Apostolic Kingdom of Aaun

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The United Kingdom of Aaun
Royal Arms of Aaun
Capital: Ruined City of Vienne
Demonym: Aaunite
Languages: Common
Religion: Canonism
Government: Hereditary Monarchy
King: Charles I
Consort: N/A
Heir Apparent: James Leopold Alstion
Chancellor: Vacant
Master Almanac: Vacant
Royal Marshal: Vacant
Grand Steward: Vacant
Lord Representative: Vacant
Ruling Family: Aaun.png House of Alstion
Historical Era:


The United Kingdom of Aaun, or simply Aaun, is an independent sovereign nation that follows a feudal system ruled by a monarchy. It was founded as a successor to the Harvest Confederation after its formal dissolution by the Harvest Lords in 1892 F.A. It derives its name from the Kingdom of Aaun, an ancient kingdom founded by Godwin - the secondborn son of Horen. Since its foundation, it has heavily emphasised its desire for a united humanity bonded by its shared history and values. Its current capital is Vienne, though is often referred to as the Ruined City of Vienne due to the sacking that occurred in 1883 F.A. during the Harvest Revolution almost a decade prior to the nation's founding. The region that the capital encompasses, including other lands under direct control of the monarchy, often referred to as the Crown in formal internal documents, are known as the Crownlands.

The current monarch is Charles I, a former Harvest Lord and the patriarch of the well-regarded House of Alstion.



Era 1

Write information about the first era.

Era 2

Write information about the second era.

Era 3

Write information about the third era.

Culture and society


What is the general style of fasion in the Nation?


How does art affect the Nation? Do the people love it? Hate it? What is the general art style of the Nation?


What is the state religion?


The Five Offices

The Five Offices, henceforth referred to as The Five, are considered to be the executive provisional bodies that assist in the governance of the Crownlands. It derives its authority from the Crown directly and is thus expected to be dictated by the Crown solely. From the Fives' inception, it has been granted a level of autonomy with the intention to allow them to perform their duties at the best of their capabilities with little interruption. Each Office is headed by an officer who is presumably appointed by the reigning monarch from the kingdom's citizens with no preference for nobility. The Archbishop of Albarosa, appointed by the Church to manage the archdiocese the kingdom encompasses, is encouraged by the Crown to work alongside the Five to ensure that any action taken does not disrupt the Church's agenda in stewarding the spirituality of the kingdom.

The Office of the Seneschal is the highest authority of the Five. It is responsible for the administration of the kingdom's treasury, and its officer is granted the courtesy title 'Chancellor of the Crownlands'. The Chancellor is considered the Crown's chief executive and is given the authority to act on behalf of the Crown in totality. With this authority, they are expected to guide the rest of the Five to ensure that they work in the kingdom's best interests.

The Office of Rites is chiefly responsible for the kingdom's liturgical and secular calendars, and revitalisation of the kingdom through programs such as festivals, tournaments, and other cultural affairs. Its officer is granted the courtesy title 'Master Almanac'.

The Office of War is chiefly responsible for the defence of the kingdom's territories in conjunction with the provincial nobility. They are expected to assess the kingdom's military capabilities, maintain the strength of the Crownland's army in coordination with the levies held by the provincial nobility. Its officer is granted the courtesy title 'Royal Marshal'.

The Office of Restoration is chiefly responsible for the reconstruction of the capital city, Vienne, management of any revenue gained from the capital, and general administration of the capital in a manner dictated by the Crown. Its officer is granted the courtesy title 'Grand Steward'.

The Office of the Peers is chiefly responsible for representing the provincial nobility in direct communication with the Crown. They are expected to stay updated on the status of the provinces and coordinate with the nobility to ensure that the kingdom is prospering in its entirety. Its officer is granted the courtesy title 'Lord Representative'.

The Nobility Council

The Nobility Council is considered to be an advisory council consisting of the kingdom's nobility.


How does succession work? Is it based on a bloodline? Votes?


What is the demographic of the Nation? Is one race more prominent or not?


Describe the geography of the nation. Is it in the mountains? In the deserts? Are there any unique landmarks?



Noble Houses of Aaun

Noble Families:




