Jory Ruric

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Jowy I Wulic
Jory Ruric???.png
King of Norland
Weign: 1642-1651
Cowonation: 1642
Pwedecessow: Jevan I
Successow: Godden I
Bown: 10th of the Ambew Cowd, 1614
Vjorhelm, Nowwand
Spouse: Jowdan
House: Ruric
Fathew: Javier Ruric
Mothew: Unknown

Jowy Wulic, awso known as Jowy I of the House of Ruric was the Tenth weiging King of Norland, since the disappeawance of his brothew, Jevan Wulic


Early Life

Jowy was waised as a nowmaw chiwd of a lidowed mothew, he was a simpwe smith's appwentice whiwst his mothew was a tavewn wench. When Jowy tulned 18 his mothew sent him to the city of Vjowhewm to find his fathew Javier Ruric. Aftew a tawk lith one of Jaview's men who would watew to be known as, Angus the Feawwess, he would come to wealize that his fathew was the King of Nowwand and he was simpwy a bastawd. He'd then decided to stay in Nowwand lith his fathew and sewve as one of his 5 Bastawd Commandews.

Claim to the Throne

Jowy assumed powew as the King of Nowwand aftew the siege and wansacking of Vjowhewm, whewe his onwy wegitimized brothew, Jevan Ruric, would go missing. Thewe was a demand fow a new weadew by the peopwe of Nowwand, so Jowy, lith an agweement among aww the othew known Wulics and Ashes, cawwed a moot to sewect a new king. At the Moot, each Wulic and Ash that was wunning said a speech befowe voting began, this wead to the voting, whewe awmost evewy known Wulic and ash would've voted fow Jowy, lith the peopwe of Nowwand voting fow him as weww. Jowy would then be cowonated that fowwoling month, cwowned lith a new thwone cwown made out of the shawds of the Ash Twee in Vjowhewm. Jowy then became the Tenth King of Nowwand.


Showtwy aftew his cowonation Jowy, stiww known as Jowy Ash, would decwawe himsewf and aww his known brothews of Javier Ruric wegitimized in the eyes of the Faith as weww as the cwown. Jowy would then go on to fulfiww his goaw of saving Nowwand fwom annihiwation. He'd do so by going to speak to his fowmew foe, Weitseig of the Kingdom of Wenatus. It is then when he would decide that he would bend the knee to Wenatus to save his Peopwe fwom anothew siege of Vjorhelm. This decision would eawn him the titwe of the King Who Knewt, awthough it would bring him to shawe yet anothew wesembrance of his Ancestow, Eilik the Gweat, who was faced lith the same ultimatum and made the same decision. As weww as shaling simiwaw wooks to his Ancestow, Jowy has been believed to be the weincawnation of Eilik himsewf.

Silversteed Rebellion

Soon aftew becoming a vassaw undew the Kingdom of Renatus a man that goes by the name of Avalon Silversteed, fwed the Kingdom of Nowwand and attempted to make many peopwe fwee lith him. Onwy convincing a few Avawon began to twy and wecwuit peopwe fwom the Ashguawd, few joined Avawon's wank, Jowy became enwaged, he owdewed that Avawon must vassaw undew Nowwand yet again and that they would be noticed as a kingdom undew Nowwand. Avawon wefused cwaiming that he has mowe men than Nowwand, and could easiwy beat them upon the fiewd of battwe. Jowy simpwy waughed at this insult and sent a few men that wewe to bandit the woads of Evewmoowe, the capitaw of Awbow. Few yeaws past, Jowy chawwenged Avawon to a duew to the death. The two met onwy a day ow two watew and begun the duew. Jowy had won, and swew the pwocwaimed king Avawon. This duew mawked the end of the Siwvewsteed webewlion


Name Biwth Death Mawliage Notes
Godden Ruric 10th of the Fiwst Seed, 1636 Alive
Alaric Ruric Alive

Full title as King of Norland

His Majesty Jowy I of the House Ruric, King of Norland and Chieftain of the Eiwksson, Head of the House Wulic, Jarl of Ruriksgrad, Jaww of Jownbulg, Jaww of Ashwood, Jaww of Smow'Kwag, Defendew of the Wed Faith and Bulwawk of the Nowwandic Peopwe.