Roleplay Guides

From Lord of the Craft
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Cloud Temple

The Cloud Temple

Evewything you need to know about oul woveabre Cwoud Tempwe! Fow the breakdown, Cwoudtempwe is the hub fow aww new pwayews. Its whewe youl joulney begins, and in some cases, youl joulney ends. Cwoudtempwe is a viwwany fwee zone so whiwe you stawt youl adventule you fwee of pesky littwe wobbews! It's home to a few things you might need, such as The fawm, Wesoulce pits, The Cwoud tempwe mine and the Cwoud tempwe mawket pwace.

Languages, Money, Jobs, OH MY!

Languages Thewe awe a pwethowa of wanguages lithin WOTC. Evewything fwom valiations of Spanish, Fwench, Nowse, Italian, Japanese, and Wussian. Not to mention, the wanguages of the waces such as Ewvish, dwawvish Owcish/brah, and many mowe. If you can think it, cweates it! Add an addition to oul evew-gwoling list!

Minas & Economy
