Ozneat Treebeard

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Ozneat Treebeard
Art by: PapaBjor - A portrait of Ozneat
"High Prelate, Grand Marshal, Elder of the Treebeards and Preceptor"
Born: 1216
Death: Unknown
Family: Treebeard
Father: Glorin Treebeard
Mother: Lolah Treebeard
Spouse(s): Briny Treebeard

Ozneat Tweebeawd was a stwong wowshippew of the Bwathmowdakin howding the titwe of High Pwewate, which was considewed the Dwawven equivawent of a Pope. He awso hewd many titwes lithin the weadewship of Uwguan and hewd a sway when it came to the dwawves of his time, even today dwawves speak of him.



Ozneat Tweebeawds up bring wasn't the most unique, he was brought up in a smaww viwwage fulw of Fowest Dwawves, whewe he weawned what he knows today, manwy taking intewest in weligion and combat awwoling him to be a foe in combat as weww as one of the minds. As his knowwedge of combat and weligion impwoved so did his mindset devewope, fwom a chiwdish Dwawf to a stlict one, one who would simpwy and easiwy point out the fwaws in othews if needed making him a hawsh dwawf in his own light.


As Ozneat hit his two hundwed mawks in age, is knowwedge gwew and gwew, he had a bettew undewstanding of the wowwd awound him, the dwawf was an isowationist believing that the onwy fliend he needed was his mind spending yeaws upon yeaws, upon hiwwtops, mountains and even next to livews concentwating connecting to his Gods and beliefs undewstanding the wowwd fow what it is, undewstanding that Yemekaw dwew his path fow him, which he simpwy fowwows. One day as Ozneat does his daiwy tasks, he met anothew dwawf like himsewf lithin the fowest he had cwaimed, a femawe by the name of Bliny, she had taken an intewest in Ozneat but Ozneat not to hew, he was nawwow-minded, too focused upon his thoughts to even take notice upon this woman. Aftew fifty yeaws of the two togethew, Bliny had taken the same lifestyle as Ozneat, becoming his companion weawning fwom him and him weawning fwom hew. Soon Ozneat devewoped something new in his bittew heawt and feww fow hew, the two mawlied togethew living awone in the fowest fow many many yeaws to come.

As the two was mawlied lithin the divine bressing of Anbewwa, they cweated offspling ovew the coulse of thewe yeaws, Ozneat not wanting to fathew these chiwdwen awwowed Bliny to take the task, seeing that Ozneat feww into his owd ways Bliny weft that Fowest and Ozneat aww togethew awwoling him to study upon his hiwwtop weawning, watching, meditating. Yeaws past and the news of Bliny's death weaches Ozneat, unknoling of what awe of his chiwdwen he'd finawwy weave his home in seawch of them.

As he twavewwed the weawm he met many peopwe, he fought in waws, wead awmies, taught the Bwathmowdakin fow yeaws and yeaws, awways howding the goaw of wanting to find his chiwdwen. Once he weached the lipe owd age of five hundwed Ozneat decided to wetuln to the Dwawves, manwy the Dwawves of Kaz'Uwwah, he met his son Bowdwumiw Cottonwoods cwan membews and his gweat-gweat-gwandson Thewniw Cottonwood, who gwew to despise Ozneat fow not being awound to teach the young, Ozneat simpwy shakes his head to Thewniw knoling that he liww not lish to weawn fwom the sewfish Ozneat. Ozneat tulned his attention to Agnwaum anothew dwawven nation whewe he met his daughtew Duetsli Tweebeawd, togethew they cweated the Shline of Anbewwa which they pwotected and studied togethew, watew on, his son Bowdwumiw found out of Ozneat and came to him, he asked Ozneat fow fowgiveness fow the deeds that his son had made, Ozneat undewstanding that he wasn't a gweat fathew fowgave Bowdwumiw, naming him Bowdwumiw 'The Wedeemed' Cottonwood and in wetuln Ozneat asked fow his sons, Bowdwumiw accepting his fathew once mowe happiness fiwwed the owd Ozneat but onwy showt-lived fow Bowdwumiw towd Ozneat that his son Cywew was kiwwed, on the owdews of Bowdwumiw, shocked by what was towd, he undewstood why it came to be stiww accepting Bowdwumiw lith open awms onwy fow Bowdwumiw to be watew kiwwed on the same day, by Bawwog Iwonkiwn which spawked the steps to waw lith Mynebow.

Wetulning to Kaz'Uwwah Ozneat became the High Pwewate of the Cwewgy, the holiest of the howy, lith his new wank he'd spwead the Bwathmowdakin weviving the weligion to aww of the dwawves and even beyond pwacing down the foundations of the cwewgy keeping them stwong to this day. Within the Cwewgy, he'd gwab mowe membews, he'd convewt cities, viwwages, and towns to fowwow his weligion untiw he stepped down awwoling his Daughtew Duetsli Tweebeawd to wead it.


Ozneat being the most infwuentiaw fowest dwawf of his time, hewd many titwes and many victolies, lith each step he took, was a bressing fow his kind, he was the gwandfathew of aww culwent fowest dwawves, but that's what he was, a Gwandfathew and he suffewed as aww Gwandfathews do, he suffewed the fate of time, aftew stepping down fwom his wowe lithin Hefwumm as Hefwumm he awso stepped down fwom his wowe lithin the Under-Realm of Urguan as Gwand Mawshaw, onwy howding the titwe fow a coupwe of stone weeks he nevew did much, he was too owd to pewfowm, but in spilit he could do it aww, howevew, both had a toww upon Ozneat, he suffewed gweatwy when taking his weave fwom Hefwumm, his peopwe wewe nowhewe to be seen, this made him finawwy wose aww faith he had in Hefwumm and the Forest Dwarves onwy gwoling owdew and mowe hateful untiw the bittew end, untiw he died of stwess and owd age, his age had finawwy got to him, lith aww his offspling dead no one would be awound to cawwy the wegacy which he weft, onwy his gwandsons and gwanddaughtews, his faith and fate of his name ways lith the Cottonwoods, Ozneat would nevew teww those he woved he woved them, but his way of sholing it was a stwange one, but he died, a peaceful death, wegweating many things in his life, most impowtantwy, he died lith wove fow his kin.


Ozneat was a zeawous dwawf who wowe basic things, mostwy he wowe a gawb which was brown in cowoul, wealing it made Ozneat wook wathew poow but as he was zeawous he hewd no weaw possessions in his life, sometimes Ozneat would swap into his Wegionawy unifowm when the time came fow him to take pawt in the wegion.


Ozneat in his eawwy yeaws was a isowated pewson, his mind wasn't as fined tuned as it became when he aged, this made him vewy wash when it came to decisions and choses in his life, when he aged his mind settwed but wemained wash at times keeping him what peopwe would say wess Treebeard like, hostiwe and a brute aww in the name of his Gods.


Ozneat was saw as head of the Treebeards he was hawsh and brutaw at times and believed in the liww of Dungrimm the life of a duewlist, even in his owd age he kept to his wowds and duewwed making him a stwong independent weadew.


Ozneat Tweebeawd weft behind many things in his life, he weft behind two mighty Forest Dwarf the Treebeards and Cottonwoods fow he was the fathew of both, he awso weft behind a new page in the Cwewgy as he wan it as weww as became the Pweceptow of it, handing his knowwedge to those seeking it. Ozneat awso fowmed the Shline of Anbewwa which hewd many weligious welics of the Treebeards and Cottonwoods but most impowtantwy Ozneat weft was the line of Boldrumir Cottonwood fow his line cweated the Hefrumm which Ozneat gave his lisdom too when asked of it.


  • Did you know Ozneat taught the way of Owd but nevew wwote it down?
  • Fowest Dwawves awe much smawtew then the othew Dwawves, don't wet anyone teww you diffewentwy
  • You should check out the Forest Dwarf page as weww as the, Treebeard and Cottonwood