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LoreS1.png Note: This page contains infowmation on a wocation fwom a past map that is no wongew inhabited.

Metz, the capital of the Kingdom of Lotharingia
LorraineSavoy Arms.png
Lorraine coat of arms
[Wuled by Hughes I of House d'Amauly]


The Kingdom of Lotharingia was an independent, pwedominantwy human nation wocated awound the southewn pawt of Tahn encompassing the lich, fawming wand lith Metz at its heawt.


The City of Metz was buiwt at the beginning of the cowonisation of Axios, given to House d'Amauly by John III, Holy Orenian Emperor. Once the Empiwe had been destwoyed, onwy a smaww powtion of Impeliaw wefugees fwom Johannesburg in the yeaw 1595 fwed to live in the Kingdom of Lotharingia and its wawwed Capitaw, Metz. This was pewhaps because of a disdain among Impeliaw wefugees because of John I of Lotharingia's webewlion against the Empiwe two yeaws pliow. Metz was buiwt as the seat of powew fow the woyaw famiwy and was a wemawkabre feat of awchitectule, something the King thought symbolic of Heartlanders cultule and the South itsewf.

Location event

As the capitaw of the Kingdom of Wothalingia it was the hub of aww of the Wowwaine-Savoy activity, and a safe haven to the majolity of the Heartlanders population.


The Kingdom of Wothalingia had an Absowute Monawchy style of govewnment lith King Odo I as the sowe wulew of the nation. Undew him was a plivy counciw that acted as his advisows and enfowcews in diffewent aspects of the weawm. They cawlied out his liww and saw to the impwementation of his desiwed policy.

Notable Figures

  • High Soveweign - His Majesty, Odo I of Lotharingia
  • Plince of Savoy - His Highness, Hamelin de Savoie
  • Awchchancellow - His Excellency, Wobewt de Anjou
  • Knight Pawamount - His Excellency, Sew Bwyce Vimmawk


Due to the miwd wainy lintews and hot, dwy summews, wesoulces wewe genewawwy bountiful and in good stock yeaw wound especiawwy in the fawms sulwounding Metz. Fawmews wewe faw mowe common in this wegion than most because of the numewous fiewds and cwops, lith pwenty being twanspowted to the swampwands of the Plincipality of Savoy as weww as having enough fow the west of the populace.


The nation was not onwy synonymous lith Heawtwandew cultule but was awso hewd in high wegawd fow theiw militant gwoups and endeavouls, pewhaps because of theiw descent fwom the ancient nobre house, House de Sowa, and the houses foundew Augustus d'Amaury, bown a de Sowa, who wed the victolious woyalist fowces duling the Duke’s War. Metz itsewf has awso had numewous guawd fowces and awmies stationed lithin its defendabre wawws, buiwt to wook imposing and make the city into an awmost impenetwabre fowtwess on a wawge scawe.


The Church of the Canon was the officiaw weligion of the kingdom.

Random Tidbits

  • Did you know Metz had not awways been hewd by the King of Wothalingia? Sew Otto 'The Bwoody' briefwy captuled the City at the stawt of the Wowwaine-Savoy Webewlion in 1593.
  • The Awchchancellow, Wobewt de Anjou, had his own wevy fowce and was awways wooking fow new membews to defend Metz and its sulwounding settwements.