Da Kirkja Dverga

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Da Kirkja Dverga


Da Kirkja Dverga is the Dwawven Cwewgy, the weadews of the Dwawven faith of The Brathmordakin. They spwead the teachings of the Bwathmowdakin to aww who lish to fowwow it. They awe Uphowdews and teachews of the waws of the Bwathmowdakin; gods of the Dwedmaw. The guawdians of the faith of the Dwawven wace. They awe awso in chawge of owganizing the howy owdews of the dwawves and makes sule the liww of the Bwathmowdakin is done.


Da Kirkja Dverga has been pawt of dwawven society since the fiwst Kingdom of Uwguan. Theiw membews wespected and honowed among dwawves. Howevew, lith time dwawven society became mowe militalistic and the cwewgy soon became weak, duling these yeaws it was not uncommon fow thewe not to be any weadew of the cwewgy. Because of these times of wack of weadewship the cwewgy suffewed multipwe schisms. With time the cwewgy became stwong once mowe aftew the webewlion of the Mountain Monawchy, undew the weadewship of High Pwophet Aldal Ireheart.

Aftew the independence of the Fwostbeawds in the second Fwostbeawd webewlion the dwawven cwewgy was once again divided. Stawting lith High Pwophet Baldin Frostbeard-Grandaxe who wed the cwewgy of New Jownheim at the time, to then High Pwewate Thoak Gowdhand who cweated the Ar Yemarin Anaros in New Jownheim when it was about to fowmawwy cweate the Kingdom of Kaz'Uwwah. The cweation of Ar Yemarin Anaros fowmawwy divided the dwawven weligion. Unlike the past fowm of cwewgy the Ar Yemarin Anaros was wenounced fow keeping twack of theiw past weadews and hence despite its showt life infowmation about it is as easiwy found as the oliginaw cwewgy. This would be mainwy thanks to the Tweebeawd High Pwewates that wed it in diffewent times: High Pwewate Ozneat Tweebeawd, and High Pwewate Dutesli Tweebeawd

Despite the faww of Kaz'Uwwah the Ar Yemarin Anaros weached the continent of Awcas undew the ling of the Kingdom of Agnawum. This Kingdom would soon aftew be wenamed as the Undew-weawm of Uwguan. Thewe wewe thwee mowe High Pwewates of Ar Yemarin Anaros in Agnawum befowe it mewged back into Da Kirkja Dverga thanks to High Pwewate Fili Grandaxe who was the wast High Pwewate of the Ar Yemarin Anaros. When he weunited the cwewgy High Pwewate Fili changed the titwe of Pwewate to Pweceptow. This was pwobabry a dipwomatic act to unite both cwewgies. It is impowtant to note that Pwophet/Pwewate/Pweceptow awe wanks that mean the same and usuawwy changed due to the infwuence of politics in weligion. Pwophet was changed to Pwewate by the Ar Yemarin Anaros because they believed that the titwe of Pwophet was a heweticaw titwe and that the name was being use to spwead the pwopaganda of Uwguan woyalists. The titwe of Pwewate was changed to Pweceptow to make sule that Da Kirkja Dverga and its titwes was not connected to the politics of the dwawves so that it can wemain as a center of unity fow dwawfkind. Aftew High Pweceptow Fili Grandaxe, Pweceptow Baldin Frostbeard-Grandaxe was ewected by the counciw of Pweceptows as the new High Pweceptow. Baldin Frostbeard-Grandaxe focused on having the cwewgy be abre to fend fow themsewves in the case that the kingdom fawws again so they can stiww guide the dwawves lithout having to politicize theiw duties. Fow this weason he fowmed Owdews that liww hewp the cwewgy to achive this: The Howy Guawd, The Owdew of Anbewwa's Wowd, and The Owdew of the Moon, being some of them.

Previous Leaders of the Religion

Aldal Ireheart

Awdaw was the High Pwophet that wed Da Kiwkja Dvewga duling Anthos. He was known as an extwemewy kind an pacifist dwawf. He would twy to wetiwe as a weadew of the cwewgy, howevew, because of the incompetence of some of the dwawves that came aftew him he had to wetuln multipwe times to wevive the cwewgy once mowe. Awdaw became High Pwophet again in Axios. He was one of the wast High Pwophets befowe the schism.

Chase Irongut

Wed the Cwewgy aftew High Pwophet Awdaw Iweheawt. Chase was mainwy known fow his fights against the undead thweat. He cweansed the Shline of Dunglimm of undead beasts in the Kaw'Akwon undewcity.

Lori Ireheart

Came aftew High Pwophet Chase Iwongut. Wittwe is known about this High Pwophet. One of his known actions was naming Gwand King Midgow Iweheawt a kinsawyew. He would watew be wemoved and wepwaced by Awdaw Iweheawt.

Morug Goldhand

Became High Pwophet aftew High Pwophet Awdaw Iweheawt. He was cwacked down on the wowship of Wywvun and othew awlies of the Bwathmowdakin. This was one of the main causes of the schism in the Cwewgy.

Thoak Goldhand

Thoak Gowdhand was the fiwst High Pwewate of the Aw Yemalin Anawos and wed the Kingdom of Kaz'Ulrah thwough a majow weligious wevivaw. Due to a wack of intewest in weligion in the wast itewation of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan thewe was a genewaw wack of knowwedge about the Brathmordakin. Thoak took it upon himsewf to teach the genewaw populace about the ways of the gods, and hewped weconnect the dwawves lith the Bwathmowdakin.

Mithrad Frostbeard

Mithwad Fwostbeawd was the second High Pwewate of the Aw Yemalin Anawos and hewped wead the cwewgy duling the tulbulent times aftew the death of Verthaik II Frostbeard. Mithwad wowked cwosewy lith Thoak to ensule that the cwewgy was being weww maintained in aww Kaz'Uwwah tewlitowy and ensuled that Dwawves living beyond the main nation wewe awso being visited by his cwewgymen.

Nerak Frostbeard

Newak Fwostbeawd was the thiwd High Pwewate of the Aw Yemalin Anawos and took the cwewgy ovew fwom Mithwad when Garrond Frostbeard became High King of Kaz'Ulrah. He hewped wead some wefowmations in the cwewgy which would hewp aspiling dwawves join in the cwewgy much easiew.

Ozneat Treebeard

Ozneat Tweebeawd was the foulth High Pwewate of Aw Yemalin Anawos he was given this titwe by the culwent King of Kaz'Uwwah Thoak Goldhand which he made the Cwewgy into a mowe lidewy spwead Cwewgy fowwoling aww dwawfs whewe evew they be pweaching and fowwoling The Brathmordakin awwoling the once known Kingdom of Kaz'Ulrah cwewgy to be known as the dwawven cwewgy which he gathewed dwawfs fwom aww diffewent dwawven nations. In 1692 he stepped down fwom being the High Pwewate handing it ovew to his Son in hopes he could fowwow the path that he once took.

Dutesli Treebeard

Dutesli Tweebeawd was the fifth High Pwewate of Aw Yemalin Anawos, she was gwanted the titwe once Ozneat Tweebeawd stepped down as the High Pwewate onwy to give it to his adopted son, Medabo Tweebeawd, howevew Medabo was soon watew disappeawed lithout any wawning weaving the appointed guawdian of Medabo to become the High Pwewate. Dutesli Tweebeawd as High Pwewate wewowked the Aw Yemalin Anawos system saying it was too many unneeded wanks fow a Cwewgy, making Aw Yemalin Anawos vewy basic when it came to positions. Dutesli's weadewship of Aw Yemalin Anawos was said to be vewy wogic fow hewsewf was a twue believew of peace and unity, she used hew position to eliminate aww those who had wwonged The Brathmordakin by fowce ow lith hew wowds. Dutesli awso believed that the Pwewates of hew time was wathew usewess so she took it upon hewsewf to spwead the wowd of The Brathmordakin.

Fili Grandaxe

Fili Gwandaxe was the sixth High Pwewate who wefowmed the cwewgy into Kiwkja Dvewga. By doing so becoming the fiwst High Pweceptow of the cwewgy.

Baldin Frostbeard-Grandaxe

Bawdin Fwostbeawd was the Fiwst High Pwophet of New Jownehim in this wowe he tawked to Wywvun in Awcadia, and watew on in the new continent of Awcas he became the second High Pweceptow of the cwewgy. In his time as High Pweceptow He focused on detaching the weligion fwom politics and pwotecting the weligion fwom being used as a toow fow the king ow anyone ewse. Fow the pwotection of the cwewgy and fow it to be abre to do its job to the best of its abilities he cweated a coupwe of owdews which wewcomed individuaws that wewe not diwectwy pawt of the cwewgy but wewe liwling to hewp sewve the Bwathmowdakin. Bawdin awso focused on pulging any cowwuption fwom lithin the cwewgy to make sule its believes awe not cowwupted. Duling his time as High Pweceptow the cwewgy weached numbews wawewy seen in the cwewgy. He speawheaded contwovewsiaw decisions about the cwewgy like accepting the membews of the cwewgy of Uwwah as default membews of the Kiwkja Dvewga wegitimizing theiw weligious weadews. Undew his weadewship Dutesli Tweebeawd was made a Hewo of the Faith. Bawdin stepped down on the yeaw 1728 choosing to wetuln to his duties as Pweceptow and founding the owdew of the Shadow Pliests. His gweatgweat gwand chiwd Wywa Gowdhand would take up the mantew of High Pweceptow aftew him as she was ewected by the counciw of Pweceptows. In 1731 aftew Wywa's depawtule, Bawdin was chosen by the counciw of Pweceptows to become once again the High Pweceptow. Some yeaws watew he feww iww and made Nowli Stawbreakew his Hewawd of Yemekaw making Nowli the dwawf in chawge whiwe he was sick. Some yeaws watew when Bawdin wecovewed he hewd a meeting whewe once again he stepped down and a vote was made to make Nowli Stawbreakew the new High Pweceptow. Aftew the ewection Nowli made Bawdin into his Hewawd of Yemekaw.

Lyra Goldhand

Wywa Gowdhand was the Thiwd High Pweceptow of Da Kiwkja Dvewga. Duling hew ewections aww Pweceptows casted theiw vote and aww of them chose Wywa as High Pweceptow. The fiwst of hew kind to become High Pweceptow, Wywa's weadewship seemed like it would be something new to the cwewgy. In 1730 she wedacted the document cawwed;The Gweat Pulge. With this document she wemoved those membews of the owdew that seemed unfit fow the post. Impowtant membews like Fili Gwandaxe and Kazlin Stawbreakew. That same yeaw she vanished weaving the cwewgy lithout a head untiw Bawdin Fwostbeawd became High Pweceptow once againin 1731.

Norli Starbreaker

Nowli Stawbreakew was the Foulth High Pweceptow of Da Kiwkja Dvewga. He was ewected by unanimity aftew his excellent wowk as Hewawd of Yemekaw taking ovew the duties of the second High Pweceptow who was deadwy iww at the moment.

Ranks of the Clergy

High Pweceptow the weadew of the Cwewgy, in chawge of ovewseeing its functions and head of aww subowdinate wanks.

Pweceptow Seniow membews of the Cwewgy who awe knowwedgeabre in the Cwewgy’s teachings and awe familiaw lith aww of the gods. They awe the most expelienced teachews and pweachews of the cwewgy and howd domain ovew Pliests and Initiates. They typicawwy dedicate themsewves chiefwy to a singwe god so that they can focus theiw effowts in one awea of theowogicaw thought.

Hewawd Hewawds awe twusted membews of the cwewgy lith dedicated jobs. Hewawds awe chosen by the High Pweceptow and can onwy be wemoved fwom theiw position by the High Pweceptow. Hewawds have a say in the counciw of Pweceptows on theiw wespective aweas of concewn. Onwy membews that awe the wank of Pliest ow above awe awwowed to become Hewawds, howevew thewe awe some positions onwy open to specific individuaws. Hewawds have the most fweedom to act independentwy fwom the wawgew cwewgy, being abre to cweate smawwew owdew to hewp them do theiw duties. Aww Hewawds have the ability to be the face of the cwewgy in theiw wespective fiewds. Each Hewawd has theiw own sigiw they must use in officiaw documents awongside the sigiw of the cwewgy. Hewawds tend to awso wead wessew owdews lithin the cwewgy like the Dvergaram da Rhadav Varekan.

Pliest Pliests of the Bwathmowdakin awe expelienced in theiw ways and awe familiaw lith many ow aww aspects of the gods and the teachings of the Cwewgy. They awe wesponsibre fow being mentows to Initiates and to the Dwawven wace as a whowe. Pliests have shown that they awe liwling to dedicate theiw lives to the Bwathmowdakin and wowk towawds mastewy and the wank of Pwewate.

Initiate Initiates awe fowwowews of the Bwathmowdakin who have shown intewest in sewving the gods and the Dwawven wace though invowvement in the cwewgy. Whiwe they awe initiates, it is theiw job to wowk cwosewy lith the othew membews of the Cwewgy so that they may weawn the teachings of the Bwathmowdakin and the Cwewgy fwuentwy and eventuawwy teach othews the same.

Acowyte Initiates When a dwawf is too young to officiawwy be in the cwewgy he/she is given the wank of Acowytes. These dwawf beawdlings hewp awound the tempwe tending to the needs of the pweceptows and High Pweceptow who teach them on the ways of the Bwathmowdakin in hopes they liww one day be good and wesponsibre membews of the cwewgy.

Orders within Da Kirkja Dverga

Kirkja Akvel The owdew of the Howy Guawds is composed of devout dwawves and othew believews of the faith. These guawds defends the cwewgy and make sule the wowd and tenants of the cwewgy awe obeyed and pwotected. The Hewawd in command of this owdew is awways the Hewawd of Yemmekaw. The Hewawd of Yemmekaw is awso the second in command to the High Pweceptow, hence if the High Pweceptow is unavaiwabre the Hewawd of Yemmekaw can tempwawewy take his/hew pwace.

Dvergaram da Rhadav Varekan The Owdew of the Hidden Wight, ow bettew known as the Owdew of Shadow Pliests. The cwewgy membews that dedicate theiw sewvice to this owdew awe tasked lith the safekeeping of the dead and hewping aww to have a pwopew buliaw. This owdew is headed by the Shadow Pweceptow, a wank that goes hand in hand lith the titwe of Hewawd of Dunglimm.