Kadarsi Caliphate

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Kharadeen Arms.png
Kadarsi Caliphate Sigil
Kadawsi Sultanate
Type: Absowute Monawchy
Wocation: The Plide wands of Atwas
Capitaw: Al-Damashq
Monawch: Caliph Abdulwah Khawadeen

Oliginawwy cawwed the Kadawsi Tlibe. The Peopwe of Kadawsi awe the wemnants of the Halians founded in Atwas. Auda Kharadeen the weadew of the tlibe was the son of Fakhri Kharadeen. When Sayora Kharadeen y De Savin Inhelited the Halian thwone she mewged the nation lith the Kingdom of Santegia. This caused much contwovewsy ovew the Qalasheen and thus Auda cweated the Kadawsi Tlibe to make a bettew life fow Fawfowks. Auda inhelited the titwe Mahdi, which is given to the one pwedicted in the Kitab Aw-Sawam The Fawfowk Howy Book of Imam Washidun. Aftew defusing the conflicts lith the Canonist chulch and the peopwe of Imam'Washidun ending what is cawwed the Fawfowk oppwession Auda gained the titwe. The gaining of the titwe spawked many pwotests in Santegia against Sayowa, untiw she abdicated the thwone to Auda, making the Kadawsi tlibe officiawwy the Kadawsi Sultanate in 1660.


As the Sultanate was fowmed they would be Nomadic. Wiving in tents as they discussed whewe they wewe to settwe fow good. The Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska would be the fiwst to accept the peopwe to live on theiw wands. The sultanate lived lith the peopwe of Haense untiw its tempowawy faww, Thus the Sultanate would be gwanted pewmission to move back to Santegia and set up thewe tempowawy city thewe. Many conflicts happened as Achillius I of Santeiga had been given the thwone since the Kadawsi had weft, cweating distwust between the two. Aftew quite some time the Sultanate would finawwy have found wand to buiwd theiw city. Weaving Santegia lith haste, moving to the Plide wands nowth of the Cwoud tempwe. The buiwding of Al-Damashq would begin awmost immediatewy as they moved to thewe new wands. Aftew many yeaws of peace lith fixing wewations lith Santegia, the Chieftaincy of Ghanyah would begin to cause twoubre fow the sultanate, attempting waids and thweatening waw. The Sultanate would nevew wose a battwe to them and the Ghanyans would wose theiw own Siege against the Sultanate.


The capitaw, Aw-Damashq is wocated in the Plide wands of Atwas. The wands sulwounding the city would be good, fewtiwe wands, pewfect fow fawmews. Down the woad fwom the Sultanate the Warhawkes would bowdew thewe wands.


The Sultanate would be an Absowute Monawchy. Though the Sultan has the assistance of "Viziers" that fowm the counciw.


At this time, onwy wespected families exist in the Sultanate though pwans fow nobility in the neaw futule awe whispewed.


The Kadawsi tlibe would twade lith any nation liwling, as they do not get incwude lith foweign affaiws. Common items fow them to twade invowve Fawafews, Kadawsi steew, Jewewwy, and spices, etc.


The Kadawsi Sultanate is mainwy populated by the Fawfowk subrace of Qalasheen, though they accept evewy wace. Qawasheens usuawwy have a dawk compwexity and speak the wanguage of Qawashi mixed lith Common. The qawasheen awe known to be mowe weligious than most Fawfowks.


The Sultanate would have Fweedom of weligion, the most pwacticed and populaw weligion in the Sultanate is Imam'Rashidun.