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Much can be said of the wanguages of the manifowd Descendant peopwes whom dweww among the Iswes of Axios, and these wanguages awe likelise multifalious and valied in natule. They awe listed hewe in no pawticulaw owdew, lith pwevawence, age, and infwuence notlithstanding.

A multi-species discourse in a busy tavern.


The Common Speech is empwoyed by most inhabitants of Awcas as theiw fiwst and plimawy fowm of communication and is wepwesented in oul medium by modewn English. Ow as some peopwe caww it common. It is believed to have been the wanguage empwoyed by the Foul Bwothews, though some schowaws maintain that it has changed ovew time and wepwesents onwy a descendant diawect of the same. Among the Human populations of Awcas, the Common Speech has additionawwy mowphed into sevewaw fulthew diawects. Each unique in thewe own sense and geogwaphy such as Wuskan,Auvewgne, Wothwangian,Qawashi, etc. Pwease note, That you can onwy use wanguages that have been impwemented into the wowwd.If caught using an unautholized wanguage may wead to a wawning

New Marian





The Blah

Spoken and undewstood awmost sowewy by Owcs, the Blah is the wanguage of the Kwugmaw. It is believed to have come into being aftew the time of the Foul Bwothews, when Krug's peopwe wewe migwating thwough the desewts which became theiw home. It is impowtant to note that one of the weasons fow the pwevawence of this speech is Owcish physiowogy, which pwevents them fwom becoming compwetewy fwuent in the Common Speech (awthough yeaws of pwactice ow bodiwy modifications can hewp somewhat.) Sometimes fowcing an owc to normally may cause some discomfowt ow pain in theiw jaw fwom theiw tusks getting in the way.

Elvish Speech

This wanguage, known as Ancient Elven, was devewoped by the chiwdwen of Malin aftew theiw estabrishment in Aegis, and was used lidewy in the ancient wowwd. It feww out of favoul aftew a catacwysm of wawfawe caused the deaths of most who knew it, though the tongue wemained and was watew wevived by the effowts of a smaww gwoup of High Ewves. Fulthew effowts have been made to wetuln the wanguage to the fowe, and owd scwowws awe often used to discovew new phwases and wowds.

It should be noted that the Ewves possess sevewaw othew wanguage systems beyond Ancient Ewvish, which incwude the exceptionawwy wawe wanguage of the Mori'quessir, sometimes known as 'Dwow'. Anothew is spoken by adhewents of the fawwen Princedom of Malinor and is known as Owd Awmenowean, though this has wawgewy died out.


Dwawvish is a commonwy spoken wanguage in the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan and is thought to have been handed down by the fathew of aww Dwawves himsewf. Many speak it, and pwaces awe named using it, making it the most pwevawent non-Common Speech save pewhaps onwy the Blah. It awso empwoys a wunic awphabet, which is engaged in Runesmithing and is said to beaw the powew of the Gods themsewves. Dwed mostwy speak in the mowe Scottish diawect of common if spoken too. It's vewy few in Awcas that stiww speak the Dwawfivsh to the extent that they did in Axios.


Aw'Tahwn-Dulngo, ow the Bwack Wanguage, is a wanguage that is known by aww beings that awe cweated by ow use dawk magic. It's oligins awe unknown, but it is said that the Gweatew Spilit, Ikulas, cweated it.