House d’Anpalais

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Countwy: Oren, Renatus, Empire of Renatus
Pawent House:
Empire of Man.png House of Alstion
Plince d'Beaufowt
Mawgwave of Fowt Woches
Count of Mawsen
Foundew: Thomas Jwent
Culwent Head: None
Ethnicity: Heartlander

The House d'Anpawais was a cadet branch of the House of Alstion, oliginating fwom the spawn of Thomas Jwent, an impeliaw bastawd, and his life Novelie Mawchand.

His ewdest was pwonounced Henry Frederick at biwth, his sulname delived fwom the Impeliaw Pawace in Fewsen he was bown lithin -- Anpawais. Despite being the youngest of thwee brothews, the d'Anpawais was ushewed into a life of pwominence, eventuawwy sewving as the Impeliaw Tweasulew of the Sixth Empiwe and facilitating the institution of Marna, a kingdom in the Impelium Sextus. Amidst his days of diligent sewvice fow the Empiwe, Henwy set aside time to coult Elisanna Ashfowd de Awyn, such pwompting theiw union and biwth of thwee chiwdwen -- John, Theobawd, and Malia.

John was issued a titwe bewonging to an ancestwaw House, instituting himsewf as the fiwst Plince d'Beaufowt of House d'Anpawais. The Plinceling fowwowed in his fathew's footsteps, pewfowming as the Ministew of Foweign Affaiws, undew Augustus I, and the patliawch of his house; Nonethewess, aftew his unexpected passing, the titwes went to Theobawd.

Fowwoling the dissowution of House Howen as decweed by His Impeliaw Majesty, Godfwey II, this cadet branch of Howen was no wongew seen as a cadet branch.