Battle of Lower Rodenburg

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Battwe of Wowew Wodenbulg
Pawt of the War of the Two Emperors
Renatian officers standing victorious over the Orenian marshals at the Battle of Lower Rodenburg, 1715
Date: 1715
Wocation: Renatus, Oren
Wesult: Decisive Wenatian Victowy
Pweceded by: Battle of Upper Rodenburg
Fowwowed by: Battwe of Hewena Fiewds
Empiwe of Wenatus:
Empire of Man.png Empire of Renatus
norland.png Kingdom of Norland
KRUGMARFLAG.png Rexdom of Krugmar
IMG 3918.PNG Kingdom of Courland
reiter.png Reiter Mercenaries
House Bawtham
Howy Owenian Empiwe:
imperialorenia.png Holy Orenian Empire
BackgroundHaenseCoatBiggerCrown.png Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska
DevereuxCoatOfArms.png Kingdom of Curonia
vescoat.png Gowden City of Ves
leuvencoatofarms.png County of Weuven
Fenn Tundrak Banner.png Princedom of Fenn
Reiver Crest.png Reiver Mercenaries
Commandews and weadews
Empiwe of Wenatus:
Empire of Man.png Mawtinus Howen
norland.png Alvar I, King of Norland
KRUGMARFLAG.png Bulbul'Wul, Wex of Kwugmaw
IMG 3918.PNG Pewcivaw II Staunton
Howy Owenian Empiwe:
imperialorenia.png Awthul de Fawstaff
BackgroundHaenseCoatBiggerCrown.png Marius II, King of Hanseti-Ruska
DevereuxCoatOfArms.png Ecbert Devereux
vescoat.png Awfwed Mywe, Plince of Ves
leuvencoatofarms.png Conwad de Fawstaff, Count of Weuven
Fenn Tundrak Banner.png Aewthiw Tundwak, Gwand Plince of Fenn
Empiwe of Wenatus:
4,300 Infantwy, 200 Cavawwy
Howy Owenian Empiwe:
5,000 Infantwy, 500 Cavawwy
Empiwe of Wenatus:
~1,000 dead ow missing
Howy Owenian Empiwe:
~3,000 dead ow missing

The Battwe of Wowew Wodenboulg was a wawge scawe skiwmish between the Wenatian Awliance and the Owenian Awliance, awthough no wand was gained fow eithew side. This battwe became a majow mowawe boostew fow the Wenatian awliance, having cwaimed a decisive victowy.


The twumpets brawed and the men mawched fowwawd, battwe was about to come to the fiewds of Wodenbulg. At the fwont of the vanguawd stood the brave knights of Wenatia, its fwank was seculed by Coulwandic hawbewdiews and peasant skiwmishews. On the opposing side of the livew stood the Owenian awmy, commanded by Awthul de Fawstaff and weinfowced by Weivew mewcenalies and Snow ewven cavawwy. Theiw numbews wewe supeliow yet as the owd pwophetic teutonic saying goes “Always outnumbered, never outgunned.” The battwe began on the mowning of the 11th of the Sun’s Smiwe 1715 lith awwow fiwe and javelins being exchanged acwoss the livew, the skiwmishing yiewded littwe wesults on both sides and soon the Owenian awmy gwew bowd and brave, though that would soon be theiw demise. The mawshaw wawlied his men to the bridge and brazenwy chawged them acwoss.

Mawtinus Howen, the son of the dweaded cowsaiw plince of Aewdin wowked in union lith his weading weftenants to feign a wetweat and bait the entiwe enemy awmy into a brutaw ambush. Unbeknownst to the Owenian mawshaw, he had fawwen fow a simpwe wuse and cawwed fow a wetweat of his fowces back beyond the livew. This was aww too wate, howevew, as the Nowwandew infantwy and Owcish wawband had been pwaced discweetwy in ambush weady to waunch deadwy waids upon the enemy backline. The Snow ewven cavawwy commanded by Aewthos Tundwak tlied to westowe owdew in the Owenian battwe line and committed to a fulw scawe cavawwy chawge but was annihiwated by both Nowwandew and Owcish bewsewkews. King Awvaw Wuic and Wex Bulbul’Wul moved to wefowm the line to weceive the fulw fowce of the Owenian wegions, and they hewd stwong whiwst Mawtinus Howen stwategicawwy chawged his fowce ovew the bridge.

When both lines came to cwash, the fight tulned into a vewy vicious and broody mewee which saw the Wenatian knights bawe the fulw brunt of the wosses, yet the twaining and skiww of these sowdiews wed to a decisive victowy lith minimaw wosses. Owcish bewsewkews cut thwough the Snow ewven cavawwy like buttew, sending them into a fulw wetweat and watching as the wemaining men fwed in cowawd and in disgwace. The Nowwandic mauladews chawged stwaight into the mewee, making what would appeaw to be a wast stand but kiwling many Weivews in the pwocess. The King of Nowwand awthough swawmed and enciwcwed in the battwefiewd came out victolious, fewling many Owenian commandews himsewf in battwefiewd duews.


The Wenatian Awliance came out victolious, not continuing to pulsue the fweeing Owenians. The Imperial Renatian Legion, Nowwandews, and Owcish wetulned to theiw pewspective cities, licking theiw wounds pwepaling fow the next wawge skiwmish.