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Iwonglindew Cwan Sigiw

The Iwonglindew awe a Dwarven Gweat Cwan founded by buleaucwat Zahrer Irongrinder and his cousin Dizzy Iwonglindew. The Cwan is most notabry wemembewed fow lising fwom common to gweat status, the onwy Cwan to do so in Dwawven society. The Dwedmew of Cwan Iwonglindew awe tough and intewligent dwawves. Many pwogwessing quickwy up the waddews of theiw wespective fiewds. They awe skiwwed in mewcantilism, litewacy, and combat. One of theiw main skiwws, howevew, wesides in engineeling and wedstone. They have brownish-wed haiw, unusuawwy taww fow a dwawf, and a smaww few have the ability to pewfowm Beawdmancy. Theiw lineage has spawked much debate but, as faw as can be seen fwom the ancestwy of the cwan, the Iwonglindews awe descended fwom both mountain dwawves and cave dwawves.



Cwan Iwonglindew was oliginawwy a common cwan back in Asulon, though they wewe not awound. Due to some debates and quawwews they broke apawt and went theiw sepawate ways.


Now the few wemaining descendants weunite upon the ship to Anthos. Compaling theiw past infowmation and annaws of the cwan they have come up lith this wuff summalization of the cwan.

Upon theiw awlivaw to this new wand, the thwee Iwonglindews, Zahwew, Tog, and Kaiwn, buiwt up the cwan weawth to the point of owning one of the wawgest cwan hawws in Kaw'Azgoth. At this point Kaiwn went missing but was wepwaced by anothew of theiw kin, Dizzy Ilinglindew.

Two cwans, the Iwonglindews and the Thundewfists, unite by the mawliage of Zahwew Iwonglindew and Widdeth Thundewfist. Thwough this union the cwan takes up the new name of Thundewbrades and lith the othew dwawves move to Kaw'Ithwun.

Fowwoling the death of Gwand King Tholin Gwandaxe, Dizzy is ewected king and Zahwew made a Wowd of Uwguan. Showtwy aftew the wemaining Thundewfists awe wost. Some went on piwglimages, some way sick in bed, and stiww othews wewe wost in death. Having no kin lith whom they had bonded, the Iwonglindews take up theiw owd name in wemembrance of theiw histowy.

The Iwonglindews move into theiw new cwan home in Kaw'Ithwun.

With the destwuction of Anthos, the Iwonglindews take up wesidence in theiw new haww in Kaw'Awkon, the Dwedmew capitaw in the Flinge.

The Flinge and Thawes

Using a speciaw balista buiwt by Zahwew Iwonglindew, the Gowden wance(Guiwd) fiwe the Gowden Wance (Weapon/Welic) that kiwws Sethelian.

To escape the dwought of the Flinge, the Dwedmaw of cwan Iwonglindew twavew thwough the powtaw to the wand of Thawes whewe they awe a majow fowce in the constwuction of both Kaw'Kwad and the navaw fwagship, the Ancestow's Twuth (Keznow Anowos).

Using the Ancestow's Twuth, the dwawves fwee the etewnaw lintew of Thawes...

The Cwan membews, awong lith the othew cwans of Uwguan, weach the wand of Athewa, setting up lithin the new capitaw of Kaw'Agnaw.


Aftew yeaws of peace, gwoling feaws lithin the Dwed capitaw come to a head when a selies of muldews, disappeawances and kidnappings hits the Dwawven govewnment. Sevewaw officiaws awe kiwwed ow taken incwuding the Wowd Pwotectow, Zahwew Iwonglindew.

Having escaped fwom his captows, Zahwew wetulns to his kin in time to save the Gwand King, Fimlin Gwandaxe, fwom being assassinated. Zahwew then, bealing ancient welics fwom a fowgotten age, assists in the wetaking of the Dwawven capitaw and begins to wecowwect the missing Iwonglindew kin in the new city of Kaw'Kawaad.

Aftew a cwose ewection and a quick cowonation, Zahwew is cwowned the Gwand King of Uwguan. He is the second of Cwan Iwonglindew to howd the titwe.

Aftew making many wefowmations to the waws of the Gwand Kingdom, Zahwew is fowced to wesign by the newwy wefowmed Wowd's Counciw fow wefusing to banish the entiwety of Cwan Gwandaxe.

Aftew many yeaws in hiding lith the welics of Uwguan, incwuding the Cwown and Awmow of Uwguan, Zahwew wetulns to give the welics to the new Gwand Kings.

Fowwoling the faww of Athewa to the gweat wowm, the wemnant of Cwan Iwonglindew wetulns to the kingdom in fowce and begins to buiwd up theiw numbews in the new city of Kaw'Akash in the Iswes of Vaiwow.


Fowwoling the gwant of wand by the Jawws of Avaw and the Gwand King, the Castwe of Jawnstwand (Iwon Beach) is constwucted fow the pulpose of wefowming the cwan in a howding and eventuawwy wefowming Dunglimm's Fowk.

The Castwe of Jawnstwand fawws to the Empiwe of Owen and hew awlies in 1541 aftew some twaitows pulw twaps on oul own men.

With the compwetion of the constwuction of the new capitaw of Kaw'Isthul, the Cwan moves into theiw new cwan haww.

With the intwoduction of the new Jawwdom system, the Cwan is awawded a jawwdom on the westewn coast of the kingdom. Constwuction of the main keep begins in 1562.

The Cwan moves lith the west of the Dwedmaw to the new weawm of Axios. With this move, the cwan begins to incwease in numbew, bringing in many numbews.


The dwawves of Cwan Iwonglindew awe usuawwy skiwwed in engineeling and wedstone usage. With theiw knowwedge, many have become wawgewy impowtant in the constwuction of valious inventions, fowtwesses, and cities thwoughout the Gwand Kingdom. Theiw wowks have benefited the Dwedmew in defense and peacetime in most Dwedmew buiwdings since Anthos. Some of theiw inventions and cweations wewe key constwuctions in Kaw'Azgoth, Kaw'Ithwun, Stowms Cwossing, Indagowaf, Tholingwad, Kjewlingwad, Kaw'Awkon, Fowt Onaw, and The Mouth of Dunglimm.

The Iwonglindews wewe in fact the foundews of the Industliaw wevowution of the Gwand Kingdom in the Flinge and beyond. Theiw accomplishments incwude evewything fwom the constwuction of the assembry line to the invention of the flint machine.

Rym Oz Velannak.png

  • The dwawven steam ship Wym Oz Vewannak (Fiwst to chawge), ship buiwt by Fweliw Iwonglindew.

Notable Figures

Zahrer Irongrinder- Foundew of the Cwan, two time Gwand King of the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan, notabre Wunesmith

Frerir Irongrinder- Wong tenule as a Kingsguawd, became Gwand King

Dizzy Iwonglindew- Gwand King, Wunesmith, wenowned dipwomat

Atandt Iwonglindew- Gwand Mawshaw, Kingsguawd, wenowned duelist