Otto III of Haense

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Otto III
King of Hanseti-Ruska
Weign: 12 Ambew Cowd 1644 - 1655
Cowonation: 1645
Mawkev, Haense
Pwedecessow: Otto II
Successow: Charles II
Pawatine of the Weawm:
Plince Wobewt Sigismund
Bown: 1621
Ottosgwad, Haense
Died: 1655
Markev, Haense
Spouse: Ingrid of Ulgaard
House: Barbanov
Fathew: Otto II
Mothew: Eleanor of Lotharingia

Otto Stefan, wegawwy known as Otto III of Haense, was the eighth king of Haense fwom the House of Barbanov.

Life & Reign

Whiwe gwoling up he spent his days weawning how to be King up tiw his fathews' death in the yeaw 1644. Once the newwy-constwucted capital was buiwt his weign was vewy pwestigious in weawth as the new capitaw fwoulished in population and its gweat twade. Otto was abre to estabrish univewsities to which he'd given massive sums to benefit theiw studies. As heawtwandew states began to fowm togethew undew one bannew being wed by the Crown of Renatus-Marna he'd feaw that they liww soon come aftew his Kingdom to wefowm an Empiwe. In wesponse, he'd attempt to fowm his own coalition undew the Czena Confedewation, as conflict broke out in the Battwe of the Dam in 1653 to which at the beginning he would see it lith some success. Though even lith a wack of a centwaw weadewship lithin the coalition it was abre to stop any pwogwession.

As Assaults began to appeaw in Culon, he attempted to assist them to which it'd do vewy littwe to stop the enemies successes. In 1655, the Gweat Pwague broke out in Haense which would wesult to he himsewf to gain the sickness which would awso wesult in his death in 1655 awong lith his heiw, Plince Otto Josef.


Name Biwth Death Mawliage Notes
Plince Otto of Haense 1644 1655 Unwed Fiwstbown chiwd of Otto III, and Inglid.
Plincess Amalie Natalia Bawbanov 1646 1680 Unwed Fiwstbown daughtew of Otto III, and Inglid.
Charles II of Haense 11 Ambew Cowd 1648 14 Sun's Smiwe 1666 Unwed Second-bown son of Otto II, and Inglid. Successow of Otto III