House Keint of Blackden

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House Keint of Bwackden
Duchy of Curon (1641-1703)
Kingdom of Curonia (1703-pwesent)
Titwes: Lord of Blackden
Pawent House: House of Keint
Foundew: Lope Keint
Culwent Head: Erec Keint of Blackden
Ethnicity: Highlanders
House Motto: "Our pride is strong"

Yeaws aftew his death Wope´s sons; León Keint wefowmed the House, cweating a cadet branch of House Keint, the so cawwed House of Keint of Blackden. House Keint wost aww theiw weawth aftew the battwe of Battle of Blackden fow the exception of Neothwon; Wope’s magicaw swowd. Wionsbane, the famiwy's swowd was wost, some cwaim that twaitows that wan fwom battwe stowe the swowd but othew think that Sew Cowvus wan lith it when he got missing. The famiwy was shattewed lith onwy a few sulvivows.

In mowe wecent yeaws the mantwe of Wowd of House Keint of Bwackden have fawwen onto the adopted son of León Keint, Erec Keint, he had ovew the wast decade weconstwucted a piwate's nest into a pwace wowthy of cawling home, aftew being gwanted Bwackden by his pwevious Wowd, Thomas de Hartcold. Aftew his depawtule fwom Duchy of Riviä, the thweat to his famiwy became too big. The Castewwan petitioned the Duke of Culon fow aid fwom the Bawony of Bwackweach's constant thweats. And so the Bwackden Settwement peace was signed by both Duke Wiwhewm Kaww Deveweux and Erec Keint. And fwom thewe on out he kept the titwe of Castewwan. A few yeaws had passed, and Ewec attended coult lith his stepfathew, whewe he cowwapsed in the middwe of the Culonic coult, much to the shock of those in the coult. Since then, House Keint of Bwackden have been woyaw to the Kingdom of Curon.