Principality of Helious

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County of Helious
Die Sonne leitet uns
Commital Coat of Arms of Jarad Munnel
Country: Elvenesse
Languages: Common, Ancient Elven
Religion: TBD, However there are both Canonists and practing members of the Wild Faith
Count: Jarad Munnel
Countess: Sorise Munnel
Heir Apparent: Ember Munnel
Lord of Luminos: TBD
Captian: TBD
Head Steward: TBD
Event Cordinator: TBD
Chief Tavernear: TBD
Chief Medic: TBD
Commital Family: House Munnel
A Picture of Helious at Night
A Picture of Luminos



The County of Helious was founded when Sir Jarad Munnel was granted Lordship in the form of a county within Elvenesse along with land. The orgional plan for the land was to build a small vacation home for the Munnel family. However, plans soon changed after the Grand Duchy of Balian, At the time the home of the Munnels, declared war on the Kingdom of Oren without consulting the peers of the realm which at the time included Jarad. Furious about this and not wishing to drag his family into another bloody war a meeting was held and the call was made to move the entire family to Elvenesse. What was once going to be a vacation home was expanded into a small village that a few members of Balian society also sick of war moved into. Two of the first residents of Helious besides the Munnels were Aldrych Gendik and Agatha Hope who played a big part in getting the county set up including harvesting crops, improving the roads, and, aiding in interior design.

Early Years

During the early stages of Helious there would be a lot of construction and people moving in, it was soon clear that a larger farm, additional housing, and a market square were all needed, the plans were made and construction began being completed within a years time. After its completion, a court would be held in order to explain a few things and reward those present. Among those rewarded was Agatha Hope who was given a Lordship within the county for her word with the wildlife and aiding in construction. As well as the Gendik-Kemonos family for aiding the family in the past. (wip)

Order of the Golden Fox

The Order of the Golden Fox was created in order to serve as a defensive guard force for the County.

Chain of Command

Count & Countess - The count and countess are officially in charge of the guard and help oversee it.
Viscount - The viscount s in charge of the day operations when no captain is appointed.
Captain - The captain is the appointed person tasked with running the order.

Laws of the County


  • Right to Life: All citizens of the land have a right to life and to not have that life unjustly taken from them.
  • Right to Freedom: All citizens of the land have the right to freedom and not to be held unjustly.
  • Right to Religion: All citizens of the land have the right to practice any religion they seek fit.
  • Right to Voice: All citizens of the land may partition the Count, Countess, or Heir on any matter they seek fit as long as it directly affects the lands, their own well-being, or the well-being of the land.
  • Right to Self: All citizens of the land have the to live a life free of slavery and discrimination, it should be noted that none of the descendants are above the others.
  • Right to Knowledge: All citizens of the land have the right to seek and obtain knowledge including that of magic.


  • Assault & Battery: The act of harming the innocent or implying such is outlawed within the lands, none may be subject to attacks or in fear of such.
  • Murder: The act of killing an innocent is an inexcusable offense and will not be tolerated in the lands.
  • Thief & Bandit: The act of stealing is wrong and will not be tolerated, those who steal or rob others of their possessions will be dealt with accordingly as people should be free to feel safe.
  • Destruction of property: The act of destroying buildings or that of one property is immoral and should not be done within the lands.
  • Trespassing: The act of trespassing on one's property is not allowed within the lands.
  • Destruction of Nature: The willing destruction of nature with no purpose or goal is forbidden within the lands.


In Helious there are only five people who can pass judgment upon those who commit crimes; The Count of Helious, The Countess of Helious, The Heir of Helious, The Lord of Luminos & The Prince Royarch of Elvenesse

Lords & Gentry of Helious

  • MunnelCOA.png House of Munnel - County of Helious: Jarad & Sorise Munnel
  • MunnelCOA.png House of Munnel - Viscounty of Helious: Ember Munnel
  • Lordship of Luminos - TBD
  • Lordship of Sudwin - TBD
  • Lordship of Durtara - Lady, Agatha Hope
  • KomnenosCOA.png House of Komnenos, Lordship of Hudgeo Grove - Lady, Laurelai Komnenos
  • KomnenosCOA.png House of Gendik-Komnenos - Knight of Helious: Aldrych Gendik