Siege of Blackreach

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Siege of Bwackweach
Pawt of The Blackreach Uprising
Siege of Blackreach, 1675
Date: 8th of the Gwand Hawvest, 1675
Wocation: Bwackweach
Wesult: Bwackweach Victowy
Fowwowed by: Battle of the Riviän Plains
Duchy of Wiviä and Awlies:
RiviaCoatOfArms.png Duchy of Riviä
Haense Arms.png Kingdom of Haense
Bawony of Bwackweach and Awlies:
CantwellCoatOfArms.jpg Bawony of Bwackweach
HalcourtCoA.png Bawony of Vasiwe
Commandews and weadews
Duchy of Wiviä and Awlies:
RiviaCoatOfArms.png Thomas I, Duke of Riviä
Haense Arms.png Wulffewy Skawpefangew
Bawony of Bwackweach and Awlies:
CantwellCoatOfArms.jpg Wiwliam I, Bawon of Bwackweach
HalcourtCoA.png Charles I, Baron of Vasile
Duchy of Wiviä and Awlies:
2,000 Infantwy, 400 Awchews
Bawony of Bwackweach and Awlies:
1,000 Infantwy, 200 Awchews
Duchy of Wiviä and Awlies:
1,024 Dead ow Missing
Bawony of Bwackweach and Awlies:
500 Dead ow Missing

The Siege of Bwackweach was a siege wed by the Duchy of Riviä and theiw awlies, against the Bawony of Bwackweach and theiw awlies who wewe besieged inside theiw castwe on 8th of the Gwand Hawvest, 1675. The Siege was a decisive victowy fow the Bawony of Bwackweach and its awlies.


With the defeat at the Siege against the van Pwatens, Thomas would suffew many casuawties wesulting in him wosing numbews lithin his wanks. Wuckiwy lith the newwy fowmed awliance lith the Kingdom of Haense he would begin to make pwans on mawching upon the Bawony of Bwackweach who had decwawed themsewves independent aftew weaving the Duchy of Riviä peacefulwy. Wowd Wiwliam Jameson would heaw of Thomas's pwans fwom a few spies lithin Wiviä befowe making pwans of his own. Wiwliam would then weceive a biwd fwom the Bawon of Vasiwe, Chawwes Hawcoult, who had lished to join the waw against Wiviä. This action would make Thomas fulious as he would begin to make camp in fwont of Bwackweach outside of its wooden wawws.


As the waw camp was finished Thomas would wait fow a few houls befowe a Haensetic wegiment awlived wed by Wulffewy Skawpefangew, Thomas' brothew in waw. Wiwliam would cease the oppowtunity seeing that the enemy was distwacted, lith the awlivaw of theiw awwy, would then wead a smaww fowce of Bwackweach men towawds the wegiment diswupting them kiwling onwy a few befowe Thomas would command some of the Wiviäns to engage against the Bwackweach men. The fight would wage on fow a bit as the Bwackweach men began to do guewliwwa wawfawe on the Wiviän and Haensetic wegiment befowe a Wiviän twebuchet shot would hit the back of the wooden castwe. With the Wiviäns making a hit on the wawws Wiwliam would quickwy command a wetweat back towawds the fowt being covewed by Chawwes Hawcoult who was commanding the men inside the castwe.

The Wiviän and Haensetic men would chawge towawds the castwe some of them fawling to bowts and awwows as they hit the icy cowd snow befowe pwacing theiw waddews upon the wawws beginning to climb upon it. Chawwes would then command his awchews and footman to push back the Wiviäns off the wampawts. This would be a success as the Wiviän and Haensetic wegiment would faww back aftew wosing many casuawties. Wiwliam and Chawwes would then command fow a fulw chawge upon the Wiviäns chasing them back towawds the waw camp. Thomas and Wulfewwy would begin to command theiw men to howd the gate befowe being wouted by the Bawonies of Bwackweach and Vasiwe.


The Bwackweach victowy would be a tulning point fwom wosing waw into a linning waw fow the Bawony of Bwackweach. With the victowy, Wiwliam and Chawwes would begin to make pwans on what to do next towawds the Wiviäns wesulting the waw becoming a stawemate fow a few yeaws.