House Mösu

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House of Mösu
House Mösu Shield.png
Country: Redclyf.png Duchy of Redclyf-Rozania
Founded: 54 S.A
Founder: Sir Ragnarr Mösu "Barbarossa"
Current Head: Björn Ragnarrsson Mösu
Heir Apparent: Unknown
Former titles:
Duke of Redclyf-Rozania
Ataman of The Wild Ones
Lord of Midblossom
Lord Protector of Rozania
Baron of Ciavola
Motto: "Death Before Dishonor"
Cadet House(s):
HouseValynCoA3.png House Valyn

House Mösu (known as Clan Mösu before becoming a house) is a Noble House, which was officially founded and established as a Noble House by Sir Ragnarr Mösu "Barbarossa", who hails from the icy and snow-filled lands of the north and is primarily made up of Highlanders who had migrated to the southern continent in 77 S.A to strengthen their presence in the lands & estates they held alongside the region. The house primarily exists and in the southern continent although some members hold titles and lands beyond the sea that seperates the northern continent and the southern continent.

Family History


Notable Traditions & Costums

Comming of Age is an important part in both a man and womans life for it marks the end of childhood and the beginning of adulthood which comes with the freedom of chosing your own path without parents breathing down your neck alongside you being the only one responsible for your mistakes and actions. Just like many religions and cultures have their own way of marking the beginning of Adulthood, so does the House of Mösu primarily the main branch of the house. When a Boy in the Mösu family becomes old enough, they shall be brought into battle to prove themselves worthy of the Mösu name although incase there is no war which they can participate in and prove themselves in then they shall be tasked with hunting down a polar bear on their own and bring the head of the polar bear alongside it's pelt and claws. Meanwhile for a Girl it is either the same as the boys or simply weave a tapestry with the house's history on it up until that point.

Adoption is no stranger to the house and nor will it ever be since it was used by the founder, Sir Ragnarr Mösu "Barbarossa", to strengthen the family and grow in numbers. The way that adoption is done in the house is different to how others might do it. While some just make sure the adopted bear the surname of the family, the Mösu House takes it abit further. Due to the fact that some are adopted in the family and are not Mösu by blood or flesh, those that are adopted shall cut their hand alongside the current head of the house, which is related to the founder, and shake eachothers hands to ensure that their blood is mixed and united. There are cases where one of the two parties or maybe both are struck down with sudden illness which can inturn lead to death. If the adopted dies from this illness then they shall not be considered a Mösu and seen as unworthy of the name. Meanwhile if the house head dies from this then it shall be seen as a sign that the "adopted" is a snake and unworthy yet again.

Notable Family Members

Heads of House Mösu

Since the days of the house's founder and even before, there have been heads of the house, leading and guiding their kin towards the dark and unknown future with a torch, lighting up the way and creating a beacon for their kin to follow and blade in hand as they strike down their enemies who dares challenge the House

Name Portrait Birth
Death Coat of Arms Title(s)
Sir Ragnarr Mösu "Barbarossa"
Ragnarr Mösu
54 S.A - 82 S.A
Ragnarr!.jpg 28 S.A, Winter
Son of Sigurðr Mösu and Estrid Mösu
Dahlia Sigvardson Mösu
3 biological children
1 adopted child
82 S.A, Winter House Mösu Shield.png Knight of Norland
Björn Ragnarrsson Mösu
Björn Mösu
82 S.A - Present
N/A 77 S.A
Son of Sir Ragnarr Mösu "Barbarossa" & Dahlia Sigvardson Mösu
No children
Alive House Mösu Shield.png Duke of the Duchy of Redclyf-Rozania