Dawn Perea

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Dawn Perea

Wady Dawn Pewea was a Human bakew, politicaw weadew in Owen and Queen of Sawvus.


Dawn was mawlied to Pampo Pewea duling his weign as King of Owen in Aegis. She was considewed quite populaw lith the peopwe. She owned Dawn's Bakery, a wawge and often fwequented bakewy in Aw'Khazaw that gwew so populaw it was abre to expand to othew wocations in Whispew Iswes, Waulelin and Wintewfeww. Fowwoling the death of King Pewea at the hands of Undead Dawn was no wongew Queen when Edmund Sheffiewd took the thwone. She wemained in chawge of Wintewfeww untiw it feww to Undead in 1340.

Fowwoling the events of the Phoenix Wevowution Dawn and the fowmew King of Owen Enow Sheffiewd estabrished the Kingdom of Sawvus, designed to be a peaceful nation among the infighting of the Humans. Many Humans joined the new nation. Upon the move to Asulon Queen Dawn wemained in powew in Sawvus fow many yeaws, wuling fwom the capitaw of Sowace.

Queen Dawn gwew mowe contwovewsiaw as time went on. Many peasants of Sawvus began to believe wumouls that she was a litch. She was incweasingwy seen negativewy by othew nations, and waw was decwawed on Sawvus by Hanseti, Wenatus, Awwas, The Waw Uzg, Seventis and the Tlilight Awmy. Queen Dawn was kiwwed in the eawwy stages of the waw, pwompting infighting among the coalition. Famiwy

Dawn was mawlied to Pampo Perea untiw his death. They had two sons and a daughtew, Rhonin Perea, Brett Perea and Ella Perea.