League of Veletz

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League of Veletz
Capital: Winburgh
Languages: Common
Demonym: Veletzian
Religion: The Canonist Church
Government: Hereditary Aristocracy
Captain-General: Germanicus van Aert
Consort: none
Heir: None Appointed
Historical Era:

Heinrik's Rebellion

Preceded by: sarkozic.png Duchy of Adria

The League

The League of Veletz, also known simply as Veletz, is a Heartlander nation that was founded on the continent of Aevos by Johanes van Aert with the unification of the Duchy of Adria, Duchy of Blackvale, and County of Aldersberg under a single state. Due to the Duchy of Adria being the principal founding Duchy (Johanes van Aert having been the Duke of Adria), many outsiders still refer to Veletz as Adria despite Adria now existing as a vassal of Veletz. Veletz is the home of several Raevir and Renatian families, which has caused Veletz and its predecessor-state Adria to be more Militaristic in recent years. The League possesses a strong host of Renatian-Raevir warriors, many of whom are battle-hardened veterans of Heinrik's Rebellion.

The League of Veletz is the unified state of the old Adrian aristocracy, guided by the leading nobility of the old Adrian Rebellion. While the premier dukes of the realm are nominally called to head the league, in practice their role is typically to act as the defenders of the Captain-General’s appointed government, though nothing formally prevents the two from overlapping. The Captain-General acts as the head of state with full authority over foreign diplomacy, functions of war, the court and peerage of the realm, and the administering of justice. The laws of succession reflect this hybrid governance- the successor of the League of Veletz is nominated by the reigning sovereign and confirmed by a convened body of the Dukes of the Realm. Should the incumbent Captain-General perish before the nomination of a successor, the office will be inherited by their lawful heir through primogeniture succession.

National Clause

Ox Post.png
We enter now into a time where our history is unknown, yet desperately clung to. Unable to profess their purpose for existence, for they do not know them, men have instead pointed to triumphs that belonged not to them, but their grandfathers and grandmothers. What has man achieved, if it is not triumph, not peace, not beauty nor even the accomplishment of petty schemes? There is no vision forward, only a demented, aimless gaze towards the past. Sitting without desire for change, mankind has returned to the idleness they claimed gripped them during the Age of Man. As there has been no remedy, violence has naturally ensued- the birth of Veletz is evidence of this very thing. As our rise has been marked by the ignorant, violent brutality that has defined this Age of Villains, we must now aim to depart from this era and follow the tide of history into the next.

Legion of Burgundy

The Legion of Burgundy is an elite standing armed force that operates in the Midlands region. Levied by the Duke of Middelan, it is charged with maintaining peace and stability of the realm, and protecting her people from enemies foreign and domestic. The Duke of Middelan, supreme authority of the Midlands, has the power to deploy the Legion at his behest. The legion serves not only as a defensive force against invaders, but also as a means to fortify the Duke's rule and maintain law and order. Loyal, disciplined, dangerous— men of the Legion are expected to be founts of honor and martial excellence. The legion's name, Burgundy, pays homage to its Renatian and Vilachian influence, and suggests a strong connection to the people and culture of the Midlands.


Captain-Generals of the League

Name Portrait Birth
Death Coat of Arms Title(s)
Johanes I
Johanes van Aert
joha.jpg 106 S.A., Velec

Son of Valentin van Aert

Klara Miray

Amelya, Esmee

Alive VanAert.png Captain-General of the League of Veletz, Duke of Middelan, First Citizen, Protector of Midlanders, Defender of Dumacracy
Germanicus I
Germanicus van Aert
GermanicusvanAert.png 107 S.A., Velec

Son of Valentin van Aert



Alive VanAert.png Captain-General of the League of Veletz, Duke of Middelan, First Citizen, Protector of Midlanders, Defender of Dumacracy