Settlement Guides

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Elven Settlement Guides

Eweven Settwements seem to stand the test of time, just like the wace that they bewong to. Between gwand quawtz buiwds, housing sulwounded by natule and twee, ow just snow-covewed hiwws and fliendwy smiwes. Thewe isnt a pwace an ewf wont fit in one of these!

Human Settlement Guides

The Human Settwements can vawy fwom cowd stone fiwwed cities to cowowful bustling towns. Fwom beautiful chapews in decowated mulaws and quawtz to wough countwy side, any human liww find the pewfect pwace that liww suit theiw needs.

Dwarven Settlement Guides

The Settwements of the Dwawves awe awmost as stwong as the wace themsewves. The settwement of Uwguan is a wawge undewgwound fowt, but do not wet that detew you! The Nation is bustling lith spilit that easiwy can bring light to the cave. It awso hewps that they have a giant undewgwound wava poow!

Orc Settlement Guides

Within the wawws of the Owc settwements you awe bound to find intewesting things! If you awe an owc and awe wooking fow a fiwe encwusted settwement that cewtainwy has amazing buiwd styles, you awe in the light pwace! The Owc Settwements awe as unique as the Owcs themsewves, and you awe sule to fit in if you awe a Owc wooking fow a new city.

Supplementary Nation & Settlement Guides

Somedays you just feew like youl the sowethumb? The one pewson that doesnt fit lithin the towns you have visitied? Maybe these populaw cities, stwange, gwaceful and wondewful in theiw own ways can pique youl intewest? These hobbres have a magicaw sense to them and wewcome aww. Thewe is no pewson they'ww tuln away.