The Iron Horde

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Warnation of Krugmar
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Standard of Krugmar
Capital: San'Kala
Languages: Blah
Old Blah
Religion: Shamanism
Government: Dictatorship
Rex U'la Yar
Targoth N/A
Yazgurtan N/A

Established following the deposition of the false Rex, Kulgarok, the War Nation of Krugmar rose from the ashes of a failed confederation of the Orcish peoples. The decision to once again unify beneath the banners of Krug did not come as a difficult one to make for much of the Orcish leadership as they understood that together the Orcs could be unconquerable. After defeating the false Rex in open combat before several of his brethren, Drokon’Ugluk legitimately ascended to the throne of Rex. Following his failures as Rex, Drokon'Ugluk willingly stood down from the position in favor of the young Wargoth Orgoth'Braduk who gladly took the position. However, Orgoth in his youth and as a consequence of his lack of experience failed in his leadership of the War Nation standing down after a short tenure to be replaced by the former Rex, Rex Gurak'Yar. Gurak was popular for a time however some clans saw Gurak as weak and a poor leader, most notably Clan Raguk and Clan Braduk, after he had took the life of the unconscious Wargoth, Chek'Lur, which some viewed as an unjust execution. Gurak decided, as his predecessor did, to step down from the mantle of Rex to be replaced by Kulgarok once more. Kulgarok's incumbency was short lived and was deposed by Hu-din'Dom and Eath'Lur both claiming that Kulgarok was tainting the War Nation with dark magic and dark shamans. Eath resolved the conflict by fighting Kulgarok for the position of Rex, successfully defeating the blue Orc and becoming Rex. Eath'Lur quickly resigned, leading to the rise of Kuntklobbera’Raguk. He resigned after a lengthy reign and went on a pilgrimage. U'la'Yar became Rex afterwards.

Nam risus mi, varius sit amet placerat a, feugiat et eros. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nulla eleifend leo ac mattis sollicitudin. Suspendisse potenti. Sed vehicula ipsum in pharetra vestibulum. Duis sit amet feugiat nisl, sed pellentesque orci. Suspendisse sodales elit ut velit vulputate, ac egestas enim vulputate. Vivamus feugiat enim vitae purus aliquam, ut mollis ipsum laoreet. Mauris eget nulla vitae sapien ultrices pharetra. Vivamus tristique tempor ante, et ultrices eros aliquet in. Suspendisse ut efficitur metus. Nam ornare elit leo, sit amet aliquam purus molestie vitae. In ac ante vitae sem venenatis posuere non ut turpis. In pharetra libero a ipsum malesuada luctus. Morbi sollicitudin arcu sit amet commodo suscipit. Vivamus ante nulla, fermentum ut metus ut, viverra suscipit mi. Proin quis molestie mi, vitae congue elit. In et nunc ut libero dignissim finibus in id libero. Aliquam eget laoreet ex. Integer mattis odio et tellus ultrices lacinia. Curabitur nisl massa, tristique eget erat non, dignissim venenatis risus. Vestibulum at dolor consectetur massa egestas ullamcorper. Integer porttitor tristique metus mollis pellentesque. Vivamus tincidunt, arcu ut malesuada porttitor, ligula sapien mollis tellus, ut hendrerit sem nisl a nulla. Ut consectetur odio eros. Maecenas ut diam commodo, finibus libero sit amet, sagittis augue. Curabitur volutpat ligula id quam sagittis, id varius augue euismod.

Nulla ac orci nec nisi commodo pharetra eget vel augue. Cras tincidunt libero et scelerisque luctus. Vestibulum aliquam quam ac nunc luctus, id dictum leo viverra. In quis arcu eros. Pellentesque volutpat justo sed massa efficitur pharetra. Nunc semper aliquet lacus id imperdiet. Sed ullamcorper luctus nulla, quis laoreet enim pharetra ut. Cras lorem lectus, scelerisque eu iaculis a, rutrum id est. Integer fringilla libero risus, nec dignissim odio dictum ultricies. Nam sit amet porttitor nisi. Duis lacinia sapien enim, quis volutpat orci blandit faucibus. Praesent vitae egestas purus. Quisque tempus dolor eget eros dapibus sollicitudin. Donec sit amet enim posuere, luctus lectus viverra, semper orci. Pellentesque pulvinar metus et turpis consectetur euismod. Aliquam ullamcorper augue arcu, vel tempor nunc fringilla ut. In id ullamcorper nisi. Suspendisse semper diam sit amet egestas ullamcorper. Proin eget ornare risus, sed vehicula sem. Nulla erat augue, fringilla ut hendrerit pulvinar, faucibus sit amet magna. Mauris tortor sem, aliquam non dapibus et, consectetur ac mi. Etiam in porta felis, vel bibendum nisl. Morbi sed dapibus purus.



Duis tristique volutpat nisi sed egestas. Donec lobortis efficitur mauris et condimentum. Duis id purus sodales, pellentesque enim eget, aliquet neque. Quisque gravida efficitur fringilla. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Fusce vestibulum pellentesque purus. Nulla non nulla ultricies sapien gravida vestibulum in sit amet velit. Etiam sed turpis eget nisi vestibulum feugiat et non nunc.

Nullam id volutpat libero. Mauris volutpat quis sapien sit amet congue. Pellentesque et massa lobortis, fringilla nisi eu, bibendum enim. Praesent nec sem sapien. Nunc a nunc nec arcu malesuada molestie. Mauris quis dolor id nisl facilisis vehicula. Nunc rhoncus sed felis ut pharetra. Quisque tellus lacus, egestas quis semper vel, semper non justo. Praesent ac auctor velit. Suspendisse et posuere mi, id commodo sem. Quisque tincidunt pellentesque mollis. Suspendisse ut bibendum eros. Sed posuere lobortis placerat.

Nulla a nisi ultricies, molestie elit nec, commodo elit. In sit amet nulla efficitur, iaculis quam eget, elementum lacus. Pellentesque bibendum dictum libero, sit amet ullamcorper sem ultricies eu. Curabitur pulvinar interdum mi vitae faucibus. Aliquam a sem a nibh ornare commodo. Mauris hendrerit erat a aliquam malesuada. Nam eget urna nibh. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Proin eu hendrerit orci, non consectetur leo. Etiam id consequat arcu, eu tincidunt velit. Proin convallis odio eget placerat tincidunt. Suspendisse ipsum turpis, luctus at eros non, vulputate tristique est. Proin non arcu justo. Donec ex nulla, ornare a nulla sit amet, congue gravida felis. Aenean libero ex, mollis at porttitor non, pretium eu elit. Maecenas convallis, massa ut luctus ullamcorper, tellus purus posuere sem, at hendrerit dui tortor sed ante. Nulla facilisi. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed vel risus felis. Nulla viverra, metus a venenatis pulvinar, massa nisl rutrum ligula, eget viverra ligula ipsum at neque. Pellentesque molestie arcu nec pulvinar mollis. Curabitur a diam eget sapien accumsan porttitor. Mauris vulputate metus nec dolor placerat blandit. Cras fringilla ipsum ac sem porttitor elementum.

Integer rhoncus eros nisl, quis consequat lectus tempus in. Mauris laoreet ut nisi nec facilisis. Integer faucibus orci vel odio tempus, quis porttitor dui euismod. Nullam vel convallis eros. Maecenas a dui id libero porta placerat ac sit amet urna. Integer tincidunt mattis eros vitae tincidunt. Aliquam porttitor, leo et feugiat ullamcorper, quam lectus tempor urna, vel fringilla justo mi non lacus. Ut gravida egestas nisl vehicula varius. Nunc ultrices eros at turpis tempor, tempor auctor dolor condimentum. Pellentesque imperdiet auctor dolor, eget efficitur turpis.


Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Donec at ipsum quis justo consectetur placerat. Nulla sit amet ullamcorper magna, non interdum dui. Donec scelerisque vel sem sed tempor. Mauris pretium justo at accumsan rutrum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nullam consectetur, lacus quis facilisis fermentum, est justo interdum lectus, sed rutrum arcu ante vitae sem. Duis ornare lacus ligula, a faucibus ante ullamcorper aliquet. Morbi ac diam pulvinar, fermentum orci ac, vehicula ipsum. Nullam porttitor sapien dui, id fringilla nunc venenatis in. Vestibulum aliquet diam eget nisi sollicitudin cursus. Ut quis lacus eget turpis iaculis imperdiet. Nullam non laoreet turpis. Nulla sodales nibh risus, sed fermentum metus pulvinar id.



Rex: U'la'Yar

The leader and figurehead of the War Nation of Krugmar, the Rex rules with the authority of Krug himself, acting as his enforcer in the current era. He will ensure that the laws of the War Nation are upheld while holding absolute control over its internal affairs. In most diplomatic proceedings, the Rex will represent the War Nation when conducting missions concerning foreign policy. Without a Rex, there is no Krugmar.

Targoth: N/A

Leader of the Orc Military, the Targoth controls all things war and strategy of Krugmar. The Targoth is responsible for managing the logistics of the military, including planning out war games and training sessions.

Yazgurtan: N/A

The workhorse of Krugmar, the Yazgurtan oversees Krugmar’s workforce and ensures that the coffers are full, the armory is stocked, and provisions are at a surplus. The Yazgurtan is the chief of Krugmar’s logistics. The Yazgurtan's assigns Orcs working roles based off what best suits them and ensure that they are providing for Krugmar.

Succesion of the Rex

A new Rex is crowned by, and only by, succeeding in a klomp. In the past, it was only the Dominus who could directly challenge the Rex for the title. However, due to the abolition of that position, the ability to challenge the Rex to a klomp has been opened up to anyone that holds or has held the title of Wargoth, Targoth, or Yazgurten, and have never been considered a whitewash.

Should an Orc who meets these criteria want to issue a challenge for Rexdom, a council will be convened consisting of the Wargoths, the Targoth, the Yazgurten, and the High Shaman. They will discuss the claim and discern the character of the Orc and whether they believe he or she would be apt for the title. Due to the fact that their claim is being assessed by fellow members of Orcish society, it is important for the Orc to be held in high regard if he or she wants to get the klomp approved. A claim is considered approved when, after at least an hour of discussion, at least three fourths of those in the council have agreed to approve the request. Anyone who would be in these councils but vies for Rexdom will sit out from the council regarding their own challenge.

It is within the power of the Rex, for whatever reason, to nominate an Orc for a klomp who does not meet the requirements listed. However, an Orc that receives the nomination is not required to challenge the Rex. Orcs who do challenge the Rex through this method still need to be approved by the council. The Rex is forbidden from klomping his nominee, and instead a champion will be elected by the council to fight in the Rex’s place.

Shamans will face a much higher amount of scrutiny than most other Orcs. The council must decide whether or not they will be able to rule properly, or if their devotion to the Spirits will interfere with their judgement, as a Rex’s focus should be first and foremost on the nation and its people.

If the Rex dies or abdicates, all who wish to claim the title and have been approved by the council will fight each other in a series of klomps until they they have all fought each other, with the Orc winning the most klomps earning the title. In the case of a tie between two of the claimants, the victor of the klomp between them will succeed as Rex. If there is only one claimant to the throne, a champion will be elected.

Appointment of Advisors

The Targoth and Yazgurtan will be appointed directly by the Rex and should they step down or die in office, the Rex will appoint their replacements.



Nunc porttitor in nisl a accumsan. Maecenas felis felis, ullamcorper eu ipsum ac, accumsan condimentum tortor. Duis non diam tristique, rhoncus magna sed, tincidunt dui. Aliquam eget placerat ex. Phasellus neque lorem, bibendum ac felis et, commodo varius justo. Praesent nunc ante, luctus quis elit ut, feugiat sagittis nisl. Phasellus fringilla odio vitae tortor luctus, vel sagittis urna finibus. Cras mollis lacus placerat malesuada semper. Mauris vulputate ultrices arcu, nec dapibus purus consectetur at. Vivamus porta, tellus eget rhoncus finibus, turpis nisi sagittis sem, eu lobortis leo neque vitae diam. Suspendisse blandit et lorem id porttitor. Curabitur commodo magna eget orci rutrum, in tincidunt odio interdum. Aliquam eget dui arcu. In bibendum tristique nisi, in finibus magna facilisis at. Nunc euismod neque ac diam tempus, et mattis sem bibendum. Curabitur at mattis nulla, et fringilla dui.


Clans are a cohort of Orcs whom have taken a particular ancestor, spirit or ideology as their namesake, to represent themselves as a collective. There are many great clans within the Uzg, Clans of Legend- Gorkil, Yar, Lur- all reputed clans that have been recorded in antiquity innumerably. Clans of which great leaders have stemmed.

Wargoth Clans

Wargoth clans are the most fabled and prestigious clans who have become staple in the nation. They are active and contribute in not only man-power, but resources and intelligence as well. To be a Wargoth clan, the respective clan must be well established, well known, have high numbers and contribute to the Uzg's efforts as a whole. A Wargoth is an Orc to be respected for they have gone through gruelling trials and tribulations to have their clan achieve that rank. However, the title of Wargoth is not permanent, and it can be removed should the clan fall out of favour and cease to contribute or fall too low on numbers.

Current Wargoth Clans:

Clan Raguk

The unbroken of Clan Raguk, a notoriously merciless band of behemoth, hardy uruks, and their equally fearsome larger olog counterparts. Their hide is stained with a deep red hue, much akin to the blood that smears their palms, or the molten blood-steel that comprises their weaponry. The bloodlust and militaristic prowess that naturally sears through their bulging veins grants them a bloody reputation that rivals the other clans.


Clan Braduk

The name of the Braduk clan is one steeped in blood and brutality. Legend tells of the grim, dark giants of the orcish race, their judgement swift and mercy fleeting. brothers and sisters beyond blood and oath, theirs is a bond etched with fire upon the iron of their souls, a bond shared with their steeds, the mighty rhinos whose calls are as thunder in the night.


Clan Lur

The Lurs are not footmen, they are hunters. The hunt is the most important thing for a Lur and to prove themselves in the hunt is what all young lurs wish to do. The Lurs have a bond to the great Lur wolves. The great Lur wolves are huge beast that only obey the Lur clan.

Wargoth: Falum'Lur

Clan Gorkil

Ever since the unification of the orcish people, few names has stayed as constant as the name Gorkil. Renowned for their honor and ferocity in battle, they have been called by some the ‘prime orc’ - strong and honorable, but in return incredibly prone to their own bloodlust. Fueled by pride and a passion for combat, the clan has stood as a pillar of not just orcish society, but the world.

Wargoth: Nazark'Gorkil

Clan Yar

The Yar clan was founded in late Anthos by the shaman, Malog, in honor of his great great great grandfather, Yar. the duhnah skhelll, a giant man-eating desert tortoise, is their symbol, and is used by this clan to represent wisdom and lethality. While still valuing strength as all orcish clans, the yar clan has always placed a special emphasis on wisdom and spirituality. A member of the Yar clan is expected to seek a firm understanding of life. He must strive to be as yar was: a source of wisdom for his people.

Wargoth: Malog'Yar

Clan Lak

Founded by the elder shaman and Ex-Rex known as Shreck, Lak was formed after clan dom saw a mass of emigration due to the dishonorable actions of Rusk'Dom the Liberator. Though initially seen with disdain, the brutish, savage clan has since contributed greatly and is viewed with respect in their endless service to Laklul. Lak serves Laklul through a variety of ways such as sacrifice or the raising of totems and destruction of rivals', garnering support in favour of Laklul in the spiritual realm.

Wargoth: Barash'Lak



Maecenas commodo sapien consectetur fermentum bibendum. Curabitur congue massa eu est suscipit, et sollicitudin sapien lobortis. Mauris aliquet at urna sit amet auctor. Ut malesuada felis nec eleifend mollis. Nullam aliquam lectus fermentum sem scelerisque, sit amet posuere urna accumsan. Pellentesque vehicula arcu justo, vitae tempus tellus vulputate in. Phasellus imperdiet tellus vel ligula posuere, et rhoncus diam tincidunt. Vestibulum faucibus lorem neque, a gravida erat iaculis id. Nam vitae justo vel ipsum suscipit ultrices.

Visual Arts

Maecenas commodo sapien consectetur fermentum bibendum. Curabitur congue massa eu est suscipit, et sollicitudin sapien lobortis. Mauris aliquet at urna sit amet auctor. Ut malesuada felis nec eleifend mollis. Nullam aliquam lectus fermentum sem scelerisque, sit amet posuere urna accumsan. Pellentesque vehicula arcu justo, vitae tempus tellus vulputate in. Phasellus imperdiet tellus vel ligula posuere, et rhoncus diam tincidunt. Vestibulum faucibus lorem neque, a gravida erat iaculis id. Nam vitae justo vel ipsum suscipit ultrices.


Maecenas commodo sapien consectetur fermentum bibendum. Curabitur congue massa eu est suscipit, et sollicitudin sapien lobortis. Mauris aliquet at urna sit amet auctor. Ut malesuada felis nec eleifend mollis. Nullam aliquam lectus fermentum sem scelerisque, sit amet posuere urna accumsan. Pellentesque vehicula arcu justo, vitae tempus tellus vulputate in. Phasellus imperdiet tellus vel ligula posuere, et rhoncus diam tincidunt. Vestibulum faucibus lorem neque, a gravida erat iaculis id. Nam vitae justo vel ipsum suscipit ultrices.


Maecenas commodo sapien consectetur fermentum bibendum. Curabitur congue massa eu est suscipit, et sollicitudin sapien lobortis. Mauris aliquet at urna sit amet auctor. Ut malesuada felis nec eleifend mollis. Nullam aliquam lectus fermentum sem scelerisque, sit amet posuere urna accumsan. Pellentesque vehicula arcu justo, vitae tempus tellus vulputate in. Phasellus imperdiet tellus vel ligula posuere, et rhoncus diam tincidunt. Vestibulum faucibus lorem neque, a gravida erat iaculis id. Nam vitae justo vel ipsum suscipit ultrices.


Nullam vestibulum congue euismod. Nulla finibus interdum accumsan. Sed vel ligula turpis. Duis eu vestibulum nibh. Duis et sem bibendum, accumsan magna sed, tempor mauris. Nulla ullamcorper fermentum sagittis. Ut et nisi nunc. Vivamus pharetra porttitor tempus. Morbi varius orci et dignissim imperdiet. Aliquam vel nulla arcu. Ut dui erat, porttitor ut viverra non, facilisis sit amet orci. Mauris gravida sollicitudin ex condimentum maximus. Nam id fermentum sem. Praesent pharetra enim eget sapien euismod accumsan. Vestibulum ac lorem aliquet, eleifend dolor sed, elementum risus. Pellentesque pulvinar ut velit vel blandit.


Nunc sed sapien fermentum, consequat nulla in, pulvinar justo. Vivamus scelerisque ornare mi, quis scelerisque ipsum maximus nec. Vivamus tincidunt volutpat consectetur. Morbi vel placerat eros. Vivamus vitae porta risus. Nunc dignissim porta mi, id feugiat arcu fringilla vel. Nunc et mattis quam, et efficitur mi. Aliquam sed velit in mi euismod maximus eget vel arcu. Donec ultrices purus felis, id vulputate orci fringilla blandit. Mauris interdum, neque vel fringilla viverra, velit justo finibus ligula, eu dictum leo eros quis dui. Maecenas quis ipsum fermentum, blandit orci eu, semper velit. Pellentesque hendrerit sagittis odio non porta. Donec porta ante risus, sed interdum urna placerat vel. Vivamus iaculis massa at iaculis molestie. Nunc sed sapien fermentum, consequat nulla in, pulvinar justo. Vivamus scelerisque ornare mi, quis scelerisque ipsum maximus nec. Vivamus tincidunt volutpat consectetur. Morbi vel placerat eros. Vivamus vitae porta risus. Nunc dignissim porta mi, id feugiat arcu fringilla vel. Nunc et mattis quam, et efficitur mi. Aliquam sed velit in mi euismod maximus eget vel arcu. Donec ultrices purus felis, id vulputate orci fringilla blandit. Mauris interdum, neque vel fringilla viverra, velit justo finibus ligula, eu dictum leo eros quis dui. Maecenas quis ipsum fermentum, blandit orci eu, semper velit. Pellentesque hendrerit sagittis odio non porta. Donec porta ante risus, sed interdum urna placerat vel. Vivamus iaculis massa at iaculis molestie.


Nullam vestibulum congue euismod. Nulla finibus interdum accumsan. Sed vel ligula turpis. Duis eu vestibulum nibh. Duis et sem bibendum, accumsan magna sed, tempor mauris. Nulla ullamcorper fermentum sagittis. Ut et nisi nunc. Vivamus pharetra porttitor tempus. Morbi varius orci et dignissim imperdiet. Aliquam vel nulla arcu. Ut dui erat, porttitor ut viverra non, facilisis sit amet orci. Mauris gravida sollicitudin ex condimentum maximus. Nam id fermentum sem. Praesent pharetra enim eget sapien euismod accumsan. Vestibulum ac lorem aliquet, eleifend dolor sed, elementum risus. Pellentesque pulvinar ut velit vel blandit.



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