Death to Urguan! Freedom to Dwedmar!

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Death to Urguan! Freedom to Dwedmar! was the rallying cry of the Kaz'Ulrah dwarves that began to be used during the War of the Beards.


The rallying cry was first used by Torvin Blackaxe and his fellow fighter Darain Blackaxe when reporting to High King Verthaik II Frostbeard. It was accompanied by a typical Kaz'Ulrah salute which involved raising your hand with a clenched fist to your forehead. One party would say Death to Urguan! with the other party dropping their clenched fist whilst responding with Freedom to Dwedmar! The cry is sometimes mistaken as an attack on the father of all Dwarves; Urguan but actually refers to the Grand Kingdom of Urguan, which was dismantled by the dwarves of Kaz'Ulrah when they won the War of the Beards.