Duchy of Redclyf-Rozania

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The Dual-Duchies of Redclyf-Rozania
Flag of the Duchy of Redclyf-Rozania
Capital: Fort Ulrich
Languages: Common
Demonym: Norlander
Religion: Canonism, Owynism
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Duke: Hannes Steelguard
Duchess-Consort: N/A
Heir Apparent: N/A
Ruling Family: House Mösu
Historical Era:

Redclyfian Revitalization Era

Founded: 154 SA, [Region name], Southern Aevos
Preceded by: RedclyfGrail.png Barony of Ciavola

The Duchy of Redclyf (/ˈrɛdklɪf/) Officially known as The Dual Duchies of Redclyf-Rozania (/ˈrɛd-klɪf Ro-za-nee-a/), is a duchy that primarily occupies the Eastern part of Western Aevos. It stretches along the entirety of the Aevos desert coast, providing access to both the Southern expanse of the Aevos ocean and the central river. Under the vassalization of The Iron Horde, the Dual Duchies of Redclyf-Rozania maintain a distinct sense of autonomy, possessing their own laws, diplomacy, military forces, and international relations and alliances. Situated within the Iron Horde's sphere, it shares borders with the Crown of Amaethea to the west. Separating them is a significant mountain range named the Verdura Peaks, which the Duchy also claims as part of its territory. The population of the Duchy is primarily composed of Highlanders who migrated from the north after a dispute with the government of Norland. Alongside the Highlander majority, there exists a small yet notable population of High Elves who integrated into the community subsequent to their conversion to Canonism, embracing the Redclyf-Rozanian culture.

Culture and Society




Full History  


In the heart of the frigid lands of Norland, the House Mösu, a determined and ambitious clan of Norlanders, once sought to rise above the challenges that defined their homeland. For generations, they had strived to earn recognition and respect, climbing the ranks within the Ashguard and fervently working to demonstrate their loyalty and dedication to the kingdom.

Yet, their journey within Norland was not without its trials. The House Mösu often found themselves at odds with the influential figures of the Ashguard and other Norlandic vassals, not necessarily the King, but certainly those in positions of power. Despite their efforts to make a lasting contribution to the kingdom, tensions grew, and disagreements festered.

One of their own, a valiant member named Friedrich, chose a different path and ventured south to serve the distant realm of Savoy. As he remained dedicated to his newfound allegiance, the rest of the House Mösu found themselves increasingly disheartened by their treatment in Norland. Feelings of humiliation and neglect gnawed at them, compelling Ragnarr Mösu, the head of house mösu, to make a life-altering decision.

Leaving behind the bitter cold of Norland, the Mösu family embarked on a journey southward, guided by the desire to establish a new life in a more welcoming and accepting place. There, near the town of Myrine, they discovered a terrain unlike any they had seen before. It was a landscape distinguished by its striking red cliffs, and atop one of these towering formations, they laid the foundation for a small settlement.

It was in this new homeland, this haven of red terrain and precipitous cliffs, that they would come to be known as the Redclyfians. The name bore testament to the dramatic landscape they now called home, but it also symbolized their steadfast determination to carve out a new legacy, one of independence, honor, and unity, free from the challenges that had plagued them in Norland.


In the wake of Savoy's sudden disbandment, Redclyf found itself thrust into independence, as did many other former vassals of the once-great principality. Yet, the challenges they faced were far from over. As they continued to dispute with Norland, Redclyfians recognized the need to strengthen their position. They embarked on an ambitious effort to fortify their town and create a formidable defense, fully aware that it would take years to complete this undertaking.

During this time, they decided to relocate to the nearly abandoned town of Myrine, as granted by the ex-Princess of Savoy. This transition marked the beginning of their new life, and they affectionately referred to it as their new home. The family flourished, and alliances were formed with neighboring regions, most notably the Clandom of Daeland-Vistulia, a vast union of tribes who had also once been vassals of Savoy.

Redclyf, however, still harbored a deep-seated enmity toward Norland. It was a hostility born of repeated insults and grievances, with some even attributing crimes and disturbances in Norland to their presence. The situation escalated when a Redclyfian named Uhtred claimed to have been brutally assaulted by Norlanders. In response, Sir Ragnarr Mösu, known as "Barbarossa," composed a scathing poem denouncing Norland and his ties with them.

These events led to an Adunian vassal of Norland to kidnap Uhtred, taking him to the capital of Norland, where the details of his fate remained uncertain. Rumors emerged that he had been killed, possibly even at the hands of the King himself. In a surge of anger, the Redclyfians, despite their modest numbers, retaliated by killing a Norlandic citizen, which triggered Norland to impose demands upon them.

Recognizing the dire consequences of a direct conflict with Norland, the Clandom of Daeland-Vistulia stepped forward to mediate a diplomatic solution. They convinced Redclyf that their best course of action was to comply with Norland's demands, which included a substantial monetary payment and the signing of a non-aggression pact.

With a heavy heart, the leader of Daeland-Vistulia swore that he would sacrifice his own life if Redclyf failed to meet the demands. In time, the obligations were met, but the bitterness between Redclyf and Norland remained unabated. Redclyf retreated from the broader world and, over time, developed its own pagan religion. They began to believe in a mysterious woman who could walk upon the lake near Myrine, considering her a goddess engaged in an eternal struggle against malevolent deities.

As years passed, Redclyf dwindled and struggled to endure. Their neighboring regions, including the Clandom of Daeland-Vistulia, also grappled with dwindling resources and political unrest. Friedrich chose to step down as the Duke, passing the title to Björn Ragnarrsson Mösu, a decision that would prove detrimental as his inexperience and decisions hastened Redclyf's decline.

Many citizens left the crumbling duchy, and Myrine, once their refuge, was no more. The Redclyfians who remained, along with the royal House of Mosu and those who had never renounced their identity, sought a new beginning in the southern nation of Balian. Here, they were granted the title of the "Barony of Ciavola," though they were not initially given any land. Nonetheless, their noble status provided them with a stable position.

However, within Balian, fresh issues arose. Björn Ragnarrsson Mösu, the reigning leader at the time, and his brother Kol Ragnarrson Mösu, found themselves embroiled in a bitter feud over the affections of the same woman. The rivalry escalated when Kol accused Björn of being a vampire and sent letters to the Balian king, further straining the family's reputation.

Unable to tolerate the situation any longer, Björn challenged Kol to a duel, taking place in the ruins of their birthplace, the fort of Myrine. Their mother, Dahlia Sigvardson Mösu, watched as her sons battled to the death, with others as witnesses. The fight concluded with Björn killing his own brother, staining his hands with the blood of his kin and earning him the title of kinslayer.

The family fractured, and many Redclyfians departed Balian. Those who remained were left in a precarious state. Their contributions to the kingdom were insufficient, leading to their removal from the nobility. Björn married a woman named Emma Rhodon de Rosius, and together they had six children. The family slowly began to reunite, but they were still regarded as migrants with a dark history and subjected to lies and slander.

Björn discovered a land called "The Verdant Glade," which Krugmar was looking for someone to take charge of after its previous leader disappeared. Björn seized the opportunity and proved his worth. He assumed leadership and made the glade his own. In this new territory, he encountered an Elf named Adaranth Ravamyar, who had Redclyfian origins and agreed to support Björn's efforts.

The Verdant Glade flourished, but a strange transformation came over Björn. One day, his lifeless body was found hanging in his private chamber, shrouded in mystery. While the reasons behind his actions remained uncertain, it became apparent that Adaranth was beginning to exert an influence over the Redclyfians.

With Björn gone and leadership passed to his eldest yet young child, Pyeter, Redclyf's future veered into a darker and uncertain path than ever before.


As the Redclyfians struggled to meet Krugmar's expectations, they found themselves once again forced to relinquish leadership of The Verdant Glade to the old dwarf who had ruled before their arrival. The Redclyfians retreated to a camp near the Glade, where they began the arduous process of rebuilding and growing their community.

In this challenging environment, Bjorn the son of Kol, the murdered brother of Bjorn Ragnarrson, began to assert his influence within the camp. With the guidance of Adaranth and Bjorn, the camp quickly swelled in numbers as outsiders and returning Redclyfians joined their ranks.

Adaranth seized this opportunity and rallied a force of two thousand followers, eager to launch a devastating raid upon Norland. The Redclyfians descended upon Norland, leaving chaos and destruction in their wake. Those who dared to oppose Adaranth's will were subjected to harsh punishment. Bjorn, who had reservations about Adaranth's methods, reluctantly joined the raid, fully aware of the immense influence Adaranth held over their people.

Amidst the turmoil, Bjorn acquired a mysterious object that exuded an inexplicable aura. The artifact held an air of significance, and they knew it must be of great value. Adaranth later discerned its true nature as an artifact and realized the artifact's power. Word quickly spread about the Redclyfians' possession of this unique object, making them the target of countless covetous individuals.

Intriguingly, Krugmar expressed a desire to purchase the artifact. Bjorn, driven by his sense of honor, felt compelled to answer the call. Despite Adaranth's warnings that it might be a trap, Bjorn carried the artifact with him to Krugmar, believing in the nobility of his purpose.

Upon their arrival, however, the Redclyfians were betrayed, and the Rex of Krugmar claimed the artifact. They told Bjorn that he could retain it only if he proved himself in a duel. The gate was locked behind him, and Bjorn had no choice but to face the challenge. In the arena, Bjorn fought an orc, a fight with the artifact in the hands of Bjorn's sister, Ingrid.

Amidst the battle, Adaranth devised a cunning plan to aid the Redclyfians. He urged the Mosu family members to sneak out of the city, ensuring that Ingrid secretly took the artifact with her. Adaranth assured Ingrid that he would return to save Bjorn. As they attempted to make their escape, Adaranth improvised further, creating a fake artifact using an orb from an orcish friend.

Standing near the fight, Adaranth presented the fake artifact to the orc, who realized it was a counterfeit. Adaranth then informed them that the actual artifact had been secretly taken outside the city. The orcs, swayed by this revelation, allowed Adaranth to leave in exchange for the genuine artifact.

Hours passed, and Bjorn received no word from Adaranth. The promised rescue never came, and it dawned on Bjorn that he had been abandoned. In a desperate bid to escape his fate, Bjorn attempted to flee, but it was too late. He made a desperate leap from a room and suffered severe injuries, only to be apprehended by the orc who had initially betrayed him.

The orc delivered swift and brutal retribution, blood eagling Bjorn in front of the city gate for all to witness, a gruesome display of vengeance. The Redclyfians, reeling from this horrific event, sought refuge in a village under the rule of House Bolivar within the principality of Sedan.

Yet, their troubles were far from over. In a violent confrontation, Adaranth forcibly obtained the artifact from Ingrid. During the ensuing altercation, he speared through Pyeter's stomach, sending him tumbling down an arena. His family fled in an attempt to save Pyeter, leaving behind a grievously injured Ingrid, who Adaranth heartlessly blinded as a gruesome message to all who dared to oppose him.

As time passed, an unexpected visitor arrived in the village—the same orc who had betrayed Redclyf in the past. Confrontation with Adaranth ensued, and it wasn't long before other Redclyfians joined the fray. The orc initially held his ground in the skirmish, but as more Redclyfians rallied to their side, he realized the odds were stacked against him. He fled, only to find himself trapped within a swamp.

Adaranth, relentless in his pursuit of vengeance, hunted down the orc, engaging in a final showdown that resulted in the orc's demise. The Redclyfians avenged Bjorn's death by blood eagling the fallen orc's body, making a chilling statement to all who witnessed the grisly spectacle.

Amidst the turmoil and chaos, Pyeter slowly began to heal from his injuries. A deal was struck with Petra to grant the Redclyfians land within the commonwealth, offering a glimmer of hope for the once-mighty Redclyfian family. But Adaranth's influence remained, casting a dark shadow over the future of Redclyf, where a sense of impending doom loomed on the horizon.


Full History  


Sacking of Redclyf's Outpost, 130 S.A
After striking an accord with the Commonwealth of Petra, the House Mösu and the other Redclyfians were forced to flee southward as the Mori'Quessir, known as the Mori, initiated a catastrophic invasion of Almaris. The devastation and conquest wrought by the Mori's invasion coerced the Descendant races to escape through an underground cave network, eventually arriving on the Island of Failor.

Upon their arrival, the Redclyfians hastily established their outpost in the heart of the small continent, strategically positioning themselves near a river that traversed the land. Amid this settlement, Adaranth—engaging in disturbing and unconventional actions—instigated turmoil within the community. Despite the majority of Redclyfians opposing his deeds and even engaging in conflicts against him, Adaranth rallied a faction of fervently loyal followers, promising them future land and security.

Under Adaranth's leadership, this faction wrought havoc upon the land, conducting raids on neighboring outposts, demanding tribute from passersby near the river, and even perpetrating an egregious act—blinding Halfling King Cyris Collingwood and pilfering his prized crown. Subsequently, missives circulated throughout the outposts in Failor, branding the Redclyfians as bandits, cannibals, and murderers of children—a stunning blow to the House Mösu and the entire Redclyfian community.

In response, Adaranth ordered the construction of a larger wall around the outpost, asserting dominance while anticipating future conflicts. Employing guerrilla tactics, Adaranth evaded direct confrontation with the Coalition, frustrating their efforts despite their superior numbers. He taunted and humiliated the Descendants by parading the Redclyfians close to the Halfling village.

However, the Coalition eventually managed to breach the Redclyfian outpost, setting it ablaze. Amidst the chaos, Markus, Duke of Adria, apprehended Adaranth. Following a brief trial, where Adaranth purportedly renounced his past and claimed conversion to canonism, he endured the punishment of having his hand severed. Escaping with some of his loyal followers, Adaranth's departure left the Redclyfians in disbelief and further tarnished their already-damaged reputation.

Subsequently, the events in Failor severely impacted their standing, making a prosperous future seem increasingly elusive. The Descendants, including the Redclyfians, eventually migrated to a newly discovered continent named Aevos, seeking a fresh start amidst the remnants of the tumultuous past.


Full History  



