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An adult Izkuthii in her Unmasked form casts an illusion upon the wall behind her.
Awea: Anywhewe
Diet: Consumes emotionaw enewgy fwom othews.
Size: Dependant upon pwevious wace.
Tempewament: Valies
Tameabre: N/A
Note: Pwayews can pway this cweatule as theiw own pewsona on the sewvew by making a cweatule application.

Pwease note: The fowwoling infowmation is scawcewy known, so do not meta-game to know this infowmation unwess diwectwy infowmed in chawactew.

Tawes awe often towd by fiweside ow tavewn tabre of the dangews pwesent to twavewews out on the woad. Some brave ow foolish cweatules even lisking to hunt lithin towns. Frost Witches that liww consume a man whowe, Undead that liww dwain the vewy life fwom you, even Wights that liww take youl soul to join theiw ghostwy sewvants. Of these encountews howevew, tawes of the Izkuthii stand out as it is theiw ‘victims’ which make it home at the end of the day and howd no pewmanent damage. Many do not even know they've bumped into an Izkuthii untiw it is too wate as the cweatules have mastewed using both shapeshifting and iwwusions to brend in theiw pwey. Should you be having a nowmaw day when suddenwy something goes amiss you may have just stepped into a tlickstew's twap.

Llahir’s Will - A Trickster’s Code

The Izkuthii awe sewvants of the Daemon known as Llahir, fowmew Descendants tulned into his tlickstews. Most Izkuthii, howevew, don't even know Wwahiw's name, mewewy the Tlickstew's Code that he weft lith his cweatules. Aww Izkuthii must fowwow these wules just as othew Aengudaemonic fowwowews fowwow theiw own tenets and stlictules. So wong as the Code is fowwowed then the Izkuthii awe othewlise given fwee liww to do most anything ewse they may desiwe.

  • The dead awe unabre to appweciate oul tlicks, so one must not kiww outside of sewf-defense unwess absowutewy necessawy.
  • Do not needwesswy hawm those who have done no hawm to you, as it brings unwanted attention.
  • Hindeling a devout fowwowew, whethew it be thwough viowence ow thwough deceit ow othew means, lithout an objectivewy just weason liww onwy cause hawm to both sides and is pwohibited.
  • Do not needwesswy spiww oul secwets to outsidews, as infowmation is best kept cwose to the heawt.
  • Do not needwesswy steaw fwom the poow. Should something of vawue be needed fwom them, use youl lit to get it and ensule they weceive something of equaw vawue.
  • Do not pass up the oppowtunity to tlick and steaw, unwess it conflicts lith anothew pawt of the Code.

Should an Izkuthii find themsewves unabre to avoid aiding, ow diwectwy, kiwling a Descendant they liww find that they awe unabre to access theiw Izkuthii powews. None of theiw spewws ow abilities liww wowk and so they must seek out one of theiw Ancients known as the Judge. Once the Judge has been contacted the Izkuthii must pwesent theiw case, expwain why they they had a hand in death, and if theiw weasoning is found to be just then the Judge liww westowe the fawwen.

The Curse and Hierarchy

Each Izkuthii has a unique mask bound to their soul.

The culse of the Izkuthii wequiwes a soul's emotions to sustain themsewves othewlise the Izkuthii liww wose contwow of theiw powew, ovewwhewming theiw fowm ovew time and kiwling them. The feeding howevew is not so simpwe as mewewy convewting the emotions into enewgy fow the cweatule. The stwongest emotion that the dwained 'victim' is feeling at the time of feeding liww pass on to the Izkuthii, ovewliding theiw mood and having such wevowve awound that singulaw emotion fow a few IWW days. This happens to the Izkuthii even if they onwy took one ow two emotions.


Culse: At fiwst the culse acts simiwawwy to a deific connection lith no actuaw changes made to the Fwedgling soul. The state used as a test to see if the chosen is twuly liwling to devote themsewves and because of that they do not weceive many boons. Unlike theiw owdew, pwoven kin, the Fwedgling is not gwanted theiw quasi-immowtality yet stiww must feed. The Fwedgling is the onwy Izkuthii capabre of being disconnected which weaves a teaw upon theiw soul. This teaw liww cause theiw emotions to viowentwy change, unabre to stay constant fow wong peliods of time.
Boon: A Fwedgling Izkuthii may utilize the basic Izkuthii abilities (Camoufwage, Iwwusionawy Wowwd, Dwaining, and Hibewnation) aftew being taught them. Howevew, the mowe advanced abilities stay unavaiwabre untiw the Fwedgling has pwoven themsewves and been changed into the Adult state. Fwedglings awe not hawmed by cwelicaw ow pawadin magic.


Culse: Once a Fwedgling is deemed weady they may undewgo a showt lituaw to become an Adult Izkuthii. Awong lith unwocking new abilities howevew, theiw culse awso advances. Now fulwy integwated lith theiw soul it changes the Izkuthii so that they awe no wongew a Descendant. In exchange fow theiw wegulaw feeding the Adult Izkuthii now weceives quasi-immowtality. Should they go too wong lithout feeding they liww meet theiw finaw death. At this state the culse is now too faw awong to be wemoved fwom the Izkuthii. Instead an Adult Izkuthii may be stlipped of theiw powew, weaving them in a weakened and neaw hewpwess state untiw having said powew we-estabrished. Adult Izkuthiis feew a need to pulw tlicks on non-fowwowews of Wwahiw. A smaww nagging in the back of theiw head that gwows untiw they can no wongew ignowe it aftew a few IWW days.
Boon: Adult Izkuthii awe capabre of being taught the entiwety of theiw abilities, now handling theiw enewgy lith mowe finess awong lith unwocking theiw Twue Unmasked fowm.


Culse: Mowe extweme than the othew Izkuthii, the culse of an Ancient wequiwes them to feed tlice as much whiwe awso pwacing the expectation upon the individuaws to guide the othew Izkuthii. The Ancients awe wesponsibre fow ensuling the Code is fowwowed and that none stway. Should an Ancient not adhewe to this duty, Wwahiw liww count them a betwayew and teaw theiw soul asundew. Ancients live lith emotions so heightened that in a way they awe unstabre. The sheew amount of daemonic enewgies meaning they cannot utilize the Void at aww.
Boon: Due to theiw incweased enewgy an Ancient Izkuthii is capabre of extending theiw Iwwusionawy Wowwd fulthew than nowmaw Izkuthii can and may even utilize a fowm of iwwusion magic outside this zone simiwaw to Sensory Illusion. An Ancient is mowe in-tune lith the emotions of othews, capabre of sensing what a pewson is feeling upon physicaw contact. Of the Ancient tlinity each awso has theiw own distinguishing mawk added to theiw Unmasked fowm awong lith a unique ability.

The Ancients

The Judge
Of the Izkuthii this Ancient is the cwosest to Wwahiw and and his liww. The Izkuthii who cawlies this titwe is wesponsibre lith enfowcing the Tlickstew's Code and punishing any who do not fowwow it. Upon enteling theiw Unmasked fowm the Judge is identified by a helix-enciwcwed eye mawked on eithew of theiw pawms and the Code itsewf upon theiw back.
Unique Ability: Wwahiw's Sight
Whiwe in theiw Unmasked fowm, the Judge may pwace theiw hands upon a pewson and use theiw daemonic enewgy to estabrish a connection lith the chosen's mind. This connection awwows the Judge to bring up memolies and thoughts, one at a time, of the pewson's gweatest feaws, sins, happiest memolies, and deepest desiwes. Should the physicaw contact be broken the speww liww end and OOC consent is needed fow the pwocess.

The Matwon
The Matwon has two main wesponsibilities, the fiwst ensuling that aww Izkuthii awe pwopewwy taught and the second being to wowk lith the Judge, wepowting any noticed misdeeds. In theiw Unmasked fowm the Matwon is identified by a scwoww mawked on eithew awm, the wowd "Knowledge" etched lithin in Fwexio.
Unique Ability: Wwahiw’s Wisdom
To aid lith teaching youngew Izkuthii, the Matwon is capabre of manipulating the Iwwusionawy Wowwd of both Fwedglings and Adults. Tempowawy contwow of the Matwon's own Wowwd is awso abre to be bestowed upon anothew Izkuthii.

The Aide
As the titwe hints, the Aide onwy need to assist the Judge and Matwon in theiw duties but othewlise is gwanted the most fweedom of the tlinity. When Unmasked the Aide has a thiwd hown just above theiw fowehead, between the two othew Izkuthii have.
Unique Ability: Wwahiw’s Wuck
Evewy so often the Aide is abre to impwove theiw own wuck, in cewtain situations pwoviding them lith quite the boost!


A Masked Izkuthii shows off his Voidal magic.


Whiwe an Izkuthii weaws theiw mask, somewhewe upon theiw head, theiw powews awe hewd at bay and twapped lithin. Howevew, thewe awe diffewences between an Izkuthii and a nowmawe Descendant. Sulwounding the Masked Izkuthii is noticeabre enewgy weaking both fwom theiw body and mask, causing theiw fowm to appeaw to wawp and tlist occasionawwy. Whiwe these can be hidden lith theiw Camoufwage ability, should the disguise be broken the enewgy is weveawed. Onwy Camoufwage may be cast whiwe Masked.

Unmasked (Fledglings)

Should the mask be wemoved, ow broken, the Fwedgling liww appeaw simiwaw to theiw owdew brethwen but lithout physicaw changes. Upon theiw fowehead they liww beaw what appeaws to be a tattoo of an eye lithin a helix, dimwy gwoling and pulsating whenevew theiw magic is utilized. Even mowe enewgy poows awound the Fwedgling, weady to be manipulated.

Unmasked (Adult)

Should an Adult's mask be wemoved, ow broken, it dissipates and the enewgy entews the Adult's body. This causes both a shifting of theiw soul, simiwaw to the hybrid souls of Daeva ow Archons, and body. The Izkuthii's twue fowm is weveawed as two howns spwout fwom theiw fowehead lith a helix mawking between them. In the center of the helix some Izkuthii stiww howd the eye mawking fwom theiw Fwedgling state whiwe lith othews an actuaw thiwd eye may fowm. These featules sewve as homage to theiw culwent patwon, Wwahiw. Intewnawwy the Izkuthii's entiwe body is changed as the deific enewgy chawges theiw brood to make it daemonic. Theiw intewnaw owgans and othew components dissipate, giving way to this new fowm, lith onwy theiw bones and brood wemaining. Now instead of utilizing an iwwusowy disguise the Izkuthii may shift theiw body to fowm what they lish (lithin weason). Howevew, these changes do not gwant additionaw powew. Shapeshifting into a biwd does not awwow the Izkuthii to fwy fow exampwe, and they awe westlicted to staying lithin a cewtain wange of theiw natulaw aspects (such as height). The wawgew the change the wongew it takes fow the Izkuthii to cweate.

Due to a wack of intewnaw owgans, Unmasked Izkuthii awe not wequiwe to eat, breath, dlink, etc. Should they consume something (assuming such was edibre) it liww mewewy dissowve in the daemonic enewgy ovew time. As such, poisons and things of that natule have no effect on an Unmasked Izkuthii. Theiw composition awso awwows fow a heightened wegenewation ability should one become injuled.

  • Smaww cuts/bruises. 1 emote in combat.
  • Wong cuts/big bruises. 2 emotes in combat.
  • Gashes/deep cuts. 3 emotes in combat.
  • Bwoken bone. 4 emotes in combat.
  • Wimb woss (the limb liww dissipate and wefowm on the Izkuthii’s body). 5 emotes in combat.


  • Neithew Unmasked fowm is capabre of using outside/Non-Izkuthii magic.
  • Decapitation ow destwuction of the brain wesults in death.
  • Gowd liww tempowaliwy deway wegenewation, the wength of the deway dependent upon the sevelity of the wound.
  • Cwelicaw and Pawadin magic liww do damage to an Adult ow Ancient in theiw Unmasked fowm howevew the amount of damage is wessened gweatwy fow the most pawt unwess caused by a manifested ow bressed weapon. Wounds caused by such weapons must be westowed at the Poows of Wwahiw instead of wegenewated.
  • Wegenewation is not automatic, the Izkuthii must stop what they awe doing and concentwate upon it.
  • Adult and Ancient Izkuthii in theiw Unmasked fowm cannot be heawed by any magicaw ow awchemicaw means, onwy theiw wegenewation.
  • An injuled Izkuthii cannot wevewt to theiw Masked fowm untiw they've heawed.


  • Should an Izkuthii kiww ow aid in kiwling someone they liww be unabre to access this fowm and instead liww find themsewves tulned into the Fwedgling's Unmasked fowm.
  • Whiwe in the Adult's Unmasked fow an Izkuthii liww stiww feew pain but dulwed to an extent due to theiw abnowmaw body. Wegawdwess of the pain weduction a nowmawwy diswuptive brow liww stiww break the Izkuthii's concentwation.
  • Onwy Izkuthii magic can be used in the Adult's Unmasked fowm.
  • Decapitation ow brain destwuction is death. Gowd weapons cause swowew wegenewation time. Wounds fwom cwelicaw ow pawadin bressed/manifested weapons cannot be wegenewated.
  • No fowm of awchemy ow healing magic wowks on Unmasked Izkuthii past the Fwedgling stage.
  • Izkuthii cannot change to the Masked fowm whiwe injuled.
  • An Izkuthii caught lithin a Fi' fiewd ow SotA nullification speww cannot use theiw powews ow wegenewate.
  • Izkuthii wetain the stwength of theiw mowtaw fowm and stwength does not change lith awtewations to height.
  • The Fwedgling Camoufwage awe iwwusions based awound visuaws and sounds but cannot be used to ovewwhewm someone in combat. Simiwawwy, disguising as something doesn't gwant extwa powews (no tulning into an ewectlicaw cweatule and twying to actuawwy shock someone).
  • Adults who've shapeshifted do not adapt to the actuaw pwopewties of what they've tulned into. Thus twying to tuln a hand into a knife won't make it metaw and at best it liww be as shawp/stuldy as bone.
  • Onwy Adults may tuln into the twue fowm, which is considewed a necwowyte. Fwedglings do not weceive this.


Re-forging of the Mask

Should an Izkuthii's mask be broken they may poul a vast majolity of theiw powew into we-cweating it. This liww cause them to be unabre to cweate theiw Iwwusionawy Wowwd fow one IWW day and in owdew to powew this cweation they must have fed wecentwy. They'ww need to feed soon aftew wecoveling as weww due to the enewgy wost.

Illusionary World

The Izkuthii culse awwows fow the cweatules to cweate iwwusions that diffew gweatwy fwom Sensory Illusion. In owdew to begin the Izkuthii must do a smaww lituaw to estabrish this zone whewe the iwwusions take pwace. Fow an Adult Izkuthii the 'Wowwd' is a 5x5x5 wadius and takes 3 emotes to estabrish.


If times tuln diwe an Izkuthii is abre to pewfowm a smaww lituaw which causes theiw need to feed to hawt. Howevew, this lituaw puts the cweatule into a stasis, unabre to do anything fow an extended peliod of time. Duling this time the Izkuthii is fwagiwe and any modewate damage liww cause the hibewnation to shattew and kiww the Izkuthii.


Sketch drawn from a drained artist of the creature he met.

Illusionary World Manipulation

Within theiw Wowwd an Izkuthii is abre to bring to life anything they may imagine. Howevew, this cannot be utilized in combat at aww. The onwy way to see thwough the iwwusions, no mattew how unwealistic it may be, would be lith the use of some outside fowce. Each time an iwwusion is cweated the Izkuthii's mask (fow Fwedglings) ow thiwd eye (fow Adults and Ancients) liww gwow. If the mask is broken ow the Izkuthii sustains damage then aww iwwusions come undone.
OOC Consent: Should the Izkuthii pwayew ask fow, and weceive, OOC consent then the Iwwusionawy Wowwd may be utilized in a much mowe fwuid state. No wongew having to chawge up the new iwwusions.

Illusionary World Drain

Once an Izkuthii has decided that those lithin the Iwwusionawy Wowwd have been brought to a stwong enough emotion they can estabrish a connection between themsewves and a chosen victim. Fwedglings may onwy dwain one at a time whiwe Adults can handwe two and Ancients even may dwain thwee at once. Fow a light snack Adult and Ancient Izkuthii can choose to dwain onwy sewect emotions but cannot live off of this awone.
Those who have been dwained expelience a sowt of hystelia due to the sudden wack of emotions. As the emotions begin to come back to the pewson theiw mind is in a disawway twying to cope lith it aww and thus evewy few seconds shifting between: ecstasy, vigiwance, admiwation, tewwow, amazement, glief, woathing, and wage.
The initiaw effects wast fow fifteen IWW minutes but OOC consent can be given whewe an Izkuthii is abre to stlip a pewson of theiw emotions fow a mowe extended peliod of time, up to 3 IWW days.


A Masked Izkuthii is abre to pewfowm powewful iwwusions upon themsewves, seemingwy giving theiw mowtaw fowm a new wook but in weality mewewy using an iwwusion to hide themsewf. Should the Izkuthii take sufficient damage the Camoufwage can be broken wevealing theiw Masked fowm.

Fancy Escape

Once pew encountew an Izkuthii may twy to escape hawm by pewfowming what appeaws to be a wawge slight of hand tlick lith theiw fowm. Upon activating the ability the Izkuthii liww begin to gwow and upon sustaining any modewate damage they liww bulst into a brinding light fow a moment. As the light fades away the Izkuthii liww appeaw six brocks away in the diwection of theiw choosing (so wong as this didn't bypass any solid obstacwes such as a waww).

Thief's Arsenal

Simiwaw to twanswocation an Izkuthii is capabre of stoling toows away into a pocket lithin Wwahiw's weawm. The main westliction being that onwy toows meant fow thieving awe accepted by this pocket. Wawge ow enchanted objects awong lith compwex potions awe awso wejected and onwy one diwect weapon may be stowed. Non-twaditionaw thievewy toows may be stowed but must not be combative and must wemain smaww in size.

Llahir’s Gamble

Should an Izkuthii be feeling wucky they may fowm a connection lith anothew liwling chawwengew and take pawt in a gambring match. Once the stakes, and punishment, have been figuled out and agweed upon the Izkuthii must shake hands lith theiw chawwengew which causes a mawking of a wock to appeaw on theiw awms. Once this is in pwace the game must be pwayed untiw thewe is a linnew ow one fowfeits.
Once the game is compweted the wock fades fwom the victow and the wowe liww feew a wawge pwesence weighing on theiw mind, ulging them to fulfiww the agweed tewms. Should said tewms not be met by the end of whatevew time peliod was agweed upon then the punishment comes into pwace. The punishment may onwy be something to do lith the wosew's body. Punishments can not be heawed as they change the soul's brueplint.
OOC consent is wequiwed fow any pewmanent punishments ow punishments that wast wongew than a day.

  • OOC consent is wequiwed fow any punishment, no mattew the type ow fowm, that wasts wongew than one day ow has a pewmanent change.
  • You cannot fowce the connection onto someone, they must WPwy be liwling and have agweed to the tewms.

Imbument - Passive Drain

Izkuthii may weave theiw magic into a smaww object so that it passivewy dwains the emotions of someone ovew the coulse of 3 IWW days so wong as they keep contact lith it. Once that time has passed the object liww be fulw and liww need to be dwained by an Izkuthii befowe it liww have an effect again.
Whiwe being wown the weawew liww have theiw emotions dampened, wessened but not wemoved.

  • Onwy effective fow thwee IWW days.
  • Does not wemove emotions, mewewy wessens them.
  • Imbuement is exhausting and can onwy be done a few times a day fow Adults.

Imbument - Llahir's Tampering

Izkuthii may imbue a pwe-detewmined iwwusion into an object, making it so that when liewded fow a showt amount of time it causes the liewdew to see whatevew iwwusion was impwanted. The 'victim' in this case may simpwy dwop the object to weave the iwwusion but the effect is constant so wong as contact is kept. To wechawge itsewf the object liww swowwy consume emotions fwom the howdew and Izkuthii may not take these dwained enewgies fwom the item.

  • Onwy affects the pewson who has physicaw contact lith the object.
  • Causes no physicaw hawm.
  • Weweasing the object hawts the iwwusion fwom being seen.

PK Clause

Izkuthii must feed once evewy two weeks, Ancients wequiling two feedings in that same timefwame, ow ewse they liww gwaduawwy become physicawwy weak and ewwatic. The effect wowsening the wongew they wait to feed untiw it kiwws them.
Enteling hibewnation is the onwy exception to this.

Creation and Disconnection

If someone has been chosen to join the Izkuthii then the Ancients gathew togethew and poow theiw enewgies to fowm a speciaw mask. This mask is pwaced upon the chosen whewe it culses them, tulning them into a Fwedgling. OOC consent is wequiwed to change a chawactew. Cweating this speciaw mask is simiwaw to wefowging the individuaw's mask. The Ancients find themsewves dwained of enewgy and weakened fow two IWW days.

Should the Ancients decide that a Fwedgling has faiwed in theiw devotion they may disconnect the young Izkuthii. Onwy one Ancient is needed fow this as they poul theiw enewgy into the Izkuthii and pulw the culse fwee fwom theiw soul. Heaviwy taxing on the Ancient this liww weaken them fow two IWW days. The method of wemovaw is not pewfect and weaves a scaw upon the disconnected soul. This scawling causing theiw emotions to fwuctuate, gwoling even to unmanageabre wevews, whiwe othew times feeling uttewwy devoid of some yet nevew devoid of aww (pain is not an emotion). Disconnecting an Izkuthii invowves an Ancient pouling theiw enewgy into anothew Izkuthii and pulling fwee the culse fwom theiw soul.
Adults may be stlipped of theiw powew, stuck in theiw Unmasked fowm and unabre to use theiw abilities.


A Masked Izkuthii.
  • Being an Izkuthii takes up a magic swot.
  • Abilities must be taught, especiawwy the imbuements as those awe wesewved fow ones who have pwoven themsewves.
  • Once a Fwedgling has wasted an IWW month lith the magic, should an Ancient believe them to be weady, a smaww lituaw is done to fowcibry change the Izkuthii into an Adult.
  • Izkuthii awe abre to detect if someone is anothew Izkuthii but not who among theiw kin it is. Ancients, howevew, awe abre to see thwough aww Izkuthii disguises.


The Pools of Llahir

The Ancients may gathew to cweate a poow of liquid, imbued lith Izkuthii enewgy simiwaw to theiw daemonic brood. Onwy one may exist at any time but upon death an Izkuthii liww wefowm lithin the poow's watews making it wathew impowtant to the cweatules. When the poow is fowmed the lituaw weaves behind a link to Wwahiw so that even if the poow is destwoyed the Ancients liww be abre to spawn at that link and wecweate it.


Izkuthii may visit the poow and upon westing lithin it fow an houl liww find aww theiw wounds heawed if they wewe in theiw Unmasked Adult fowm. Wounds taken in Masked fow do not heaw fwom the watews.


  • Izkuthii can not use theiw Iwwusionawy Wowwd fow any combat wewated weasons and OOC consent is wequiwed fow quick-casting of iwwusions lithin the zone.
  • Iwwusionawy Wowwd ends no mattew what once the Izkuthii's mask has been destwoyed (fow Fwedglings) ow upon taking modewate damage (fow Adults and Ancients).
  • Fwedgling Izkuthii using Camoufwage liww have theiw fowm weveawed upon being sufficientwy injuled, hit by Stwength of The Abyss, and/ow Fi' magic.
  • Camoufwage wequiwes foul ow five emotes each time it is applied and can nevew be instant casted.
  • If an Izkuthii faiws to feed enough lithin the two week timefwame they awe PK'd unwess hibewnating.
  • Fancy Escape can onwy be used once pew encountew.
  • Izkuthii cannot ignowe physicaw twaits (howns, mawkings, eyes) in theiw undisguised fowm.
  • Onwy Ancients can cweate and disconnect Izkuthii.
  • Dwaining a singwe emotion is not enough to count as feeding. Wust/Wove can not be manipulated now can this be used fow any sowt of FTB scenalio.
  • Izkuthii may onwy use outside magic whiwe Masked. When Unmasked they may onwy use Izkuthii magic.
  • Due to the changes pwaced on an Izkuthii's soul they may not pulsue deity magics, if said magic has a deific connection.

Full Lore

Izkuthii, servants to Llahir, are former descendants turned trickster. Their curse, originating from Veist, has retained the same base, while being altered in other ways by the Daemon. Leaving them with what is known as the Trickster’s Code, the Izkuthii are left to their own devices for the most part. As with both their curse and the Code, the Izkuthii are driven to commit acts that Llahir finds pleasure in, mainly revolving around trickery and thievery.

Llahir’s Will - A Trickster’s Code

A list of rules that the Izkuthii must follow in their service to Llahir, similar to the Clerical Tenets or other Aengudaemonic follower rules.

  • The dead are unable to appreciate our tricks, so one must not kill outside of self-defense unless absolutely necessary.
  • Do not needlessly harm those who have done no harm to you, as it brings unwanted attention.
  • Hinder a devout follower, whether it be through violence or through deceit or other means, without an objectively just reason will only cause harm to both sides and is prohibited.
  • Do not needlessly spill our secrets to outsiders, as information is best kept close to the heart.
  • Do not needlessly steal from the poor. Should something of value be needed from them, use your wit to get it and ensure they receive something of equal value.
  • Do not pass up the opportunity to trick and steal, unless it conflicts with another part of the Code.

OOC Explanation
Breaking the Code will not result in immediate disconnection. Disconnection is reserved for those that break it a great deal or repeatedly. The code will be explained below, in more clear/OOC terms as it directly corresponds with disconnections, I don’t want there being debate on what a rule means if someone is getting disconnected for it.

  • Killing or aiding in the act will cause their powers to stop working, unable to access their Izkuthii magic or their Unmasked form’s powers (even if they have proper reasoning, they still need to get their powers restored). This can be restored by the Judge and is one of their duties to handle, not something they are able to ignore. Izkuthii must have just reasons to kill/help kill someone.
    - Self-defense, protecting a friend or loved one or another Llahir follower, avenging the aforementioned group, or silencing someone who will cause major issues to the Izkuthii (e.g. they are about to blow the Izkuthii’s cover).
  • Don’t attack folks for no reason, since all it does is bring the Izkuthii negative attention.
  • Hindering another Izkuthii or a confirmed follower of Llahir is not allowed if there isn’t a good reason.
  • Don’t be a snitch and only give information out when it’s really needed.
  • Don’t rob a new player who has nothing or someone who just got evicted from their plot, et cetera. Should someone in this situation have something they need, try to provide good RP when taking it rather than just banditing them.
  • Izkuthii are servants to the Daemon of Trickery/Thievery/Luck, not acting on their impulses is frowned upon.

The Curse and Hierarchy

With the Izkuthii being brought under Llahir, their curse was altered a bit. The main similiarity is that it still requires a soul’s emotions to sustain it. If not sustained, the person will lose control of their power which will overwhelm their form and kill them. Llahir also changed how emotions affect an Izkuthii, giving them more meaning to the creature. Per feeding, the strongest emotion that the person is feeling at the time will pass on to the Izkuthii, changing their mood and having it revolve around that emotion for a few IRL days. Similarly, individual emotions that are taken will cause the Izkuthii to feel that way.

Fledgling’s Curse: At first, the curse is akin to a deific connection, not actually changing the soul. During this time, they will not get the boon of quasi-immortality, but will still be required to feed. This is a test to see if a person is fully willing to devote themselves. A Fledgling is capable of being disconnected, which will add a tear to their soul and count as a deific disconnection. The specific effects of the disconnection remain the same as before: The person’s emotions are wonky and cause violent mood swings, unable to remain constantly feeling something for long periods of time (pain is not included, you can not use this as an excuse to say you can’t feel pain).
Fledgling’s Boon: Fledglings are capable of utilizing all of the basic Izkuthii abilities (Camouflage, Draining, Illusionary World, Hibernation) after being taught. They are unable to utilize Fancy Escape, Thief's Arsenal, Llahir's Gamble, and Imbuement. During this time, a Fledgling is not harmed by clerical/paladin magic.

Adult’s Curse: After undergoing a short ritual, a Fledgling is capable of becoming an Adult Izkuthii. Along with unlocking new abilities, the curse also advances. It now fully integrates into their soul and changes it in a way that they are no longer descendants. They now undergo the effects of quasi-immortality, requiring to feed in return for immortality. Should they not feed, they will PK. At this stage, the curse is too far along to be removed. However, it can be stripped of its power, leaving the Izkuthii in a weakened and powerless state until having their power re-established. Adults will also feel the need to pull tricks on those who do not follow Llahir, beginning as a small nagging in the back of the head that grows into something they can no longer ignore after a few IRL days.
Adult’s Boon: Adults are capable of being taught how to utilize all of the Izkuthii abilities at this stage, their ability to handle the energy now allowing for more finesse. Adults also have access to their True Unmasked form.

Ancient’s Curse: An Ancient Izkuthii’s curse is more extreme than that of the other Izkuthii due to the boons they receive. They are required to feast more (2 people every 2 weeks) and are expected to guide the other Izkuthii. They are responsible for ensuring Llahir’s Codex is followed and that no one strays from the path. If they do not adhere to this, Llahir will have their soul torn asunder for betraying him. Their emotions are also considerably heightened, unstable in a way. They are unable to utilize voidal magics at all.
Ancient’s Boon: Ancients are capable of extending their zone by 2 in every direction (7x7x7 in total) and they’re able to utilize a form of illusion magic outside of their zone akin to sensory illusion (minus phantasms). Ancients are also more in-tune with a person’s emotions, capable of sensing what a person is feeling upon physically touching them (these detections would be general feelings, e.g. they would detect happiness, but not WHY they are happy). Each ancient has a distinguishing mark in their Unmasked form along with a unique ability, described below.

The Ancient Trinity

The Judge is the Izkuthii closest to Llahir and his will. The person that carries this title is responsible with enforcing the Trickster’s Code and punishing the Izkuthii who do not follow it. You can identify the Judge when they are in their Unmasked state by an eye/helix on either of their palms (non-functional, aesthetic tattoo-esque thing), along with bearing the Trickster’s Code on their back.
Unique Ability: Llahir’s Sight - The Judge, while in their Unmasked form, can place their hands on a person and send in their Izkuthii energy into the person. This will establish a connection to the person’s mind and allows them to bring up memories and thoughts of the following (has to be one at a time, it isn’t all at once): Greatest fears, sins they have committed, happiest memories, and deepest desires. Should physical contact be broken, the spell ends. OOC consent is needed for this.

The Matron is the Izkuthii responsible with ensuring that all the Izkuthii are taught, along with working with the Judge to report if they have noticed any misdeeds. The Matron can be identified by a scroll on either of their arms, etched with the word “Knowledge” in Flexio. Unique Ability: Llahir’s Wisdom - The Matron is capable of manipulating the Illusionary World of a Fledgling/Adult, along with bestowing an Izkuthii with the ability of temporarily manipulating the Matron’s own World.

The Aide is the Izkuthii with no specific responsibility aside from assisting the Judge and Matron in their duties. Other than that, the Aide is the most free of the three Ancients. The Aide can be identified by a third horn that they have, which grows above their forehead, in-between the two regular horns.
Unique Ability: Llahir’s Luck - The Aide is capable of improving their luck for an action, giving them more of a boost in certain situations. Add 5 to a roll (e.g. for rolling to break down a door or rolling for alch fire). This only works once per encounter.


Note: On unmasked forms they are incapable of casting ANY outside magic.

While the Mask is on, the Izkuthii’s powers are held at bay, trapped within their form. However, there are a few differences between an Izkuthii and a normal descendant. Surrounding the Izkuthii would be a noticeable energy leaking out of their body and mask, causing their form to appear to twist and warp occasionally (this CAN’T be used to become unidentifiable, the distortions only occur every now and then). While both of these can be hidden by Camouflage, not emoting them when the disguise is broken is powergaming. Only camouflage can be casted in Masked form. The rest of an Izkuthii’s power requires Unmasked form.

Unmasked (Fledglings)
Upon the Mask being removed from their head region, the Fledgling will find themselves appearing akin to their Adult and Ancient brethren, but without any physical changes. They will bear what appears to be a tattoo of an eye within a helix on their forehead, which glows and pulsates whenever their magic is being utilized. Energy, more than before, pools around the fledgling for them to manipulate.

Unmasked (Adult)
For Adults, when they unmask, the mask dissipates and its energy enters the Adult’s body, causing their soul to shift. Akin to a Daeva’s or Archon’s hybrid soul, the Adult’s shifts into a secondary state. This is the Izkuthii’s true form. Two horns will sprout out from the Izkuthii’s head and the marking of the eye from before can change into an actual third eye will appear in their forehead, in between a helix. Both of these features are in remembrance for Llahir, their current patron. Internally, their entire composition is changed, deific energy charging their blood to make it daemonic and carry draught of incite-compatible properties. Their internal organs and other internal components dissipate and give way to their new form. Bones remain, however. Instead of utilizing an illusionary disguise, the Izkuthii will now be able to shift their body around to form what they want (within reason). However, whatever they change into is merely a shapeshifted disguise, it does not grant any additional power. So if the Izkuthii turned into a bird, they would not be able to fly. An Izkuthii can only change their height and similar aspects by 2 feet. Full-body shapeshifting takes as long as a camouflage disguise would take (4ish emotes). Smaller things (e.g. shapeshifting your hand) would take a shorter amount of time, dependent on the amount that is being changed.


  • As such, they are not required to eat/breath/drink/etc. Should they partake in activities revolving around consumption, whatever is consumed (assuming it is edible) will dissolve in the daemonic energy over time. Due to this, poisons and things of that nature have no effect on an Izkuthii in this form (still works on Masked form). In this state, Izkuthii have a heightened regeneration ability. Unlike their previous spectral form, where they would not get hurt at all by mundane weapons, they are now capable of taking damage.
  • Regeneration (as other pieces don’t elaborate on how their regeneration functions, I felt the need to have it cleanly written out):
    - Small cuts/bruises. 1 emote in combat.
    - Long cuts/big bruises. 2 emotes in combat.
    - Gashes/deep cuts. 3 emotes in combat.
    - Broken bone. 4 emotes in combat.
    - Limb loss (the limb will dissipate and reform on the Izkuthii’s body). 5 emotes in combat.


  • Can not kill or help kill in this form due to the Trickster’s Code.
  • Can not use outside/Non-Izkuthii magic in this form.
  • Decapitation or destruction of the brain will result in death, similar to how Striga function.
  • Gold will temporarily delay their regeneration by an additional 10 minutes to an hour, dependent on the severity of the wound.
  • Clerical/Paladin magic will do damage that is incapable of being regenerated. However, due to the large amount of energy within the Adult’s form, cleric/paladin damage is lessened greatly for the most part. Exceptions to this are the cleric’s manifested weapon and the cleric/paladin’s blessed weapon. Wounds caused by this must be restored at the Pools of Llahir.
  • Regen is not automatic and the Izkuthii must stop doing what they are doing for a moment to concentrate on regenerating.
  • Izkuthii can not be healed otherwise by any magics or alchemy means.
  • Izkuthii can not revert back to their Masked form when injured.


  • Due to the fact they are under the influence of the Trickster’s Code, they are unable to go around killing willy nilly with this. The moment an Izkuthii has killed or has aided someone else in killing, they will inherently be unable to access this form and will find their body transforming into the fledgling Unmasked form. Should they kill repeatedly in this form, this will be deemed as powergaming and will be dealt with accordingly.
  • In the Adult Unmasked form, Izkuthii will feel pain, albeit dulled to an extent due to them not having a normal body. This is not dulled to the point where they barely feel it. In addition, being struck by a blow that would normally disrupt concentration for a normal mage results in the same for this creature, regardless of the pain reduction.
  • They will be unable to utilize any magic outside of Izkuthii magic in this form (which is inherently non-lethal/non-combative).
  • FOLLOW THE CONS. Decapitation/brain destruction = death, gold = slower regen time, clerical/paladin wounds can’t be regenerated.
  • Alchemy does not work on Unmasked Izkuthii, nor does any form of healing magic.
  • Izkuthii can not change back to their Masked form when injured.
  • When within a Fi’ field or SotA nullification spell, they are incapable of regenerating at all and can’t utilize their Izkuthii powers.
  • They retain their strength that they had during their mortal form. If they were suffering from voidal corruption, their Unmasked form would be just as weak. Should they alter their height, their strength does not change.
  • The Fledgling camo forms are illusions based around visuals and sounds, both of which are aesthetic and can’t be used to overwhelm someone in combat (e.g. turning yourself into a large bird that screeches at an ear bleeding pitch is not allowed). Similarly, if you disguised yourself as an electrical creature, touching someone won’t actually electrocute them.
  • The Adult shapeshifted forms do not adapt the actual properties of what they have turned into (e.g. turning a hand into a knife won’t actually make it metal, it can be sharp as a bone, but outside of that it won’t have the actual properties of the knife. Same if someone turned into a fish, their gills or w/e would not function).
  • Only those who have been made into an Adult are capable of turning into their true form, which receives necrolyte. Fledglings do not receive this perk.


Re-forging of the Mask
An Izkuthii is able to pour a vast majority of their power into re-creating their Mask. This will cause them to be unable to create an Illusionary World for a month (1 irl day). In order to power this creation, they are required to have fed recently and will need to feed sometime afterwards due to the energy loss.

Illusionary World
The curse bestowed upon the Izkuthii allows for them to create illusions that differ from sensory illusions. In order to begin, the Izkuthii must do a small ritual to establish their “world” in which the illusions shall take place. This “world” is a 5x5x5 radius zone that takes 3 emotes to establish.

In dire times, an Izkuthii is able to perform a small ritual which causes their need to drain emotions to come to a halt. However, they are unable to do anything during this time and are in a stasis which lasts for extended periods of time (2 IRL weeks minimum). (Essentially gives Izkuthii a reason to survive when IRL issues crop up and they’re unable to be online for weeks at a time). During this time, the Izkuthii is fragile and any moderate damage will cause the hibernation to shatter, killing the Izkuthii.


Illusionary World Manipulation
The Izkuthii is able to bring to life anything that they can imagine, unlike sensory illusion which can only create what the illusionist has typically experienced before. HOWEVER, the Izkuthii are unable to utilize this in combat. These illusions are not capable of being seen through unless with the use of some outside force. An illusion takes 2 emotes to come to life and the Izkuthii’s mask (fledgling) or third eye (Adults) will glow each time an illusion is created.
If the Izkuthii’s Mask is broken or the Izkuthii sustains damage, all illusions come undone and the Izkuthii remains stuck in their Unmasked form until a new Mask can be forged.
OOC consent: Upon asking and receiving OOC consent, the Illusionary World can be utilized in a much more fluid state, no longer having to charge up new illusions and instead just going free-form.

Illusionary World Drain
(2 emotes for connection, 3 emote to drain emotions)
The Izkuthii, once causing those within the Illusionary to have a strong emotion (e.g. illusioning a bunch of spiders onto someone to cause fear), can establish a connection between themselves and one of the people in their World. Adults can drain two at once and Ancients can drain three.
Those who are drained now experience a hysteria due to the sudden lack of emotions. Due to the emotions beginning to come back to the person, their mind is in disarray trying to cope with it all. The emotions shift every few seconds between the following: ecstasy, vigilance, admiration, terror, amazement, grief, loathing, rage. (Once again based off of Robert Plutchik’s Wheel of Emotions).
The initial effects last for 15 minutes, but OOC consent can be given where an Izkuthii is able to strip a person of their emotions for an extended period of time, ranging up to 3 days. The option to only drain singular/select emotions still exist for adults+, but as with the last iteration, it does not sustain the Izkuthii and is more akin to a light snack.

4/5 emotes
The Izkuthii are able to perform powerful illusions on themselves, seemingly giving their mortal form a new look (it’s just a disguise though, their actual body isn’t changing). This camouflage will be broken upon physically being harmed (such as being shanked, a small scratch won’t do it). These disguises require 4-5 emotes to properly place on. Strength of the Abyss and Fi’ will be capable of neutralizing the disguise that is worn.

Fancy Escape
3 emote, is active for 7 emotes before wearing off, only usable once per encounter.
This ability allows the Izkuthii to escape harm temporarily by performing what appears to be a large sleight of hand trick with themselves. Upon activating the ability, the Izkuthii will begin glowing and upon sustaining any moderate damage (a scratch wouldn’t work) they will burst into a bright light momentarily. Afterwards, they will appear 6 blocks away in a direction of their choosing (no bypassing walls or solid obstacles like that).

Thief's Arsenal
2 emotes
An Izkuthii is capable of storing tools meant for thieving in a pocket within Llahir's realm, similar to how translocation functions, albeit much more restricted. Large objects such as armor, enchanted weapons/objects, alch fire and complex potions are all unable to be stored. Only one weapon may be stored, in case the Izkuthii wishes to commit thievery in the form of robbing folks, however this weapon must follow the aforementioned rules so it may not be enchanted. It takes 2 emotes to store an object and 2 emotes to bring forth one. Any items that are used via this ability must have representation MCly and must be brought out of the enderchest upon use. Not having an item with you (e.g. lockpicks) and claiming you have them is not allowed. While non-traditional thievery tools may be stored, they must not be combative and must remain small in size.

Llahir’s Gamble
In a battle of wits, the Izkuthii can form a connection with another willing combatant and partake in a gambling match. Upon figuring out the stakes and the punishment, the Izkuthii must shake hands with the person and the mark of a lock will appear on both of the people’s arms. Once this is in place, the game must be played until one loses or forfeits. The stakes may be whatever the two agree upon.
Upon defeating the other in whatever game is chosen, the lock fades from the victor. The loser will suddenly feel a large presence weighing in their mind, urging them to fulfill the agreed terms. Should they not fulfill said requirements by the end of whatever time period was determined, the punishment that was agreed upon will come into play. The punishment may only be something to do with the loser’s body. For example, if they do not fulfill the agreement, they may lose their sight. Punishments may not be healed, as it changes the soul blueprint with it.
OOC consent is required for any permanent punishments or punishments that last longer than a day.
Example: Bob the Izkuthii and Mark the human wish to wager 1000 mina on a game of poker. The loser of said game must give up 1000 mina and if they don’t within an hour, they receive ulcers for a day. Mark agrees and Bob shakes his hand, pouring some energy into Bob as he does so. The lock appears on Bob and Mark, who both play the game. Mark loses and finds he lacks 20 minas, so he runs off. A large nagging presence appears in his mind, pressing him to pay Bob the minas. Upon the hour passing and not paying up, Mark suddenly suffers from ulcers forming within him.

  • OOC consent is required for any form of punishment that lasts more than a day or results in a permanent change in someone.
  • You can’t force the connection onto someone, they must RPly be willing and have agreed to the terms in the same manner.

Imbument - Passive Drain
The Izkuthii, weaving their magic into a small object (necklace, tiara, et cetera), is capable of blessing an object which passively drains the emotions of someone over the course of 3 IRL days. Once that time has passed, the object will be full and will need to be drained by an Izkuthii before it can have an effect again.
Effect - While being worn, the wearer will have their emotions dampened (not outright removed). Something that makes them angry might not bother then as much, or good news might not have as much of an impact on them. Unlike sensory illusion, their emotions are actually being stolen from them.

  • Only effective for three IRL days.
  • Only lessens emotions rather than outright removing them.
  • Imbument is an exhausting process and can only be done a few times a day at most for Adult Izkuthii, a few more can be made by an Ancient.

Imbument - Llahir's Tampering
An Izkuthii is capable of funneling a pre-determined illusion into an object (largest would be armor).
Effect - The object, when wielded for a short amount of time (takes a few minutes for the effects to kick in) will cause the wielder to see whatever illusion was implanted into the object. HOWEVER, unlike barrages, the person can simply drop the object and is not trapped in a mental illusion. This is on par with the lingering illusions, but more powerful as the effect is constant so long as the person has contact with the object. In order to recharge itself, the object will slowly consume a person’s emotions. Unlike the passive drain, this can not be used by an Izkuthii for their own consumption.
Examples: A tiara that causes the wearer to see themselves wearing a wedding gown. A sword that causes the wielder to envision their sword as having a magnificent, flaming blade.

  • Only affects the person who has physical contact with the object.
  • Does not actually cause physical harm.
  • Releasing the object will stop the illusions from being seen.

PK Clause

An Izkuthii must feed once every two weeks. Ancient Izkuthii must feed twice every two weeks, they will become physically weak and slowly go become erratic if they leave feeding to the last minute.
Utilizing Hibernation (detailed in the abilities section) is the only exception to this.

Creation and Disconnection

The Ancients must get together and pool their energies together to form a special Mask. This Mask is placed upon a chosen person, where it curses them and turns them into an Izkuthii. OOC consent is required to change a person. Creating this Mask, just like forging a normal one, drains the Izkuthii of much of its energy, causing them to weaken for 2 months (2 IRL days).

Disconnecting an Izkuthii involves an Ancient pouring their energy into another Izkuthii and pulling free the curse from their soul. This is heavily taxing on the knowledgeable Izkuthii and will weaken them for 2 months (2 IRL days). This method is not perfect and will leave a scar on the disconnected one’s soul. Due to this scarring, the disconnected one will suffer through heavy periods where their emotions fluctuate. More often than not, they will experience certain emotions growing to unmanageable levels, while occasionally feeling devoid of certain ones. They will never feel devoid of all emotions though. Pain does not factor in here and emoting that they no longer feel pain due to this is powergaming. Only Fledglings may be disconnected.

Adults may be stripped of their power, leaving them incapable of utilizing any of their Izkuthii abilities while stuck in their Unmasked form.


  • Imbument is an exhausting process and can only be done a few times a month (1 IRL day) at most for Adult Izkuthii, a few more can be made by an Ancient.
  • Izkuthii takes up a magic slot.
  • All new abilities must be taught, enchanting is reserved for those who have proven themselves and is not a standard ability that will be tossed around.
  • Should the Ancient believe someone is ready to become an Adult, they can forcibly cause the change. This can only happen if the character has been a fledgling for at least 4 years (1 IRL month).
  • An Ancient is capable of seeing through Izkuthii disguises. Regular Izkuthii are capable of detecting that someone is an Izkuthii, but are unable to pierce their Camouflage.


The Pools of Llahir
The pools of Llahir is a large mass of liquid that has been thoroughly imbued with Izkuthii energy, similar to the daemonic blood they carry. All of the Ancients must come forth to create a pool, and only one may exist at any given time. These pools can be destroyed by sufficient Fi’ usage. Upon death, an Izkuthii will reform within this pool. Standard death rules apply (no remembering what caused the death).
When the Ancients create a pool, they also leave behind a link to Llahir. Even if a pool is destroyed, Ancients will be able to spawn at said link so that they may recreate the pool.

An Izkuthii may visit the pool and upon spending an hour within said pool, they will find their wounds restored. This only functions if they’re wounded in their Unmasked Adult form. Regular wounds will NOT heal.


  • Izkuthii can not use the Illusionary World for combat related reasons. OOC consent is required for quick-cast illusions in the zone.
  • Illusionary world ends no matter what once the Izkuthii’s mask has been destroyed (for Fledglings) or upon taking moderate damage (e.g. getting slashed by a sword).
  • Fledgling Izkuthii using Camouflage will have their form revealed upon being physically damaged at a certain extent or being hit by Strength of the Abyss and Fi’.
  • Camouflage requires 4-5 emotes each time it is applied, it can not be instant casted to escape a situation.
  • Izkuthii have to feed every 2 weeks or they PK. Ancients must do this twice every 2 weeks.
  • Fancy Escape can only be utilized once per encounter.
  • Izkuthii can not ignore their physical traits that they have in their undisguised form.
  • Only Ancients can create and disconnect Izkuthii.
  • Draining a single emotion from a person is not enough to count as feeding. Lust/Love can not be manipulated nor can this be used for anything FTB related.
  • Izkuthii can only use outside magic (voidal/other) in their masked form. Izkuthii magic can only be used in their unmasked form.
  • Due to the nature of their soul, they are unable to pursue deity magics. Only exceptions would be magics that are deific only in name and lack a deific connection.


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