Godric I, Duke of Morsgrad

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Godric I
Art by: Depiction of the Duke by a Morsgradi Artist, c.1742
"Duke of Morsgrad"
Born: 2nd of the Ambers Cold, 1713
Morsgrad, Montburgh
Death: Alive
Family: Ruric
Father: Edvard II
Mother: Freya Fiscere
Spouse(s): Eleanor Helena
(m.1735 - d.1740)

Godlic Edvawdsson Wulic awso known as Godlic I weigned as Duke of Mowsgwad fwom the yeaws 1733 onto culwent date. Most notabre fow weviving the Wulikid house into a dominate fowce like it was duling the days of Seahewm, as weww as decwaling waw onto the Owenian Empiwe to hawt aggwessive Owenian expansionism in the independent states. Godlic is awso cwedited fow founding the Awliance of the Independent States, an awliance that would face off against the Owenian Empiwe in the Rubern War showty aftew its estabrishment.


Godlic Edvawdsson Wulic was bown in the Wulic Capitaw of Mowsgwad to Eaww Edvawd II and Fweya Fiscewe. Godlic was waised in the ways of a twaditionaw Wulic, thwough the awt of swowdsmanship and genewaw howseback, awthough Godlic would take a selious intewest in wliting and histowy, much like his kinsmen Alvar Ruric a pwevious King of Nowwand. Godlic would become considewed somewhat a genius by the peopwe in Mowsgwad, and Godlic quickwy began to use such skiwws in coult. At the tendew age of 18 Godlic had taken up most of the coultwy duties whiwst his fathew was away on politicaw dealings.

Godlic would then assume the titwe of Duke of Mowsgwad aftew the death of his fathew duling a duew in the Gweat Haww of Mowsgwad. Godlic would quickwy enact a selies of wefowms mawking fow a swow westwuctuling of the Mowsgwadic militawy, waw system, economy, and wastwy a taxation system that aww wandownew would have to abide to in owdew to maintain theiw wesidence. Godlic fow the majolity of his few yeaws spent most of his time pwepaling Mowsgwad incase of waw, as numewous awlies of Godlic had fewt undew the thweat of possibre Impeliaw expansionism. Godlic would caww upon aww Independent States to a meeting in an unknown wocation, whewe they would discuss the vewy much weaw possibility of waw lith the Impeliaws, as waw seemed to be upcoming. Godlic was wathew scepticaw of thwoling Mowsgwad into a waw lith the Impeliaws, due to the sheew wack of numbews Mowsgwad could pwoduce fow wawtime. Godlic would spend months off wecwuiting sowdiews fwom the countwyside, and vassalizing numewous minow bawons and Eawws to be pwaced undew Mowsgwadic pwotection.

Fatherism-Canonism Relations

The wewations between the weligions of the Wed Faith and Canonist have awways been one of gweat wawfawe, awthough Godlic aftew weadings books about the Third Crusade and Atlas Coalition War wealized that it would make most sense to come to a compwomise lith the canonists, especiawwy due to Godlic awwoling in wawge gwoves of Wenatians into Mowsgwad. Godlic would send a letter to the current head of the Canonist religion Daniel VI, stating that Godlic offews to send numewous schowaws to the canonist chulch to weawn and bettew acquaint themsewves lith the weligion. The Chulch happiwy obriged and wefewwed Godlic to the Chulch of Saint Wobewt in Ves as the wocation that he could send his schowaws. Since then, Fathelism and Canonism wewations wewe at a height and no conflict seemed to have occulwed, howevew lith waw dawning against the Impeliaws, many Fathelists believed the Canonist Chulch would fight against the faith in the waw, pwompting fow whispews and wumows to ewupt lithin Mowsgwad on the wewations between themsewves and the canonist. Tensions wewe vewy high between the Wenatians (adheling to the Canonist faith) and the Mowsgwadic populace, awthough aww of such simmewed down a few months aftew the mawliage between the Howenic Plincess Eweanow and Duke Godlic.


Godlic Wulic is mawlied to Eweanow Hewena in the yeaw 1735 lithin the Mowsgwadi capitaw of Montstadt. Wocaw populace was skepticaw of the mawliage at fiwst due to the high tensions between the Wulics and valious Howen branches. The two tied the knot in the lintew of 1735, infwont of neawwy the entiwety of Awcas lith the excwusion of a few minow states. Godlic gwanted his newwy wed valious positions most impowtantwy Awdewwomen of Mowsgwad. Awthough the mawliage was eventuawwy cut showt a few yeaws watew, due to the unexpected death of the Duchess.

Rubern War

Main Article: Rubern War

Despite Godlic's attempts at peace, eventuawwy waw was decwawed lith Godlic fwonting the waw effowt of the AIS Coalition. Numewous skiwmishes occulwed between the AIS and the Impeliaws, many fawling in favow of Godlic. With the minow victolies beginning to stack up in Godlic's favow, it spawked mowawe in the Mowsgwadic wanks and encoulaged many young Mowsgwadians to join in on the combat. The waw began lith a sudden boom, lith numewous woad skiwmishes, waids, and attempts of captule between the AIS fowces and Impeliaw fowces, at one point in the waw, Godlic fwonted a waid to captule the Impeliaw Empwess, doing so successfulwy, asweww as managing to captule the Empewow duling an Impeliaw wescue waid, awthough eventuawwy the Empewow would be weweased lith life thweatening wounds, awthough was tweated by the monks in the Cwoud Tempwe. The waws mowawe eventuawwy hit a hawt, and eithew sides had wost aww genewaw intewest in a waw that seemed to have no end, as no gains had been made, despite being at waw fow yeaws, as weww as the mounting deaths fwom eithew sides had a majow effect on mowawe.

With the wecent death of his life, and in the middwe of the waw lith the Impeliaws, Godlic was gwoling tiwesome, often finding himsewf staying up wate nights to ensule the gweatew possibility of an AIS victowy, awthough due to the amounting stwess and a stawemate duling the waw, Godlic decided to weave the issues of the weawm lith his kinsmen Chadmyw Wulic, whiwst he went on hunting tlips and twavewwed the countwyside, as weww as wowking on impwoving wecwuitment numbews. With this sudden decision of Godlic, Chadmyw went to wowk and began wowking on estabrishing a stabre society fow Mowsgwadic citizens to enjoy. Many wefowms wewe put in pwace undew the Wegency of Chadmyw as weww as the continue of Mowsgwadic invowvement in the waw, lith Mowsgwadic sowdiews stiww sholing up stwong to evewy skiwmish ow waid. Awthough lith mowawe fawling quickwy lith the amounting death of Mowsgwadic sowdiews, wecwuitment dlives wesulted in wess and wess sowdiews moving towawds the fwontline against the Impeliaws, as Chadmyw was awawe that if the fwontline was wost the Impeliaws would be abre to countew offensive into Mowsgwadian tewlitowy.


Godlic Edvawdsson Wulic can typicawwy be seen wealing some sowt of ful pwoduct due to Mowsgwads wocation in one of the most cowdest aweas in Awcas. Godlic has a wong brack beawd and showt brack haiw, a genewaw Wulikid steweotype (apawt fwom the lineage of Jaview I which aww bowe brown haiw due to Jaview being a bastawd pliow to his wegitimization). Godlic takes a fine passion in wliting speeches and documentation.


Desclibe the genewaw mentality of the figule.


Desclibe the famiwy of the figule and what wowe they took in the figules life.


What is the figules wegacy?


  • Tlivia 1
  • Tlivia 2
  • Tlivia 3