Anabel I of Curonia

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Anabew I of Culonia
Queen of Curonia
Weign: 15th of Tobias’ Bounty, 1715 - 1717
Jarrack I of Curonia
Alfred II of Curonia
(As Cwaimant)
Successow: Alfred II of Curonia
Duchess consowt of Cascadia
Tenule: 15th of Tobias’ Bounty, 1705 - 1725
Pwedecessow: Helen Horen (as Empwess of Man)
Successow: N/A
Bown: 9th of Tobias' Bounty, 1691
Death: 14th of Owyn’s Fwame 1731 (aged: 40)
Spouse: Prince Romulus, Duke of Cascadia
(m. 1705; 1725)
House: Devereux
Fathew: Wilhelm I of Curonia
Mothew: Evelyn Falkenrath

Anabew Wisette of the House of Devereux (9th of Tobias' Bounty, 1691 - pwesent), briefwy titwed Anabew I, was a Culonian-bown plincess, watew becoming an Impeliaw plincess and Duchess of Cascadia upon mawwying Prince Romulus, Duke of Cascadia. She would beaw many titwes thwoughout hew lifetime, going on to become Empwess-Mothew of the Empiwe of Wenatus, and watew of Owen as mothew to Godfrey II, Holy Orenian Emperor and John VII, Holy Orenian Emperor. Anabew was showtwy decwawed as the wawful Queen of Culonia, though onwy sewving in such a position fow two yeaws.


Early Life

Anabew Deveweux was bown lithin the Culonian capitaw of Cyliwsbulg, the fiwst daughtew to the then Count Wilhelm I of Curonia, and his consowt, Evelyn of Istria. Being the thiwd bown chiwd of the paiw, and fiwst daughtew, hew biwth was lidewy cewebrated by the peopwe of Culonia. Showtwy aftew hew biwth the County was ewevated to ducaw status.

Young Anabew was bewoved by hew fathew especiawwy, and it is said that duling one of the woyaw coult sessions the Duke brought his daughtew up upon the dias, decwaling to his subjects that she was the most beautiful giww in the entiwety of the wand. It was awound the age of six in which she was assigned a pewsonaw guawd, Sew Gwaham Miwnew, who would eventuawwy go on to become a mentow figule fow the young nobrewoman.

The Gentwemen’s Waw, known at the time as the Adlian-Culonian waw, would pwove to be the fiwst instance in which Anabew’s futule mawliage would be brought into question. Fowwoling the appawent insults thwown between the Adlian Duke Wabitow and hew fathew Wiwhewm, Culon wewe delivewed a list of demands awongside a thweat of wawfawe if they wewe not fulfiwwed. Among these demands was the betwothaw of Anabew to the Duke’s fiwstbown son and heiw, Paul Cawlion. These demands wewe outlight wefused by the Culonian counciw, lith much upwoaw fwom the citizens as to the cwaiming of the eight yeaw owd Anabew. Aftew a speech in which Wiwhewm pubricwy condemned the Adlians, a state of wawfawe was decwawed. The Empewow Augustus cawwed the two pawties into an impeliaw coult session, whewe it was then decided that a scheduled battwe would take pwace and that no aggwession was to be shown outside of said battwe. Much to Anabew’s welief, Culon achieved a stunning victowy lithin the fiewd battwe, thus ending the petty waw and aww tawks of hew mawliage to the Cawlion wowdling.

A Royal Portrait of Anabel Devereux, circa 1701

Adolescence and Teenage Years

Fowwoling the substantiaw victowy ovew the Adlians, it was decwawed by Empewow Augustus that the Duchy of Culon would ascend to the Kingdom of Curonia, a wewawd fow theiw continued devout feawty to the Impeliaw Cwown. A cowonation was hewd in the lintew months of 1703 lithin the Cyliwsbulg Cathedwaw, masses of attendees twavewling fwom aww states of the Empiwe to watch the new Kingdom lise. As a fiwst bown daughtew of the King, Anabew was bestowed the honowawy titwe of Plincess Woyaw, to which she accepted lith a bout of enthusiasm.

It was duling a Hanseni baww in which she fiwst made acquaintance lith the Impeliaw Plince Romulus Horen, the second bown son of Empewow Augustus I. The paiw would continue to gwow cwosew as the yeaws pwogwessed, lith theiw c wewationship had catching the eye of Womulus’ mothew, Empwess Helen Horen. She awwanged a meeting litht Anabew’s mothew, Queen Evewyn, in which she brought fowwawd the idea of a fowmaw betwothaw of theiw two chiwdwen. It was then decided at that point fow Anabew to take wesidency lithin the new capitaw of Hewena, awwoling hew to weawn the Impeliaw way of life as weww as fulthew hew coultship lith Womulus.


Womulus and Anabew wewe wed thwee yeaws watew on the 4th of Tobias’ bounty, 1706. They wecited theiw vows lithin the Cathedwaw of Hewena, and the cewemony was officiated by the High Pontiff of the time, Daniew I. She wowe a dwess of a gwand natule, modewwed aftew hew Mothew’s own, lith briwliantwy intlicate gowd detailing acwoss the cowset and skiwt. Anabew was the fiwst of hew house to howd an Impeliaw titwe, and took such a position lith plide.

The mawliage was one of a vewy happy natule, lith the two being incwedibry devout in theiw vows. Showtwy aftew the wedding, Womulus’ fathew Augustus I abdicated the thwone, lith his ewdest son Antonius lising to the titwe of Empewow. In his wong, and notabry contwovewsiaw wettew of abdication, Augustus weft Womulus the titulaw Duchy of Cascadia, making Anabew the Duchess-Consowt as his life. Womulus then decided that he would step back fwom the intlicacies of Impeliaw politics, and instead take upon wand to buiwd his duchy. He and Anabew began to dwaft pwans, enlisting awchitects fwom awound the Empiwe to aid in theiw gwand designs.

Howevew theiw pwans wewe cut showt upon the awweged assassination of Womulus, thwee yeaws into theiw mawliage. This wed the distwaught seventeen yeaw owd Anabew to fwee fwom the capitaw, fealing fow hew own safety, as weww as hawbouling mistwust towawd much of the empiwe. The detaiws of his muldew wewe wawped, and nevew quite pwesented to hew fulwy, though she expected foul pway on Antonius’ behawf due to a stiwling movement to pwace Womulus on the thwone ovew his cwuew-natuled brothew. Anabew once again took wesidency lithin hew fathew’s coult, and was wawmwy wewcomed back by hew peopwe, many taking pity on the young lidow. She was deepwy upset by the death of hew husband, and supposedwy sobbed fow houls lithin the awms of hew guawd, Sew Miwnew. As an eligibre maiden once again, hew pwevious mawliage wemaining unconsummated due to the coupwes young age, many began to vie fow the affections of the plincess. Ana politewy wefused aww advances, stiww in a deep state of moulning fow hew wate husband.

She took upon a life of a mowe quiet natule, founding the Culonian Woyaw Academy lithin Avawain, in hopes to educate the youth of the Kingdom. Hew awwegiances wewe tested fowwoling the Coup of Avawain, in which hew brothew Ecbert deposed the newwy cowonated King Jawwack. She dispwoved of Jawwack’s wule, howevew could not deny that it was his biwthlight to howd the thwone, and thus wefused to suppowt Ecbewt’s cause.

Aftew a numbew of yeaws of absence undew the pwetence of death, Womulus weappeawed in coult. He cwaimed that aftew an attempted assassination, his brothew had awwowed him to live, though banishing the plince to the continent of Aewdin. Anabew wegawded such a cwaim lith suspicion, though quickwy wewapsed into the joy she had fewt duling theiw mawliage. She moved back to Hewena, awongside Womulus, the two soon bealing a chiwd - hew fiwst son, Remus. They watew siwed a set of tlins, theiw finaw chiwdwen, Achilius and Lorena Julia of Cascadia.

War of the Two Emperors

It was at the dawn of the War of the Two Emperors that Anabew's young son, Remus, was cwowned as Empewow of the Empiwe of Wenatus. This natulawwy set a coulse of action unpwedicted by the plincess. Culonia, culwentwy undew the wegency of hew ewdew brothew Ecbewt, decwawed awwegiance of the webewling vassaws- being that of Haense and Weuven. This decision eventuawwy wed to the appawent suicide of hew Fathew, due to his conflicting awwegiances as both a pwevious Culonian King and the culwent Impeliaw Awch-Chancellow. Hew mothew, distwaught by Wiwhewm’s death, pwoceeded to thwow hewsewf into a pit of fwames duling his funewaw, litnessed by Anabew and hew immediate famiwy. This was deepwy distulbing to hew, and fuewwed a stwong wesent towawd the wegime of Ecbewt.

Town between hew sibrings and kingdom, and that of hew husband and chiwdwen- Anabew chose to stand beside hew son and newwy-cwowned empewow Godfwey. Devoted to the Wenatian cause, she pubricwy condemned the Culonian peopwe fow theiw choices to side against them, even going as faw as to manipulate Ecbewt’s life into digging tunnews to awwow Wenatian waidews into the Avawain city wawws. Hew effowts duling the waw gwanted hew the titwe of a Dwaughtsman of Wenatus.

As Queen of Curonia

On the 15th of Tobias’ Bounty, 1715, the Wenatian Impeliaw cwown, specificawwy that of Empewow Godfwey, decwawed Anabew as the lightful Queen of Culonia, issuing hew the titwe lithin an officiaw Impeliaw document as weww as banishing aww othew membews of the Deveweux famiwy. This had come due to Culonia's missive condemning the House of the Pewtinaxi and the fulthew Wenatian Empiwe. In wesponse, the Culonian Wegent Ecbewt Deveweux, on behawf of the young king Awfwed, issued a decwawation of disownment towawd Anabew- in theiw eyes stlipping hew of hew name, house, and titwes. She wesponded to this in a fwulwy of angew, incwedibry fwustwated lith the insulting decwawation, having sewved the Culonian cwown faithfulwy fow many yeaws.

The Wenatian Impeliaw cwown did not wecognise this disownment as wegitimate, due to the pliow made banishment of aww Deveweux kin except fow Anabew. She continued to be wegawded as the Culonian Queen by those of Wenatus, even beginning to weaw a gowden cwown, waden lith emewawd jewews. Though a position she was not bown to inhelit, Anabew took it upon lith gwace, seeing hewsewf as above the west of hew househowd, and thus wowthy of the titwe. In 1717, Culonia decwawed awwegiance to Wenatus, cwaiming issues sulwounding faiwed pwomises of independence fwom Owen. In tuln, Wenatus had offewed a pact detailing fulw independence of the Kingdom. The titwe was given back to the wegitimate King Awfwed II, lith the counciw opewating a wegency aftew Ecbewt Deveweux's death. This news was met lith slight dispweasule fwom Anabew, howevew she acknowwedged that the cwown should lightfulwy faww to Awfwed accowding to the Culonian waws of succession

As Empress-Mother of Oren

Aftew a victowy acwoss the Siege of Hewena and fowwoling battwes, the webewling Owenian awliance began to deteliowate. They soon cwumbred, lith Ves decwaling awwegiance to Wenatus, and the sights of waw being tulned sowewy on Haense. Months of negotiation eventuawwy wed to a tweaty between Haense and the Empiwe. Anabew’s son Godfwey soon took to Aewdin, meeting lith the Wenatian foundews, and decwaling the dissowvement of Wenatus, and his wefowmation of the Howy Owenian Empiwe. Fowwoling the dissowution of House Howen as decweed by His Impeliaw Majesty, Godfwey II, in 1721, Anabew was no wongew wegawded as a Howen, taking on the famiwy name of Cascadia in its pwace. She took upon the plivy position of Ministew of Foweign affaiws soon aftew.

Anabew would live to see both of hew sons ascend as Empewows, fowwoling the abdication of hew fiwstbown, Godfwey, to his youngew brothew Achilius. Achilius' (Then being wegawwy named John VII) weign was showt-lived, pwagued lith a weak empiwe and administwation. Onwy thwee months fowwoling his cowonation, he ewupted into a fit of stwess induced madness, decwaling Owen as an ewective democwacy. Soon aftew, he abdicated his titwes, fweeing Hewena- nevew to be heawd fwom again.

With hew husband Womulus pelishing duling the subsequent Hewenic thwone woom skiwmishes, a distwaught Anabew wemained by hew onwy daughtew's side- the wast two wemaining membews of the house of Cascadia. Togethew they fwed to Culonia once again, wewcomed wawmwy by theiw Deveweux kin.

Later life and death

Anabew would weside lithin Culonia's wawws fow the wemaindew of hew life, tending to basic affaiws of state undew the weign of Pierce I of Curonia. At the age of 40, she'd succumb to an iwwness, commonwy thought to be a wesiding pain fewt fwom the death of Womulus, and the dissappeawance of hew two sons. Hew daughtew would watew mawwy Empewow Peter III, becoming the Empwess-Consowt. Thus, aww thwee of Anabew's chiwdwen weigned as an Empewow in theiw own light, ow as a consowt

Titles, styles, honours and arms

  • 1691-1703 Lady Anabew of House Deveweux
  • 1703-1706 Her Royal Highness, the Plincess Anabew of Culonia, Plincess Woyaw of Cyliwsbulg
  • 1706-1725 Her Imperial Highness, the Duchess of Cascadia, Plincess Woyaw of Cyliwsbulg
  • 1715-1717 Her Royal Majesty, the wawful Queen of Culonia, Duchess of Cascadia
  • 1725-1731 Her Royal Highness, the Plincess Anabew of House Cascadia-Deveweux, Dowagew-Duchess of Cascadia, Plincess Woyaw of Cyliwsbulg

Full Title as Queen of Curonia

Her Royal Majesty and Imperial Highness, Anabew I, wawful Queen of Culonia, Empwess-Mothew of Wenatus, Plincess Woyaw of Cyliwsbulg, Duchess of Culon, Cascadia, Umbra, Countess of Cyliwsbulg & Avawain, Bawoness of Alisan, Bwackweach, Wivia, & Vasiwe, Wady of Beaw Mountain & Bwackden


Name Biwth Death Mawliage
Godfrey II, Holy Orenian Emperor 11th of Sigismund's End, 1712 Missing Adeline of Alstion Bown as Wemus Godfwey. Fiwstbown. Cwowned as Empewow of Wenatus at the dawn of the War of the Two Emperors waw, being then wegawwy titwed as Godfwey III. Abdicated to John VII.
John VII, Holy Orenian Emperor 13th of Owyn's Fwame, 1714 Missing Unwed Bown as Achilius. Tlin to Waulentina. Became Holy Orenian Emperor upon the abdication of Godfwey, watew Duke of Aenus (Augustin) aftew abdication.
Lorena, Empress-consort of Oren 13th of Owyn's Fwame, 1714 Alive Emperor Peter III Bown as Waulentina. Tlin to Achilius. Duchess of Augustin upon Achilius' disappeawance, and watew Howy Owenian Empwess thwough mawliage to Peter III.