Laurelin (Vailor)

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LoreS1.png Note: This page contains information on a location from a past map that is no longer inhabited.

Laurelin was the capital city of the Wood Elves in Vailor under the nation of Laureh'lin. It was a city of intricately built wooden homes, and large trees which formed a dense canopy. It could be traveled to through the Cloud Temple Docks and provided a home to all elves regardless of race or heritage.

History and Construction

The city was built strategically on a plateau for defensive purposes. Its natural architecture matched that of nearly all past wood elven cities, and was largely constructed by the Hawksong seed.

Location Event

The city was the location of the signing of The Treaty of Laurelin which drastically altered the relations of all elven kind. Through this treaty a single elven government was formed, named the Dominion of Malin, uniting the elves for the first time in many decades.


The State of Laureh'lin comprised Vailor's southernmost and largest eastern island. It was a land of grassy plains shadowed sparsely in the shade of old growth trees. The weather was largely mild due to the coastal climate, with light rain being a common occurrence. The city of Laurelin was situated on the west end of the island, on a plateau.

Notable Figures (if applicable)

  • Tristin Tresury - King of the Dominion of Malin
  • Artimec Camoryn - Prince
  • Calius Terin’Aureon - Guildmaster
  • Siri Ihelia - Secretary of State


The Principality of Laureh'lin governed over the city, ran by Artimec Camoryn. Prince Camoryn was the master of Justice, and codified the law of the Principality. He served as the state judge when trying and sentencing criminals, with the final word over all but the King himself. In addition, he oversaw the city’s cultural growth and maintained elven traditions. As King Tresery ruled over the entire Dominion of Malin, Artimec served as a domestic head-of-state for the Principality of Laurelin under said dominion, despite still answering to the king. Tresury presided as head of the Dominion of Malin which was formed to unite all elves under one nation. The King, elected through a unanimous vote between all three members of the Ruling Council, represented the elven people in all worldly affairs and was the direct enforcer of the common law of the Dominion which affected all three signatory states.

See: Laws of the Principality of Laureh’lin

See: The Treaty of Laurelin and the Government of the Dominion of Malin.


Laurelin was ruled directly by King Tristin Tresery. Under him was Prince Artimec Camoryn who ran the nation locally. Lordships in Laurelin were given to the keepers of major Seeds (tribes/families) of the wood elves. Notable Seed Lords were Damai Torena, Aenor Calithil, Elvrohir Aureon and Siri Ihelia.


Laurelin was a society heavily influenced by ancient wood elven ideals. Worship of the Aspects of Nature, Cernunnos and Cerridwen, was prominent as the nation was largely in tune with the wild.


See: Laws of the Principality of Laureh’lin


The bulk of the citizens of Laruelin followed the old way, a nature-based and more conservative way of life. The wood elves had faced centuries of oppression and genocide from other races, and corruption and individualism within their own race. The old way was an attempt to bring the ancient staples such as the Malin, the Aspects, and a reverence of nature back into wood elven culture to reform a coherent society with the same set of values.


The shaping of wood was a large part of the arts of the Wood Elves: some created great sculptures, others made large, ornate etched carvings, still others dedicated their knowledge to carpentry. Some were adept bards, for whimsical songs and tales were greatly enjoyed by Wood Elves. Art of all kinds could be found in Laurelin.


The Library of Laurelin contained numerous tomes that were available to the public. A simple visit would allow one to gain knowledge on a variety of topics.


Though there were some Wood Elves who chose not to have beliefs (and by the Wood Elf ideal they had every right not to), many of them did choose to pray to the Aspects, Cernunnos and Cerridwen. This was due to the Aspect's prominent presence in the old way culture. A significant minority were religiously aligned to holy deities such as Aerial, Xan and Tahariae.

The Aspects were often featured in wood elven daily life. A hunter may have said a prayer to Cernunnos, the Aspect of the hunt, to make his bow aim true. A farmer may have called upon Cerridwen, Aspect of growth, to bring about a bountiful harvest. During marriage or childbirth, the Aspects are met with imploring prayer. A shortened example of a prayer a couple would make for their child would be: "Cerridwen make my child healthy, and grow into his adult years. Cernunnos grant his bow-arm strength so he may take down his prey."

You can read more about Aspectism here.

Random Tidbits

  • This city was named after the first city of the Elves in Aegis, Laurelin.
  • The wood elves are also called the mali’ame, which is their name in ancient elven.
  • The general idea of acceptance is common within Laurelin which is in stark contrast with the wood elves’ cousins, the High Elves.