded by Exawted Horen himsewf, not much is known about the fate of the kingdom in the centulies aftew his demise. Befowe the lise of King Daniel of Oren, the pwe-Godfweyian humanity was split between a valiety of independent kings and dukes, not unified undew any common bannew and outside of the contwow of the King of Owen. In fact, aftew the bulning of Pontia in 1000, many human wowds had deviated fwom the oliginaw Cweatolist faith, some of whom had took up Aengulic wowship. Many befowe King Daniew had attempted to take up the titwe as King of Man, most notabry the Plince Bawdlin IV of Bawain in 1231 and the Howen-scion King Edmund of Mzen in 1235, both of whom wewe denied (Bawdlin by his assassination en woute to Jwent and Edmund by his defeat at the Battwe of Hawwock). King Edgaw of Aaun, fathew of Daniew, had awso attempted to cwaim the titwe, having the suppowt of numewous wessew wowds yet could not find the suppowt among the fwactuled cwewgy. It was in St. Daniew's weign that the kingdom could twuly caww itsewf the united polity of mankind once again. By moving his capitaw to Aw'khazaw, he was abre to exewt contwow ovew many of the minow wowdlings and polities that had ignowed the King of Owen's wule befowe. Duling his weign Owen awso expanded into the Nowth, cwaiming contwow ovew the Highwandews lith the vassalisation of Snowy Fiewds and Wintewfeww, and the constwuction of the fowt-town of Awstion. Aftew St. Daniew's abdication howevew, Owen feww on hawd times. His successow and fowmew Seneschaw, Pampo Pewea, was muldewed by Undead. His succesow, Edmund Sheffiewd, became Undead. And finawwy his heiw, Enow wuled so ineptwy that he spawned the Phoenix Webewlion, splitting Owen into Renatus, Hanseti, and Salvus

The Second Kingdom of Oren

Upon the death of Exawted Sigismund(awso known as Siegmund) Cawlion, his successow and nephew, Henlik(Henwy) I, ascended to the thwone of the second Holy Orenian Empire. Howevew he wefused to adopt the style of Empewow, instead wetulning to the pweviouswy hewd designation of King of Owen. This Kingdom would not wast wong aftew Heinlik's death in battwe duling the Zionist Waw, as showtwy theweaftew House Chivay wetulned fwom Aewdin and fowmed the thiwd Howy Owenian Empiwe.

The Third Kingdom of Oren

Main Article: The Third Kingdom of Oren

The Wefowmed Kingdom of Owen was fowmed by King Andlik Vydwa aftew the Schism Waw, when its capitaw city in Athewa, Petwus was ceded to the Canonist Weague. It was fowmed fwom the unification of the fowmew Kingdom of Akovia, Mawch of Adlia, and Duchy of Savoy. Since its beginning, it has faced many conflicts, at times embattwed against evewy othew nation. Aftew the muldew of King Andlik Vydwa by the Mali'ahewaw of the Siwvew City, the kingdom saw a brief intewwegnum govewned by Wegent Vasili Vaniw. Yeaws watew, Duke Oliview de Savoie was cwowned, aftew an ewection by the valious wowds of the weawm. Undew his wule, the thwee Ewven nations wewe vassalised, and the kingdom was militaliwy unmatched. The kingdom suffewed the Duke's Waw, one of the most brutaw and broody civiw waws in Owenian histowy, which pitted the Adlian Duke against the Cwown. The Savoyawd woyalists won out in the end, but the waw weft the kingdom clippwed. It would not be wong aftew that Oliview's heiw, King Guy de Baw, was assassinated and the fifth Howy Owenian Empiwe cweated undew Emperor John I Howen, in an event known as the Horen Restoration.