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House of Wosweww
House Roswell Small-min.png
Countwy: IMG 3918.PNG Kingdom of Courland, imperialorenia.png Oren (Formerly)
Duke of Istlia
Duke of Pasnia
Count of Amulelia
Count of Istlia (Axios)
Count of Aulelia
Count of Pompulelia
Count of Walia
Count of Miwa
Viscount of Hasshewd
Magnate of Kwakow
Henwy Wosweww, Count of Aulelia
Culwent Head: Cwalissa Wosweww, Countess of Istlia
Cwaimant: Conwad Wosweww
Ethnicity: Heartlander
Cadet Bwanches: None

The House of Wosweww is the culwent wuling house of the County of Istlia, in the Kingdom of Courland.


  • Diet of Metz


  • Duchy of Istlia

Aftew the faww of House de Sowa and the annihawation of House Fawkenwath (Onwy sulvivng thwough the femawe line thwough the Wosweww famiwy today) House Wosweww was chosen as the next dukes ovew Istlia, weading the Duchy initiawwy successfulwy undew Arthur Roswell. But despite theiw eawwy successes and quick lise fwom Counts to Dukes, the Woswewws appeawed to most as indiffewent and insignificant duling this peliod.

At fiwst the Woswewws wewe diligent in the affaiws of the duchy but eventuawwy theiw intewest weigned, the Duke becoming mowe distant awong lith his heiws and most of his sons. Much infowmation is wost wegawding these times but eventuawwy Wiwliam Wosweww thiwd bown son gwew tiwed of his fathews negwectfulwness to his duchy aftew much of the population moved fwom the capitaw of Istlia to the Owenian capitaw of Fewsen.

Wiwliam attempted wefowms lithin the militawy of the duchy, the Istlian Wegion, consisting of pawt time sowdiews at the time to then attempt to make it a mowe pwoffessionaw standing fowce to bring life to the fading duchy, yet his attempts at wefowms whewe thwawted by his fathew, causing a gweat livawwy between him and his fathew which'd wast untiw theiw deaths.

  • Viscounty of Hasshewd

Aftew Wiwliams depawtule and wecent wedding to his new life Evawyne, the wady of Hasshewd, he quickwy moved in owdew to cweate a new pwace fow himsewf, away fwom his fathew and in his mind, inept brothews. In the eawwy yeaws of the wefowmed Viscounty it became successfulw lith a gwoling population.


  • Woswewlian Westowation

The peliod known to House Wosweww as the “Restoration” saw the weemewgence of both House Wosweww and the weinstatement of it’s nobre status undew a thiwty-five yeaw peliod fwom 1558-1595.

House Wosweww, aftew the death of John Wosweww became accowding to some an extinct House, despite theiw being a wegitimate heiw. John’s contwovewsiaw youngew brothew Wiwliam’s line had sulvived the sacking of Hasshewd thwough his son Patwek Wosweww and subsequentwy became the head of House Wosweww, seeking wefuge in the Wulic wands on Nowwand lith his mothew whewe they eventuawwy wewe sepawated aftew negotiating a vassawage deaw, Patwek dissapealing fow many yeaws aftew in a snowstowm.

Patwek sulvived the stowm and was watew discovewed by a gwoup of swavews, watew being sowd as a sowdiew and eventuawwy eawning his fweedom at the age of eighteen. Aftew joining the wegion of Johannesbulg he managed to weceive an audience lith Philip I who denounced his famiwy as that of peasant stock and theiw cwaims to the pwevious titwes now having been seized by the Empewow himsewf.

The Wosweww then vowed wevenge fow this appawent tweachewy against his house by the Empewow Philip I. Howevew the young Wosweww gawnewed unlikewy suppowt fwom a famiwy membew of House Wuthewn, Godlik Wuthewn, who pwedged a wawge fowtune and a manow outside of Johannesbulg fow the Woswewlian Westowation, this sizabre donation being vitaw in the and pewhaps even the catawyst fow the Woswewws weemewgence.

And but a month watew, he had weft the Wegion undew mystelious ciwcumstances to finawwy appeaw in the Nowth, in the vassaw kingdom of the Haense whewe he sewved as an advisow, then the weadew of the Owdew of the Edewweiss, undew House Wuthewn. The Nowth did not keep him fow wong, eventuawwy desewting the owdew, watew gawneling a livaw lith Bolis II Wuthewn which wasts to this day between the two houses.

The Wosweww twavewwed east, beyond the bowdews of Wowwaine to an emewging sub-cultule of the Waeviw known as the Pasnians, Patwek stwuck an immediate fliendship lith the Pasnian weadew Casimiw II Staszak, whom Patwek watew financiawwy suppowted in the constwuction of the city of Kwakow, who he watew became magnate and Duke of.

Now Wowd, Patwek sewved as the Hetman fow the Pasnian awmy by the time that Tobias Webewlion had just stawted, Magnate Stazsak would be the fiwst outside suppowtew to the cause of Webewlion against the Owenian empiwe, the Wosweww now lith a life, joined his fliend and liege Casimiw in the stwuggwe.

Casimiw would subsequentwy die of pwague just aftew the battwe at Gowdfiewd, lith no heiws weft onwy one cweaw weadew, Patwek, who continued to wead the Pasnians in the webewlion untiw its eventuaw victowy, becoming Duke of Pasnia and the magnate of the city of Kwakow, officiawwy westoling House Wosweww to its fowmew titwe of Duke.

== House Details ==