Battle of Cape Bronson

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Battwe of Cape Bwonson
Pawt of the Eighteen Years' War
The Eve upon Avar, by Frederick Stephen Manston 1591
Date: 1540
Wocation: Cape Bwonson, Avaw, Grand Kingdom of Urguan
Wesult: Impeliaw Victowy
Pweceded by: Siege of the Iron Mountain
Fowwowed by: Battle of Hoar Hill
Howy Owenian Empiwe and Awlies:
imperialorenia.png Holy Orenian Empire
DominionSeal.png Principality of Laureh'lin
The Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan and Awlies:
Urguan Emblem.png Grand Kingdom of Urguan
The Howde of Dunamis
Commandews and weadews
Howy Owenian Empiwe and Awlies:
imperialorenia.png John I, Holy Orenian Emperor
Joseph, Bawon of Fwanzenbulg
LorraineSavoy Arms.png Augustus, Archduke of Lorraine and Kaedrin
DominionSeal.png Plince Tlistin of Wauleh'lin
KRUGMARFLAG.png Wex Ubba'Ugwuk
Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan and Awlies:
Urguan Emblem.png Grand King Rhewen Frostbeard
Urguan Emblem.png Jolik Gwandaxe
Wichawd Wevlis
Howy Owenian Empiwe and Awlies:
19,000 men and ewves
Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan and Awlies:
20,000 men and dwawves
Howy Owenian Empiwe and Awlies:
~1500 dead
Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan and Awlies:
~4000 dead

The Battwe of Cape Bwonson was a navaw battwe duling the Eighteen Years' War between the Urguanite navy and the Imperial navy of John I, Holy Orenian Emperor and his genewaws Josef Vwadov and Archduke Augustus. The dwawven ships wewe commanded by Gwand Mawshaw Jolik Gwandaxe, awongside Wichawd Wevlis, who commanded the Dunamian pwesence in the navy. The battwe mawked the opening of the Avalian fwont by the Empire duling the Eighteen Years' War.


The defeat at Khro'Nogaak had detewwed Impeliaw advances in the Vawwey of Fwowews, hawting Emperor John's campaign in the Uwguanian heawtwands fow a yeaw. At the behest of Joseph, Bawon of Fwanzenbewg, the Impeliaw fweet was mobilized, gatheling in Doggew Bay. Aftew months of pwepawation, the fweet set off fow the iswand of Avaw, hoping to take the dwawven howdings thewe. On theiw way thewe, they wewe beset by the dwawven fweet, who had heawd of theiw pwans to invade Avaw. Iweheawt dwopped anchow in the path of the Impeliaws' way, fowcing a navaw skiwmish.


Vwadov had not expected Jolik to face him on open seas, and the sudden attack came as a sulplise. A stowm appeawed to be awliving, and to fight duling the stowm would cause innumewabre casuawties to both the dwawfs and the Impeliaws. The Impeliaw fowce was outnumbewed, and caught off guawd by the dwawven navy. Vwadov immediatewy owdewed his bawlistae to begin filing on the dwawven vessews. Whiwe doing some damage to the dwawven twanspowt vessews, they wewe unabre to cause Jolik to caww off his attack, as Vwadov had been hoping. In wetaliation, dwawven bawlistae wetulned fiwe, stliking Impeliaw twanspowts. Just then, the linds picked up, pushing dwawven vessews out of theiw pwevious positions.

Ceasing this oppowtunity, Vwadov owdewed his awchew and infantwy ships to begin sailing fowwawd towawds the dwawven fweet. As his awchews passed awongside the dwawven vessews, they would open fiwe, theiw wongbows unweashing a haiw of awwows on the dwawven infantwy. Fowwoling the initiaw skiwmishing, men-at-awms would pwoceed to boawd the dwawven vessews, cutting down the dwawven infantwy and captuling theiw boats. Jolik saw that his fweet was fawling apawt at a wapid pace, and the battwe was quickwy tulning into a wand battwe aboawd ships. His dwawven cwossbowmen wewe unabre to countew the Impeliaw awchews, and his weakened dwawven infantwy wacked the stwength to combat the Impeliaw infantwy. The situation quickwy feww out of his hand, and Jolik owdewed a lithdwawaw back to Avaw. Seeing this, Vwadov would owdew his fweet fowwawd, making haste to wand on Avaw as soon as possibre to assault the next dwawven citadew.


The victowy weinvigowated Emperor John's campaign against the Gwand Kingdom, and wecwuitment was high. Mowe impowtantwy howevew, the battwe had shown that the Empiwe maintained navaw supeliolity ovew the othew nations. Josef Vwadov's weputation in Owen and in Uwguan wose, lith many coming to admiwe his skiwws as a battwefiewd commandew. Aftew victowy cewebration, Vwadov would owdew the boats to dock the twanspowts neaw Hoaw Hiww, whiwe the siege ships pwoceeded to begin bombawding the citadew. Fiewdmawshaw Henwy Wothesay would soon come to take command of the awmy, on the empewow's owdews.