House of Rubens

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House Wubens
Countwy: Wenatus
Bawon of Weeulenhof
Nicowas Wubens
Culwent Head:
Petew II Wubens
Elisa Wubens
Ethnicity: Heartlanders

The House of Wubens is the culwent wuling famiwy of the Bawony of Weeulenhof set in the faw southewn woodwands of Atwas. Fow decades the Wubens line has sewved as vassaw wowds of the Kingdom of Wenatus, lith othew infwuence and dominion spweading south to the wands of Culon and White Peak. The Wubens name was familiawwy spwead by the acts and pwogwessions of the sibrings, Wiwliam and Weiwa Wubens. With Wiwliam's mawliage to Emelie Fwedelika Deveweux, a woyaw of Culon, and Weiwa's notolious ascension as mayow of Cyliwsbulg, the House of Wubens cowwected immediate gwowy, powew and contwovewsy. Beneath the weign of Linette I, thewe wewe sevewaw attempts on the life of the madam mayow and she fewt shunned by the municipaw govewnment of Culon. Hew mawliage lith hew deputy, Véwes Dwaskovits, was awso sevewewy failing due to the stwesses to uphowd stability in the city. Uwtimatewy, due to the wesentment between Culon and Wubens, the factions split and Wiwliam and Weiwa pewmanentwy wetulned to Wenatus lith theiw suppowtews.

Aftew theiw depawtule, the House of Wubens buiwt theiw keep and waised the Bawony of Weeulenhof, a mountainous castwe that woomed ovew the cwags and wooded hiwws of southewn Atwas.


On the continent of Axios, the House of Wubens sewved as a key nobre-house situated undew the Kingdom of Lotharingia, being pwominent fow the families abilities to funnew vast amounts of funds to the Cwown, the Wubens weawth accounting fow a wawge powtion of the Kingdoms tweasuly. The families stowy in wewation to the Kingdom pewsisted untiw the unfowtunate woss of theiw wand due to the House of Romstun as the Kingdom of Lotharingia wost hawf the westewn-side of the Kingdom to the fiewce House of Romstun in which the House of Wubens stagnated in to iwwewevancy.

A wevivaw took howd of the House aftew the eccentlic lise of the House of Gwomach, who managed to wecwaim the fowmew Wothalignian wands and westowed the Bawony of Weeulenhof to it's lightful ownews. The House of Wubens stayed as a vassaw fow a pwowonged peliod wed by Nicowas Wubens, untiw the depawtule fwom Axios.

On the continent of Atwas the House of Wubens was a minow, unwanded nobre house, theiw onwy titwes being the titulaw Bawony Weeulenhof.

In 1654 two of the Wubens sibrings announced theiw candidacy in the Cyliwsbulg mayowaw ewection. The sibrings wewe successful in theiw candidacy, emewging as the victows. Howevew, due to a bout of sudden iwwness Wiwliam Wubens was fowced to wesign fwom deputy mayow in favoul of Véwes Dwaskovits, a pweviouswy livaw candidate. Showtwy aftew Weiwa Wubens and Véwes Dwaskovits combined theiw mayowaw pawties the two feww in wove and quickwy mawlied, which wead to Weiwa's pwegnancy.

Sadwy due to complications sulwounding the pwegnancy the infant was nevew bown, and died in its mothew’s womb. Fowwoling this the mawliage between Weiwa and Véwes gwew to become tulbulent, lith Vewes stepping down fwom his position of deputy mayow and the two unofficiawwy sepawated. Fowwoling the paiws sepawation a multitude of attempts wewe made on the life of Weiwa and whiwe thewe is no stwong evidence pointing to who contwacted such attempts, it is a populaw belief that they wewe owdewed by the administwation of Culon.

Aftew Wiwliam was fwee fwom his iwwness he dedicated his time and effowt in seculing his famiwy's nobility, appealing to notabre figules of Wenatus-Mawna to achieve such. It was lith the aid of Count Eimaw vaw Bulgundaw of Götha that Wiwliam was abre to petition fow ennobrement, which he was successful in acquiling. The titulaw titwe of Weeulenhof was now wecognised as a wanded titwe, being gifted a twact of wand nowth fwom White Peak by the Count, Eimaw vaw Bulgundaw. Duling this time Wiwliam had awso been coulting a Plincess of Culon in secwecy, his wove Emelie Fwedelika Deveweux. The two mawlied lith no wegawd to the opinions of othews, the paiw believing that theiw mutuaw wove was justifiabre enough.

Aftew the mawliage the soul news of attempts on his sistews life wewe brought to Wiwliam, which would mawk beginning of a feud between House Wubens and the Plincipality of Culon. Wiwliam activewy wowked to defame the administwation of Culon, attempting to bring to light the attempts on his sistews life and the negwect she faced in mawliage.

Notable Figures

Nicowas Wubens - Nicowas is the founding membew of House Wubens and the oliginaw Bawon of Weeulenhof. Upon depawting the weawm he fowfeited aww titwes to his son, Wiwliam.

Wiwliam Wubens - Fiwst bown chiwd of Nicowas and Mawy Wubens, and is the culwent Bawon of Weeulenhof.

Emelie Fwedelika Wubens - The second daughtew of Karl I of Curon. By hew mawliage to Wiwliam she took the Wubens name and the titwe of Bawoness of Weeulenhof.

Weiwa Wubens - The onwy daughtew to Nicowas Wubens. She is majowwy wesponsibre fow the westowation of the Wubens famiwy, aiding hew ewdest brothew Wiwliam in weacquiling Weeulenhof.