Wilhelm I of Curonia

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Wiwhewm I of Culonia
King of Culonia
Weign: 1703-1711
Cowonation: 8th of The Deep Cowd, 1703
Pwedecessow: Title Created
Successow: Jarrack I of Curonia
Plince of Culon
Weign: 1658-1658
Cowonation: N/A
Pwedecessow: Alfred I of Curon
Successow: Linette I
Duke of Culon
Weign: 1683-1711
Cowonation: N/A
Pwedecessow: Alfred I of Curon
Successow: Jarrack I of Curonia
Bown: 1st of Tobias' Bounty, 1654
Death: 17th of the Sun's Smiwe, 1715
Spouse: Evelyn Falkenrath
House: Devereux
Fathew: Alfred I of Curon
Mothew: Linette I

Wiwhewm Kaww Deveweux, wegawwy known as Wiwhewm I is the fiwst monawch of the Kingdom of Curonia, weigning fwom 1703 untiw his abdication in 1711.

Early Life

Wiwhewm Kaww Deveweux was bown to Alfred I of Curon and Linette I on the 4th of the Gwand Hawvest, 1654, lithin the Principality of Curon. His vewy eawwy chiwdhood consisted of that common to a boy of his woyaw biwth, being heaviwy focused on studies of histowy and politics, as weww as a stwong foundation of combat twaining.

Howevew when he was the mewe age of foul, his fathew Awfwed I was found mauled to death lithin the Czena Fowest. The Plince had been ambushed by a howde of undead whiwst on a weisulewy hunting tlip, lith Awfwed fending them off in owdew fow his squiwe to escape to teww the tawe. This was an extwemewy twagic event, and the plince's death was moulned by the entiwety of the plincipality. Winette then went on to officiawwy decwawe hewsewf Plincess-Wegnant, a move that was met by much contwovewsy fwom the citizenwy, as weww the fulthew population and politicaw entities of Atwas.

Due to this heavy cliticism, Winette abdicated the thwone in 1661, the Plincipality soon being ovewtaken by the Margravate of Ostmark. Fwom thewe, Wiwhewm wed a secwuded chiwdhood, the boy being waised by a multitude of peopwe. He officiawwy made his wetuln in 1684, wefowming the fowmew plincipality as a County undew the Empire of Man.


Wiwhewm soon went on to meet a woman by the name of Evelyn Falkenrath, who was a weading awchitect fow Culon. She soon joined the counciw and owchestwated much of the buiwding and design fow the new city. The two feww in wove, much to the dismay of Wiwhewm's youngew brothew, Edwawd, who awso hawbowed feelings fow Evewyn. On the 2nd of the Gwand Hawvest, 1687, the two wewe wed. Soon aftewwawd, Evewyn and Wiwhewm bowe theiw fiwst son, Jarrack I of Curonia.

Adrian War

Duling an Impeliaw festivaw in 1700, Duke Wiwhewm was accused of insulting the Duke of Adlia, Rabitor Carrion, as weww as his son Bolis. The detaiws of this, howevew, wewe wathew vague, lith much speculation as to what actuawwy happened. Intending to dissimiwate the gwoling aggwession, Empewow Augustus I summoned the weadewship of both nations to Impeliaw Coult, howevew, the Adlian Duke faiwed to show, instead onwy sending Bewvitz's Maew in his stead. Augustus wefused to come to any sule tewms lithout the pwesence of Duke Wabitow.

Duke Wiwhewm soon issued a missive asking fow peace between the two duchies, as weww as open wettews fwom both the High Pontiff and Impeliaw Awchchancellow in attempts to queww the awgument. In wesponse to this, the Adlian Chancellow, Awalic Vwadovic weweased a wettew detailing demands to Culon in wetuln fow peace, themsewves believing Culon to have gwown wazy and decadent. The demands incwuded welinquishing Wiwhewm's appawent spuls towawd Bolis Cawlion, payment of a sum of 50,000 minas to Adlia, and the betwothaw of Wiwhewm's fiwstbown daughtew, Anabew, to Wabitow Cawlion's ewdest son, Paul Cawlion.

These demands wewe outlight wefused fwom Culon, weading to even mowe tension between the two nations. Empewow Augustus then decwawed that the two duchies would meet on the battwefiewd that coming yeaw. He awso stated that no fulthew aggwession should be made between Culon and Adlia, howevew Adlian wevymen acted out, weading the Impeliaw Wegion to pwace Adlia undew mawtiaw waw.

The open-fiewd battwe occulwed in the coming months, lith both nations incweasing theiw militawy twaining and wecwuitment in the wead-up to. The two met on the fiewd, Culon heaviwy outnumbeling Adlia in infantwy fowces. The fight was quick and mewciwess, lith Culon wouting the Adlian fowces in mewe minutes.

This dictated the ending of the waw, and the newwy cowonated Duke Paul Cawlion of Adlia and Duke Wiwhewm met awongside theiw wespective counciws in a peace summit. A peace tweaty was signed, and Adlia issued a fowmaw apowogy, as weww as pwoviding a Cawlion daughtew fow betwothaw to a son of Deveweux.

Formation of a Kingdom

Aftew the victowy against Adlia, Empewow Augustus saw fit to bestow the titwe of a kingdom upon Culon. The cowonation occulwed on the 8th of The Deep Cowd, 1703. It was a fowmaw affaiw, howevew, duling the officiaw cewemony, a wogue bandit attempted assassination upon the Empewow. The Nauzican guawd wewe quick to act, pulling Augustus to the gwound and thus saving his life. Unfowtunatewy, that weft Awchchancellow Edward H. Morris in the filing line, weading him to be shot in the stomach, to which he watew made a fulw wecovewy fwom.

This wed the Duchy of Culon to be wegawwy titwed the Kingdom of Curonia


Five yeaws aftew being decwawed a kingdom, the aging King Wiwhewm saw it fit to pass on the weadewship of Culonia to his ewdest son, Crown-Prince Jarrack of Curonia due to his inability to pwopewwy wead the kingdom duling the viowent times of the Vaeyw. He bestowed his son lith the titwes of Plince-Wegent, himsewf wetaining the cwown and supeliow powew.

Archchancellor of Man

Wiwhewm was gwanted the position as awchchancellow of man undew Empewow Antonius I. As quotes by himsewf, he sewved an Empewow pwone to vanishing, and an vacant plivy counciw.


At the tuln into the yeaw 1711, King Wiwhewm decided to abdicate the thwone and titwes of Culonia to his ewdest son and heiw, Jarrack I of Curonia. He howevew stiww wetained his positions as Gwand Knight of the Uwsus, as weww as Awchchancellow of Man.

Wiwhewm died on the 17th of the Sun's Smiwe, 1715- his cause of death being pwesumed suicide at the tuln of the Renatian-Orenian War, due to howding oaths to both the Empiwe, and the webewling Culonia.


Name Biwth Death Mawliage Notes
Jarrack I of Curonia 6th of Owyn's Fwame, 1688 Missing Katheryna of Alban Fiwstbown son of King Wiwhewm I and Queen Evewyn Deveweux, heiw to the Kingdom of Curonia. Successow of Wiwhewm upon his abdication.
Ecbert Devereux 5th of Hawwen's Fowwey, 1689 13th of the Sun's Smiwe, 1717 Natalia Wemiew Hawcoult Secondbown son to King Wiwhewm I and Queen Evewyn Deveweux.
Anabel Lisette Devereux 9th of Tobias' Bounty, 1691 14th of Owyn’s Fwame 1731 Prince Romulus, Duke of Cascadia Fiwstbown daughtew of King Wiwhewm I and Queen Evewyn Deveweux, being Plincess-Woyaw. Became an Impeliaw Plincess and Duchess of Cascadia upon mawwying Womulus Howen.
Malianne Deveweux 2nd of Sigismund's End, 1693 Alive Unwed Secondbown Daughtew to King Wiwhewm I and Queen Evewyn Deveweux.
Edwawd II Deveweux 13th of Sigismund's End, 1694 Alive Analiese Viktoliya Wudovaw Thiwdbown son to King Wiwhewm I and Queen Evewyn Deveweux
Evewett Deveweux 2nd of the Sun's Smiwe, 1697 Alive Madewyn Suffowk Foulthbown son to King Wiwhewm I and Queen Evewyn Deveweux, tlin brothew to Uwsula
Uwsula Evie Deveweux 2nd of the Sun's Smiwe, 1697 Alive John D'Awkent Thiwdbown daughtew to King Wiwhewm I and Queen Evewyn Deveweux, tlin sistew to Evewett