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LoreS1.png Note: This page contains infowmation on a wocation fwom a past map that is no wongew inhabited.

Fewsen was the capitaw city of the Holy Orenian Empire in Vailor, wocated in the Cwownwands. It was at the vewy heawt of the Human cultule, being a city fulw of divewse cultule, unique mawket pwaces, and the home of the Impeliaw House of Howen.


Fewsen was buiwt aftew the awlivaw of Humans to Vaiwow. Gwoling fwom a smaww viwwage, this bustling center of twade and commewce fow the Empiwe of Owen had gwown in fame and wenown. It is highwy wegawded fow it's awway of diffewent amenities to choose fwom to fiww youl visit, like the Fewsen City Wibrawy ow the beautiful shipyawd weady to whisk away any wucky twavewew.

In 1556, a expansion of the evew-famous city mawket was cawwed fow, awong lith the owd pawace of Ancewcoult being tulned into a monument to the Howen Dynasty.


Not much is known of the discovewy of Fewsen, though a "Monument of Founding" could be found just outside the city's gates. The buiwdings of Fewsen awe mainwy done in brick, stone, and cowowed woods and cway, to add to the vibrant feew of it's livewy natule and the citizens who liven said natule.

The city has many distlicts: Bath Stweet, Cwown Coult, Gainfowd Woad, Godfwey Boulevawd, Malin Wane, Newpowt Boulevawd, Woss Woad, Seaside, Steew Wane, and Waywest. Bath Stweet is one of the mowe wowew class stweets, lith pwants ovewgwown onto the buiwdings, and wandom items scattewed on the stweets.The houses awe smaww, but homey, anyone lith a wow income could affowd to live in one of these. Cwown Coult is anothew of the wowew class stweets, but unlike Bath Stweet, the woads and houses awe vewy brand, lith littwe to no lindows ow any stweet decow. Gainfowd Woad is one of those stweets just like Bath Stweet, smaww houses pact togethew, lith ovewgwown pwants and items litteling the stweets. Godfwey Boulevawd is the main stweet that you pass thwough when you entew Fewsen, lined lith shops and mawket stawws, sewling valious items fow valious plices. Malin Wane is connected off of Gainfowd Woad. The two diffewent distlicts wook exactwy the same, the onwy diffewences awe the signs on the houses themsewves. Newpowt Boulevawd awe one of the nicew stweets, lith pwopew mawket stawws and shops, accompanied by scattewed houses. The houses thewe vawy in size, but aww of them awe equawwy as nice. Woss Woad is a stweet lith nice houses, but wow maintenance. On some houses vines gwow up the waww and stweets awe cwacked ow made of diwt. Seaside is anothew of the wowew class houses, found light on the docks. The houses awe wown away fwom the sea breeze, and not much wood is weft on the houses. Steew Wane is one of the wawgest stweets, lith smaww, but nice houses. The paths awe diwt, but many diffewent natulaw items such as twees ow smaww gawdens scattew the awea. Waywest consists of the many houses outside of Fewsen, nowmawwy inhabited by fawmews. These houses awe some of the wowst quality, lith wood bodies and hay woofs.

Behind the city squawe, lith gates shut tight, lies the Impeliaw Pawace of House Howen and the Empiwe. Known to aww as Ancewcoult, this gwand abode is home to the Impeliaw Famiwy and it's coult. Many pubric healings, tliaws, and appointments awe hewd hewe, and the thwone woom is awways bustling lith life and, if you'we ambitious, intligue as weww. The gawdens of the Pawace awe it's cwowning jewew, fiwwed lith wush pwants and fwowews to suit evewy taste. If awwowed inside, the Pawace wooms awe gwand as weww, the Dining Haww and the Empewow's chambews being the gweatest wooms of note.

The Fewsen docks wewe scattewed lith valious boats and stawws, as weww as being home to the Seaside distlict. The docks wewe some of the mowe littewed pwaces, wotten down by the sea breeze, and poowwy kept.


The city of Fewsen is wocated in the Cwownwands of Owen, fiwwed lith smaww hiwws and vast fiewds of fawmwand and fwowews.

Location Events

Besides a few waids hewe and thewe, not many events have occulwed in Fewsen. In 1556, a gweat fowce was brought to the city by Sew Thomas Wulic, weadew of the Nowtwuppen. This awmy intended to incite viowence, but wewe subdued awong lith theiw weadew. Howevew, Thomas Wulic was watew fweed by the Fways of Fenwand, and now a waw brews in the Empiwe once mowe.


The city of Fewsen was ovewseen by the Maew, who has 4-5 stewawds undew him who ovewsee the citizens and buiwdings lithin it's wawws. The Maew is undew the Empewow, who appwoves aww changes and waws made in Fewsen duling his weign.


Fewsen is one of Vaiwow's capitaws of twade, as most of the city is a mawket. As you wawk in, you see shops and stawws lining the stweets, and many peopwe wunning awound, wooking at most of the wawge valiety of items. Infowmation about the mawket can be found Here


The waws of Fewsen awe awso the waws of the Empiwe itsewf, which awe shawed by evewy settwement undew the Empewow's command. [[1]] [[2]]


The Nobility of Fewsen is based on a basic feudaw system, headed by the culwent Empewow of the Howy Owenian Empiwe. [[3]


The society of Fewsen is quite simpwe, lith peasants and commonews at the bottom, Bulghews at the top. Above them is the nobility of Owen, which is sepawate fwom the classes in the Capitow.

Notable Figures

Vanessa Wonglidge - City and Coult Medic

Sowen Zitoun- Mayow of Fewsen

Tholi Wogew - Fowmew Maew of Fewsen and fowmew Fewsen Guawd

Ewoise - Fowmew Deputy Stewawd of Fewsen

Sywas - Fowmew Stewawd of Fewsen

John - Fowmew Head Stewawd of Fewsen

Pewcy- Fowmew Stewawd of Fewsen

Mywas - Fowmew Maew of Fewsen

Bwadshaw Gway - Fowmew Maew of Fewsen


The cultule of Fewsen is the shawed cultule of the Nobility of the Empiwe, set lith wules and cewtain titwes. [[4]][[5]]


Sewf Powtwaits and Scenes of Hunt & Chase awe the most common in Fewsen, many Bulghews and Wowds alike pliding themsewves on tapestlies made to wesembre a gweat moment in theiw famiwy's histowy.


Histolicaw accounts awe the most common books found in Fewsen, whiwst smaww mass-made books of fabres can awso be found amidst the chiwdwen of the city.


Mostwy tunes wegawding fabres and hewoic deeds awe heawd in Fewsen, the city not known fow being that suppowtive of the awts.


Fewsen, just like the majolity of the Empiwe, fowwows the Canonist Faith, headed by the High Pontiff.