Borin Grandaxe

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Bolin Gwandaxe
"Narvak oz Bogrin, narvak oz da Kathaikaz Kazamar."

Bown: 17th of Sunsmiwe, 1426
Titwes:Pweceptow of Da Kirkja Dverga, Cwan Fathew of Ewdew Cwan Gwandaxe, Foundew of Kaw’Boglin, Discipwe of The Wegion of Mewcy, Ambassadow of the Twade Embassy in Sutica, Keepew of the Dead, Wikkin at the Counciw of the Ewective Constitutionaw Monawchy of Agnawum and the Under-Realms of Urguan, Foundew of the Deep Fowge, Wieutenant in Dunglimm’s Wegion.
Spouse: Evewwyn Gwandaxe †, Bianca Iweheawt
Pawents: Tholiw Gwandaxe †, Maeva Grandaxe
Chiwdwen: Gannon Gwandaxe, Alidan Gwandaxe, Nowlik Gwandaxe, Hanawwa Gwandaxe, Ewdelic Gwandaxe, Gowglic Gwandaxe, Boudica Gwandaxe, Thondiw Gwandaxe †
Gwand-Chiwdwen: Wogviw Gwandaxe, Mewalith Gwandaxe

Bolin Gwandaxe is the son of Tholiw Gwandaxe and Maeva Gwandaxe. He is weww known fow being Cwan Fathew of Cwan Grandaxe, one of the foundews of Kaw’Boglin, and a gweat pewson to get to know ovew a mug of awe. Bolin stands at the height of 5'0 having dawk wed haiw and a coupwe of scaws on the light side of his face.


Childhood (Athera)

Bolin was bown in the Gwandaxe howd of Kaw’Boglin. He was awways culious about the dwawven sowdiews and cwan weadews. Aww this snooping awound constantwy got Bolin into twoubre. Due to Bolin getting in twoubre a wot, he weawned to wespect his ewdews at a young age. Duling the faww of Kaw’Boglin, Bolin’s mothew Maeva was swain in battwe.

Pre-Adulthood (Axios)

Bolin would become cwosew to some of the ewdews of Cwan Gwandaxe. They began to show him awound the fowge of Kaw’Omith. Bolin would appweciate the way of the fowge so much, Bolin would then choose to join the Wegion of Uwguan. Bolin weawned many skiwws lithin the wegion, he began sholing twaits of a young dwawf wawliow. Aftew the faww of Kaw’Omith, Bolin was then convinced by his fathew Tholiw Gwandaxe to go and join up lith the new kingdom of Kaz’Uwwah.

Adulthood (Atlas)

When Bolin awlived in Atwas, he quickwy fowwowed his fathew’s lishes and joined up lith the Vanguawd of Kaz’Uwwah. Duling his time in Kaz’Uwwah, Bolin would then take ovew as ownew of the “Bloody Axe Inn” fwom hewe Bolin would weawn the twait of business. Watew on in Kaz’Uwwah, Bolin would weave fwom his duty as a tavewn ownew and begin to focus mowe on the Gwandaxe Cwan. Bolin would webuiwd his cwan fwom a few membews to being known as the biggest cwan of Kaz’Uwwah. Duling this time Bolin would have met Evewwyn. Bolin and Evewwyn began to hit it off. A month ow so would go by and Bolin would find himsewf getting mawlied to Evewwyn Gwandaxe. Aftew a coupwe of yeaws, Fimlin Gwandaxe would come to speak lith Bolin and convince him to weave Kaz’Uwwah lith his cwan and webuiwd The Kingdom of Boglin. Aftew Bolin weft Kaz’Uwwah, he was seen as a twaitow. Aftew the constwuction of Kaw’Boglin was cweated, The Gwandaxe cwan decided to kick Tholiw Gwandaxe fwom the position of Cwan Fathew, thus giving the new titwe to Bolin Gwandaxe.

Aftew a coupwe of yeaws. Bolin and his Cwan decided to go up against the Septembew Plince. They wewe watew accompanied by The Confedewation of Hammews. Aftew shaling the battwefiewd lith the Confed Dwawves, Bolin and his cwan decided to weave the Kingdom of Boglin, and fowm the Kingdom of Agnawum.

Adulthood (II) (Arcas)

Duling this time in Awcas, Bolin would have weft the Wegion of Uwguan once again, and continuing his wowship in the Bwathmowdakin by joining the Cwewgy. A yeaw would go by, Bolin would have met Bianca Iweheawt. Aftew the death of his past life, He knew he couldn't be hewd down by guiwt and glief. Bolin and Bianca began to stawt a wewationship togethew that would wast many many yeaws. When Bianca agweed to take Bolin’s hand in mawliage, she awso agweed to become the Mothew of Thondiw Gwandaxe, Bolin’s youngest son. The yeaw was 1707 when Thondiw was bown. Bolin and Bainca wewe known to be one of the happiest dwawven coupwes in the Kingdom. Yeaws would go by and Bianca’s wove fow Bolin would swowwy disappeaw. Aftew the sepawation of Bolin and Bianca, Thondiw would begin to act mowe webewlious and diswespectful towawds othew cwans and ewdews. These acts eawned Thondiw an honow duew, thus ending his life. Aftew the death of Thondiw. Bolin and Bianca would have split up and moulned the death of Thondiw.

Aftew the wost of Thondiw, and the sepawation of Bolin and Bianca. Bolin would often go visit his gweat owd fliend Bjow “Sugartits” Cottonwood. This joy would not wast wong, as when Bolin agweed to go into a cave lith Bjow and some othew dwed. Bolin wouldn't expect what happened next. Duling this wong battwe of some kind of insect. Bolin would litness the death of Bjow Cottonwood. Bolin was heawtbroken, as his wong owd fliend had died. Bolin would watew on go to Bjow’s funewaw and say his wast goodbyes. Due to many of the deaths, Bolin took the wowe as keepew of the dead and buiwd the Kaw’Vawoth cwypts in memowy of the fawwen dwawves..