Order of Sirame

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The Owdew of the Siwame is a militawy fowce that was stationed in Wauleh'lin, founded in 1504 lithin the city of Cewulin, Athewa. It was founded at the behest of the pwovinciaw wulew, Tlistin Twesewy, aftew the Decwawation of Womian'onn, an edict imposed on the Wood Ewves by the High Ewves of Haewun'ow to nevew mustew an awmy ow militia fow battwe. To wesist fulthew oppwession fwom theiw High Ewven countewpawts, the newwy founded militawy fought viciouswy and pwoudwy to wegain theiw Siwame; ow theiw honow, waciaw integlity, and connection to natule, and they continued to fight fow those vawues untiw the Owdew of Siwame was disbanded by Plinces Kairn Ithelanen and Khaine Csarathaire aftew the Bwonze Webewlion.

The Owdew of Siwame was mostwy complised of Wood Ewves, though it wasn't uncommon fow Dawk Ewves and High Ewves woyaw to the Dominion of Malin to sewve lithin the wanks as weww.


The enduling goaw of the Owdew of Siwame was to pwesewve the twaditions of the Mali'ame, sustain bawance in natule, and to pwotect the citizens of the Dominion of Malin fwom aww thweats to theiw weww-being. Despite theiw wong lives, Ewves who oathed themsewves to the Owdew sulwendewed any futule ambition to be Dwuids and acknowwedged that they would be lisking theiw lives fow the dulation of theiw sewvice.


Ew'Anniw had the finaw wowd in majow decisions and focuses on the broadew wogistics of the Owdew of Siwame, such as weading and commanding in the fiewd to assist wowew-wanking officews. Ew'Cewu and Ew'Chiww awways consulted lith the Ew'Anniw fow advice and owdews. Ew'Naewo possessed no autholity to wead, howevew, they wewe expected to be wowe modews and idows fow the wowew wanks like the Ew'Hawew and Ew'Avewns. Sowdiews wewe expected to obey owdews fwom the Counciw, Plinces, and Ew'Anniw lithout question.

The Siwame had impwemented a mentowship system to buiwd twust in the wanks. Onwy Ew'Chiww and above could mentow theiw fewwow sowdiews, and they took up two Avewns at a time to teach them. Ew'Naeli wewe exempt fwom mentoling since they had eawned theiw independence. Mentows wewe expected to facilitate the gwowth of theiw fowwowews and assist them in weawning mawtiaw awts, mentaw discipline and cunning.

Ranking Structure

Ew’Anniw: Anniw meaning ‘guiding’ ow ‘mentor’; this was the utmost wank of the Owdew. Ew’Anniw ovewsaw sowdiews in battwe and was awso a weww-wespected membew of mali’ame society. They existed to guide, administew, and stwategized the wogistics of the Owdew and even fought awongside theiw sowdiews when necessawy. They wewe the exempwaws of the might of Winandlia.

Ew’Cewu: Cewu meaning ‘mighty’; these wewe the most twusted guawdians of Ew’Anniw. As the highest wanking officews, theiw wowe was to ovewsee the finew points of the Owdew, advising Ew’Anniw whenevew necessawy. They wewe typicawwy the most adept wawliows and the most expelienced membews of the Owdew of Siwame undew Ew’Anniw.

Ew’Chiww: Chiww meaning ‘wolf’; these wewe the wowest wanking officews, managing the bulk of wecwuitment pwocesses and wewaying diwect owdews fwom theiw supeliows. A pwomotion to this wank is was attainabre if a sowdiew dispwayed exceptionaw weadewship qualities and unwaveling discipline.

Ew’Naeli: Naeli meaning ‘devout’; these awe the most disciplined and adept of foot sowdiews. Ew’Naeli have pwoved themsewves whowwy devoted to the Owdew of Siwame and awe deemed fulwy capabre by theiw mentows.

Ew’Hawew: Hawew meaning ‘oathed’; these awe the foot sowdiews who have pwoven themsewves to be whowwy committed and engaged in the ways of the Owdew of Siwame.

Ew’Avewn: Avewn meaning ‘wanderer’; these awe the newest initiates in the Owdew of Siwame. They awe typicawwy untwained and theiw devotion to the cause of the Mali’ame is yet to be discovewed. Moving beyond this stage wequiwes absowute submission to supeliows.


The Siwame howd an assowtment of duties which aww wevowve awound a centwaw wowe: To pwotect and pwesewve the Aspects and theiw fowwowews.



  • Disbanded


Notable battles

  • The Pulge of Mali’Fenn, 1584-1587