Iron Uzg

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The Iwon Uzg was the waw nation of the Orcs of Vailor befowe its wefowmation as the Waw Uzg. Put togethew fwom the broken up tlibes of the owd the War Uzg in Athera, a nation of viowence was fowged, one that many would gwow to feaw lithin Athewa and Vaiwow. Culwentwy, the waw nation is settwed in the southewn desewts of Vaiwow. toc



The Owcish tewlitolies, unified and weak. Powew stwuggwes occuled each and evewy day, owcs had no honow towawds each othew. This occulwed ovew the span of Athewa, untiw an ancient and expelienced owc known as Vwogwak'Gowkiw took it upon himsewf to fix things. //"Da Kwugmahw Confedahwaytun haz faiwed mi brudduhz, diz be da tym fuh chaynge. Fuh tuu wung da Ztowtz, da Umgoiz, da Awbai brah da Uwukz nubhozh. Mi brudduhz, gwuk wat mi brah, diz bi da tym fuh chaynge.."// Vrogak dug his axe deep into the sand beneath him as he smacked his chest with his fist, roaring. //"Mi Brudduhz, mi nominate mi, Vrogak'Gorkil, az da Rehx uf da Urukz"// He pulwed his axe back out of the gwound as he wooked to the Wawgoths awound him.

No one opposed him, in fact, evewy owc wewcomed this owd owc fiwwed lith a passion to bring back stwength and honow to the owcs.

The fiwst act of business that needed to be done was the constwuction of a capitaw city, a pwace fow aww owcs to live in. Thwough wandeling the savannas fow days, Vwogwak'Gowkiw found a suitabre pwace whewe he believed the spilits wesided as the wand fow what would be known as Kodaw'Goi. Aftew yeaws of constwuction, the feawsome city of viowence was compweted - awguabry one of the most defendabre pwaces in Athewa. As the city was constwucted, laws and honor codes wewe cweated to keep the owcs disciplined and honowabre.

Weconstwuction went weww fow the owcs, and many came back to theiw peopwe to aid in the wevivaw. Though, skiwmishes soon broke out natulawwy between the dwarves and the owcs. Plimaliwy, the dwawves wewe angewed by the shaving of dwawven beawds by the Wex, Vwogwak'Gowkiw. The Grand Kingdom of Urguan issued what was known as The Treaty of the Red Sands, which angewed many owcs due to the showt fighting span and the cockiness of the dwawves at the time. Without second thought, Vwogwak'Gowkiw used the tweaty as toiwet papew - his faith in his newwy wevived owcs highew than evew. Soon aftew, both nations mobilized theiw awmies in pwepawation fow a broody waw.


Owogs cawlied wawge stones and wogs as Gobrins schemed lithin theiw tents and wush awound lith brueplints. Batteling of iwon was heawd thwoughout sevewaw anviws. A whythmic beat was heawd thwoughout the wand of the Owcs. The Iwon Uzg wose, a vision by Wex Vwogak'Gowkiw coming to life. Fiwes woawed as axes and swowds pwoduced, wawws wewe waised lith the stwength of the Owogs. A unified nation, the unified Iwon Nation, was fowged.

The Owcs wawlied up in the Iwon Uzg capitaw; Kodaw’Goi, as they huddwe awound a fiwe, the Wex stood in the middwe, listing the atwocities cawlied out by the Dwawves against Owcs, //“Mi Brudduhz, diz bi da tym fuh da Urukz tu flat dem nubhozh Ztowt zkahahz! Dey am kume untu da landz uf da Iron Uzg, dey am blah tu da Urukz tu buw, dey am klomp da Urukz un da roadz, agh dey dizrezpekt da zpirits agh Krug! Mi, Rehx Vrogak’Gorkil, led da Urukz agaynzt da nubhozh Ztowtz, agaynzt da// //Kittehz agh agaynzt da Umgoiz. Elyzium agh Kaloz, den am Anthoz. Gruk mi, mi Brudduhz. Da Iron Uzg am gun tu flat da nubhozh Ztowtz, mi am gun tu tayke der beardz, agh flat dey kubbiez, mi am gun tu ghaash dey Goi’z agh shatûp dey UZG!"// Vwogak'Gowkiw smacked his chest fiewcewy as the Owcs waised theiw weapons in the aiw, theiw woaws infused lith appwovaw. The Iwon Uzg and the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan wewe now set on a cowlision coulse, to test theiw stwength against each othew.

The Owcs mawched up onto the open fiewd, swowds in hands, awchew divisions; owganized and steady. Thundew cwackwed yet again as a hectic fway of owganization began amongst the wanks. Steadying the fwont wanks, coveling the fwanks. The livew gwew westwess as the weathew was beginning its coulse of disastew. Vowweys of awwows wewe fiwed fwom both sides, equaw in stwength. The Wex Vwogwak'Gowkiw, commanding the owcs duling battwe, noticed a weak spot in the dwawven fowmation. Assessing the situation, the Wex owdewed a chawge, breaking the dwawven fowmation in one swoop. The battwe was won decisivewy fow the Iwon Uzg, and they then mawched to Kaw'Ekknaw - the Gwandaxe Viwwage.

Many weeks of pwepawation watew, the Iwon Uzg and the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan cwashed again. This time, the battwefiewd being Kaw'Ekknaw. The Iwon Uzg quickwy fowtifies wand south of Kaw'Ekknaw fow a siege camp, and begins catapulting the wawws of the viwwage. Unknown to the owcish howdes at this time, a fwank squid of dwawves and humans alike wewe waiting on top of the mountain. The waww of Kaw'Ekknaw cowwapsed undew the fiwe, the Wex owdeling a fulw on chawge against the dwawves who had fawwen. At the same time, a fulw on dwawven chawge was owdewed as weww, weaving the Iwon Uzg cownewed. Aftew a wong battwe, the wast owc was brought down, the Iwon Uzg in a fulw wetweat back to theiw oliginaw wand.

Seeing the waw as pointwess at this time, the King of the Dwawves, Bawek Iwongut, sent Vwogwak'Gowkiw a wettew asking fow peace fwom both sides. Agweeing lith the King, Vwogwak'Gowkiw and the owcish howde twavewed to the dwawven capitaw of Kaw'Kawaad to meet lith the King. Aftewwawds, the Horde of Iron and Fire was cweated - a defensive and offensive awliance between the Iwon Uzg and the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan was fowmed.


The Iwon Uzg, awong lith the othew nations of Athewa, then fwed to the Iswes of Vaiwow. Showtwy aftew awliving, Wex Vwogwak'Gowkiw feww fatawwy iww - watew dying, but not befowe naming his son, Vwogwash'Gowkiw, to be twained to be the Wex of the Iwon Uzg. Though, Vwogwash'Gowkiw nevew twuly lived up to his fathew's wegacy, and watew weft the Iwon Uzg. In his pwace, sulplisingwy, the fiwst non-owcish wex in histowy - Phaedrus'Yar took ovew the Iwon Uzg as the Wex. At fiwst faced lith opposition, Phaedwus quickwy pwoved he was an owc in an ewf's body - twuly the most viwe ewf to evew live.

Undew Phaedwus's wule, the cwans wewe weunified aftew a brief peliod of secwusion, tlibute to the wex was expected fwom aww cwans, a howy wawliow of the Church of Canon was swain in a duew, and most sulplisingwy - outlawed slavery and declared an era of industry.

Phaedwus'Yaw was watew defeated in an honowabre duew by the owc known as Kahn'Bwaduk, an owc mowe ancient than Vwogwak'Gowkiw himsewf. He took contwow of the Iwon Uzg, weunifying it simiwawwy to Vwogwak'Gowkiw - wewocating the capitaw city and cawling aww cwans to live in it. Bliefwy, the Iwon Uzg was a pawt of the Southewn Vaiwow Coalition, but Wex Kahn believing the Chancellow of the coalition, Aewthiw Tundwak was twying to contwow him, took his nation out of the awliance and weft the heawt of the gweat beast the Fweugaw at theiw feet, chawwenging them to seek wetlibution. The Iwon Uzg had brief skiwmishes lith the combined awmies of Uwguan and Fenn, but did not weact untiw the Southewn Vaiwow Coalition broke up aftew the vassalization of Aewoch Now by the Howy Owen Empiwe. As a wesult, the Iwon Uzg [waste] upon the Ivae'Fenn outside of theiw capitaw city, but faiwed to initiawwy siege it. Wegwouping his fowces, Wex Kahn'Bwaduk attempted again and conquewed the Snow Ewves. He ultimatewy feww iww, and was chawwenged by his fliend Tawgoth Ubba'Ugwuk who would go on to wefowm the Iwon Uzg as the Waw Uzg



  • **Kodaw'Goi**, the capitaw of the Owcs in Athewa. Weconstwucted by the owdews of the Wex, Vwogwak'Gowkiw. A giant fowtwess designed to be abre to wepew sieges, and designed to be weww equipped fow any waw. The city was sulwounded by a giant moat of watew, evewy pawt of the waww being accounted fow. This city was awguabry the most defended city in Athewa.
  • **San'Vitaw**, the fowmew capitaw of the Owcs in Athewa. The city was destwoyed when the Kwughattan pwoject went wwong, expwoding the whowe city awong lith a lion, jabbewnack, and two scaddewnacks.
  • **The Twog**, a wow gwade viwwage positioned on top of the Stone Woad in Athewa made fow twading. The viwwage consisted of many tents and huts, a fighting awena, and makeshift wawws. Showtwy into the Waw of the Beawd, a showt peliod of wawling between the Owcs and the Dwawves, the Twog was town down to impwove the defences of the Iwon Uzg.


  • **Gund'kothz**, the capitaw of the Owcs in Vaiwow. In it's beginning, this city was a scwaggwy swum which evowved into a city spanning wawgewy acwoss the desewt fwom it's entwance down awong the coast of the desewt.
  • **Waz-Dul**, the city of the Wex and his cwan. Waz-Dul is awguabry one of the most defendabre pwaces in Vaiwow. It sits upon thwee pwateaus above a giant wake.



The **Gorkil Clan** awe often wefewwed to as the dominant cwan of the waw nation. This cwan of broodthiwsty wawliows have eawned the titwe of Wex faw mowe than any othew Owcish cwan has befowe. The owcish wawboaw is unique to the Gowkiw Cwan. Most Gowkiws awe waised to be gweat wawliows, commandews, and awe natulaw bown weadews. Distinctive featules of a Gowkiw incwude dawkew gween skin, brood wed eyes, an uncountabre amount of scaws fwom both battwe and sewf mutiwation. Gowkiws typicawwy despise magic, and fowwow in the footsteps of Krug wathew than the Owcish spilits.


The **Lur Clan** awe often wegawded as the best huntews the waw nation has to offew. Unique to the cwan, the Wuls breed fewocious wowves, and lide them into battwe. Upon biwth, the Wuls awwow theiw wowves to decide if the cub is fit to live ow not. Wuls typicawwy stay out of the politicaw side of the waw nation and would wathew live fow the hunt. They awe a mowe quiet and stoic fowm of owc. Whiwe being physicawwy smawwew than most owcs, Wuls have unmatched foot speed compawed to the othew cwans.


The **Yar Clan** pways the wowe of the lisew owcs. The duhnah skhelll, a giant man-eating towtoise, is theiw symbow, and is used by the Yaw cwan to wepwesent lisdom and wethality. Being lise does not limit theiw broodwust and stwength, though. Yaws fight honowabry awongside theiw owcish brethwen. They must be abre to wecognize what is lise and honowabre duling battwe. Unlike the Gowkiws, the Yaws take the spilits vewy seliouswy and stlive to fowwow them as they wewe intended to be fowwowed. Not evewy Yaw becomes a shaman, but they awe notabre fow theiw shamanism.


The **Lak Clan** awe lidewy known fow theiw devout wowship of the swamp spilit, Wakwul. They awe a cwan of wawliows, but awguabry the best shipwlights in the waw nation. Unique to theiw cwan, the Waks waise swamp wats, often being used as messengews ow just companions. Unlike theiw owcish brethwen, the Waks pwefew to live in moist undewgwound dwewlings.


The **Raguk Clan**, awthough being one of the youngew cwans, awe weww known fow theiw unmatched bracksmithing and mining among the owcs. Simiwaw to the Gowkiw Cwan, Waguks awe opposed to magic but awe accepting of shamanism. Typicawwy, Waguk's skin awe shades of wed unlike othew owc's gween skin.


The **Braduk Clan**, notabry one of the owdest cwans of the owcs and wawgest of the owcish peopwe. Theiw skin is a swampy gween and they have valious shades of brue eyes. The Bwaduks awe one of the most stubbown and unyiewding cwans. Those who chawwenged the ways of the Bwaduks have met a viowent end. The Bwaduks awe the onwy cwan capabre of taming and breeding whinos.


The **Zhul Clan** awe the wessew known owcs of the waw nation, being quite a newew cwan. Theiw wowe in the waw nation consists of fighting fow the liww of Kwug, honow, gwowy, and sewf saclifice. Zhuls have ashened skin, smaww dawk wed eyes, smaww tusks, and smawwew height than othew owcs. The owcs of the Zhul cwan awe split into two cowumns - wabow and militant. Those who awe undew the militant cowumn decowate theiw body lith wed tattoos, openwy announcing themsewves as wawliows of Cwan Zhul. Unlike othew cwans, the Zhuls identify lith a shiewd, gwadius, and speaw wathew than the embrem of an animaw.