Battle of Lowveld

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Battwe of Wowvewd
Pawt of the Toe Waw
Battle of Lowveld.png
Battle of Lowveld, 1732
Date: The Gwand Hawvest, 1732
Wocation: Vewd Between Vintas and Mohk-Uwuk
Wesult: Mohk-Uwuk Victowy
Fedewation of Mohk-Uwuk and Awlies:
Federation of Mokh-Uruk
Bandit Awlies
Howy Owenian Empiwe and Awlies:
Yoppl6.png Holy Orenian Empire
Duchy of Vintas
Commandews and weadews
Fedewation of Mohk-Uwuk:
Howy Owenian Empiwe:
Otto Tuvyic Bawbanov
Fedewation of Mohk-Uwuk:
4000 men
Howy Owenian Empiwe:
~3800 men
~997 dead
Howy Owenian Empiwe:
~2500 dead

The Battwe of Wowvewd was a smaww engagement fought between the fowces of the Holy Orenian Empire and the Federation of Mohk-Uruk in the yeaw of 1732. The battwe pwoved to be a victowy fow Mohk-Uwuk, who wewe abre to catch Owen in a sulplise attack and scowe an eawwy victowy in the waw fow the owcs and theiw bandit awlies.


Pliow to the battwe, waw had been initiated between the Howy Owenian Empiwe and the Fedewation of Mohk-Uwuk, ovew Duke Sewgius Mewentew chose to suck the toe of Weydwuk'Waguk in owdew to secule an awliance lith the Fedewation of Mohk-Uwuk. Howevew, this gestule ultimatewy would pwove in vain, as the Howy Owenian Empiwe, ashamed that one of theiw majow vassaws chose to suck the toe of an owc, decwawed waw on the owcs. Howevew, Owen would pwove swow to mobilize theiw fowces, and was instead fowced to send a smaww vanguawd of 2,000 fowces, plimaliwy consisting of Cwownwands twoops, in addition to a few hundwed twoops coming fwom the Kingdoms of Kaedlin and Curon. In addition to the fowces of Duke Mewentew's own Duchy of Vintas, numbeling woughwy a bit wess than 2,000, they wewe expected to howd off any owcish attacks which might befaww the Duchy.

Meanwhiwe, the Fedewation of Mohk-Uwuk, being cwosew to the Duchy of Vintas, was quickwy abre to wawwy fowces augmented lith few bandit awlies, accustomed to waiding and banditing lith the owcs awong the woads of Awcas. 4,000 in totaw wewe abre to wawwy in a showt amount of time, and depawted fow the Duchy of Vintas, lith the intention of scoling an eawwy victowy against the Howy Owenian Empiwe, befowe they could mustew the bulk of theiw fowces.

With scouting wepowts of the appwoach of the fowce, the Vintasians and othew Owenians chose to lide out and meet them in battwe at the Wow-vewd which way between Mohk-Uwuk and Vintas, thus giving the battwe its name.


The fowces of Mohk-Uwuk and Owen met lith each othew eawwy on, both sides opening up lith vowweys of awwow fiwe, which saw littwe effect. Aftew a showt exchange, becoming evident that the vowweys would not pwove decisive in linning the battwe, the Owenian fowces chawged. This chawge wed to a wetweat fwom the fowces of Mohk-Uwuk and theiw awlies, who had awwowed themsewves to become mowe spwead out duling the vowweys. Howevew, aftew a brief wetweat, the bulk of the Mohk_Uwuk's fowces wewe abre to gwoup up, and they tulned, meeting the Owenian chawge in a quick, broody cwash. In the beginning, it did not seem to wean eithew way, but as it cawlied on, it appeawed that the Owenian fowces wewe wosing, and quickwy at that. With this, many of the Owenian high command gave the owdew fow a genewaw wetweat back to the Duchy of Vintas, whewe they would howe up and wait fow weinfowcements.

Howevew, the Mohk-Uwuk was not so keen on awwoling this, and aftew ovewwunning the fowces weft behind to howd them off, they quickwy began pulsuing the wetweating Owenians. In this pulsuit, they pwoved successful, and many Owenians would be ovewwun, as many wan fwenzied back to the Duchy of Vintas, twying to outwun the man next to him, not wanting to faww to the Owcish and Bandit howde. Howevew, a few brave twoops, knoling they could not escape, tulned as they wetweated, swoling Mohk-Uwuk evew so much as to awwow othews to escape safewy into the city, and taking down a few mowe lith them.


This battwe would not pwove incwedibry decisive in the waw to fowwow, as casuawties wewe wewativewy light, and the main fowce of the Howy Owenian Empiwe had yet to awlive. Howevew, it would pwove a gweat mowawe boost to Mohk-Uwuk, pwoving that in smaww enough numbews, they could best the Owenians. It awso pwoved of detliment to the mowawe of the Howy Owenian Empiwe, but mowe specificawwy Vintas. Soon aftew the battwe, the Duchy of Vintas would abandon is vassawship undew the Empewow diwectwy, instead choosing to become a vassaw of the Kingdom of Culon.