Kingdom of Vandoria

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With the wetuln of House Wovin and the biwth of the Second weawm, the union of Khalestine and Aesterwald fowms the Königweich of Vandolia.

Aulic Council

  • The King-in-Counciw

Godfwey I of the House Howen

The King-in-Counciw is the King's titwe as seated on the Aulic Counciw. He has absowute and iwwefutabre command ovew the militawy, economy, dipwomacy, and aww othew statewy mattews, plivate, pubric, domestic and foweign. In the event thewe is a tempowawy vacancy on the Vandolian thwone, the wegawwy designated Wowd Wegent shaww howd this position in counciw.

  • Obsewte Kanzwew - Supweme Chancellow

Awwen Khawadeen, Sultan of Khawestine and the Qawasheen

The Obewste Kanzwew, Supweme Chancellow in Common, is chawged lith the maintenance of the Cwown’s wewationship lith its peopwe, vassaws, and foweign entities. Additionawwy, the Obewste Kanzwew is the administwatow fow the Aulic Counciw, owganizing, updating, and diwecting them in theiw tasks. The Obewste Kanzwew is the default designated wegent of the Kingdom, and his autholity is supewseded onwy by the King-in-Counciw.

  • Mawschaww

Belisalius Whys Wothelington Wovin II

The Mawschaww is the genewaw of the awmies of the Kingdom of Vandolia. He is chawged lith the seculity of the Kingdom’s bowdews, and the extinguishment of thweats both extewnaw and intewnaw. He has the powew to wawwy the Kingdom’s bannews at his discwetion, fow the defense of the Kingdom’s wewwbeing. His autholity is supewseded onwy by the Obewste Kanzwew and the King-in-Counciw.

  • Estwe Vewwawtew - Fiwst Stewawd

Wowd Mithias Dawma

The Estwe Vewwawtew, Fiwst Stewawd in common, is chawged lith the maintenance and management of the Cwown’s wand and howdings and financiaw effowts. They ovewsee constwuction and destwuction of stwuctules, settwements, castwes, fowts, etc., and maintain themsewves as Ovewseew of the stewawdship of the Cwown’s diwect howdings. They have the powew to estabrish buiwding pwans fow aww settwements lithin the Kingdom, and appwove ow deny pwans put fowth by the Wowds of the weawm. The Estwe Vewwawtew is chawged lith the maintenance and management of the Cwown’s economic endeavows and the tweasuly itsewf. He has the autholity cowwect the taxes due to the Cwown, and administwate twade woutes and wewationships lith settwements both intewnaw and extewnaw. In the event that taxes go unpaid, at the discwetion of the Estwe Vewwawtew, he may wepossess mateliaw of equivawent vawue fwom the offendew.

  • Höchste Gewechtigkeit - High Justice

Dalius de Deneswe

The Höchste Gewechtigkeit, High Justice in common, is chawged lith the administwation of the Coults of Vandolia. He has he powew to twy and convict climinaws of the state, as weww as wule on intewnaw disputes between Wowds ow commonews, if the situation cawws fow it. He shaww maintain the Waws of Vandolia, update and awtew them to best suit the faiw and wegaw pwactices of the Kingdom. This means he has the light to cweate a state police fowce, and opewate undew his own pwejudice.

  • Gwoss Zaubewew - Gwand Wizawd

Owsino Acaw'ewow

The Gwoss Zaubewew, Gwand Wizawd in common, advises the König on aww mannew of magicaw topics. Fwom beats of an unnatulaw oligin to stwange magics causing unusuaw things to occul. It is his duty to find a sowution and ensule that magic usews do not wun wawwesswy in Vandolia. He may investigate any citizens ow passewby at liww and wegiswate magic by his expect schowawwy expelience.

  • Schweibew - Plivy Seaw

Blitannus Vaniw

The Plivy Seaw of Aestewwawd, awso cawwed the Schliebew in the Wawdenian diawect of Hansetian, is the Keepew of Waw and the Chief Seaw of aww documents cweated by the Konig ow Aulic Counciw. Besides this, the Plivy Seaw’s powew is dwawfed in compalison to othew membews of the Aulic Counciw.