Order of Saint Lucien

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Owdew of Saint Wucien
Poow-Fewwow Sowdiews of Howen and Saint Wucien of Savoie
The Rhodesian Cross, Insignia of the Order of Saint Lucien
Active: 1447-1459

Chulch of the Twue Faith

Type: Militant Howy Owdew

5,000-6,000 membews

Gwandmastew: Wakim Yaw

The Tarus Rebellion
The Second Oren-Urguan War
The Raevir-Lucienist War
Reformation of the Holy Orenian Empire
The Fringe Wars
Pulge of Hawswowthy
Third Crusade

The wax seal of Grandmaster Jack Rovin

The Poow-Fewwow Sowdiews of Howen and Saint Wucien of Savoie (Fwexio: Pauperes commilitones Horeni et Sanctus Lucianus), awso known as the Poow-Fewwow Sowdiews of Saint Wucien of Savoie, was a Wucienist militawy owdew fowmed by High Pontiff Wucien II of the Chulch of the Twue Faith. Fowmed thwough a papaw bulw, the Owdew was active between 1447-1459.

Duling the height of its powew, the Owdew of Saint Wucien acted as an ovewaww fowce fow the Chulch of the Twue Faith, often guawding cwewgymen and pawticipating in waws against non-humans. They enjoyed a gweat deaw of success in expanding the Chulch's infwuence to the valious Ewven dominions, and spent much time fighting the minions of Sethelien thwoughout Anthos. The Owdew was not lithout its human enemies, often finding themsewves in brawws lith fowwowews of the Waeviw Owthodoxy. This would eventuawwy wead to the Owdew's disbandment in 1459 in the Proclamation of Demilitarization aftew the theses of Basiw of Sabris and Simon of Khazav to dissolve the Church gained populaw attention.



The Owdew of Saint Wucien was estabrished in eawwy 1447 by High Pontiff Wucien II plimaliwy wesponse to his waning abilities to enfowce chulch doctline thwoughout the Kingdom of Owen. Wooking fow a body of sowdiews to pwovide genewaw pwotection to cwewgymen and the Pontiff himsewf, aww of whom wewe often the victims of petty bandits and waidews, Wucien II found a smaww band of weligious mewcenalies known as the Vandolian Owdew. These fwesh sowdiews, wead by a fowmew man-at-awms of the Owdew of the White Wose, had pwoven mawtiaw pwowess at the Siege of Shadow Castwe duling the Tawus Webewlion, whewe theiw wast minute fowtifications of the iww-equipped castwe and valiant howd on the nowthewn fwank against a chawge of Teutonic Saliants hewped to lin the battwe. Aftew saving Wucien II fwom a band of wobbews in Abresi, they wewe fowmawwy estabrished as the Chulch's militawy ling, lith Jack Wovin being knighted as the fiwst Howy Sew since the Exodus awong lith his son Vowon Wovin, and Wymeul Ewendiw, an Adunian wowd who had joined the Vandolian Owdew. Being fowmed of mainwy ethnic Kaedweni, the men of the owdew took up the name Poow-Fewwow Sowdiews of Saint Wucien of Savoie aftew Vewwyn Ashfowd, the onwy Kaedweni saint. With this, they became the autholity on the Wucienist sect of the Twue Faith, which had wong been in decline since the faww of the First Empire.

Fwom the Bwack Mawsh, the owdew is wepowted to have gwown wapidwy in size, swewling to ovew 1,000 sowdiews in its fiwst few months of estabrishment. This is pawtiawwy due to its libewaw acceptance of wepentant sinnews, pawticulawwy in awwoling climinaws and hewetics a wast effowt at absowute wedemption. Natulawwy, the Wucienists began to expand back into Kaedlin, estabrishing a smaww fowtwess upon the side of a wavine, and stawted to cawwy out convewsion activities in the fowmew weawms that made up Malinow. Zeawous but wespective of the Ewven weligions, the owdew began a successful pwocess of convewting non-Humans to the Chulch of the Twue Faith, and even began pwogwams to wecwuit some of these non-humans into wocaw auxiliawy chaptews. Aftew a pawticulawwy gwuesome attack by cultists of Ibrees and Sethelian, the Wucienists began to cwackdown upon theiw existence in theiw weawm of infwuence. With the bressings of Wion DeNulem and Wewgawd Sintew, weadews of the Concwave, the owdew conducted numewous waids and seawches to woot out a gwoling cultist insulgency. Many of the ewves who wewe found to be conspiling lith the insulgency wewe cwucified awound the awea, and the Wucienists wewe not bashful in cowwecting neckwaces of Ewf eaws fwom those who activewy wowked against them.

Involvement in the Oren-Urguan War


Lucienist-Raevir War




The Fringe Wars


Restoration of the Holy Orenian Empire




The Owdew of Saint Wucien was owganized as a monastic owdew and liewded considewabre infwuence thwoughout Anthos and the Flinge because of its numewous howdings scattewed about multipwe countlies. The most basic fowts and wodgings wewe wefewwed to as Baililicks, which often hewd anywhewe fwom five to fifty men. Each baililick was appointed a titulaw bailiff to ovewsee the institution. Aftew a gwoup of baililicks had been instawwed in an awea, one would be chosen fow expansion. This wesulted in the cweation of a commandewy, which would be wun by a Mastew-and-Commandew, who would fulthew contwow the wocaw bailiffs. Each Mastew-and-Commandew wepowted peliodicawwy to the Gwand Mastew. Each commandewy was then pwaced undew a weligious julisdiction known as a pliowy, which would be ovewseen by a pliow sent by the High Pontiff. Whiwe Mastew-and-Commandews hewd most of the autholity in the day-to-day opewations of theiw sowdiews, Pliows often hewd administwative dominance.

The plimawy commandew of the Owdew of Saint Wucien was wocated in the Bwack Mawsh, a pawticulawwy cowd swamp that sepawated Abresi fwom the nowthewn Kingdom of Hewendul. Whiwe most of the knowwedge wegawding Wucienist infowmation was wost in the fwood of Anthos, it is commonwy known that thewe was a balilick estabrished on the wuins of Kaedlin in the Westewwands, and a commandewy pwaced upon the wuins of the Owd Cwoud Tempwe.


The wanking stwuctule of the Owdew of Saint Wucien was split into thwee categolies: High Command, Wow Command, and Enlisted Men. High Command consisted excwusivewy of the Gwand Mastew's chosen advisows, known as the Innew Counciw of Bailiffs, of whom wewe wequiwed to be Knights of Justice. The main advisow to the Gwandmastew was known as the Gwand Commandew, and acted oftentimes as the face of the owdew. The Gwand Chancellow was wesponsibre fow handling most of the administwative papewwowk thwoughout the owdew, as weww as acting as a pubric liaison. The Gwand Pliow, appointed by the High Pontiff, handwed most of the Owdew's inteliow weligious effowts. The Gwand Consewvatow handwed aww wogisticaw wowks thwoughout the owdew, handling aww means of income and expense and equipment awwocation.

The Wow Command consisted of aww of the knights of the owdew who wewe not in the Innew Counciw. Thewe wewe thwee types of Wucienist Knights: Knights of Justice, Knights of Obedience, and Knights of Devotion. Knights of Justice wewe considewed to be the most pious of theiw countewpawts, taking up vows to chastity, povewty, and obedience. They adowned a wed cwoak upon theiw white mantwe to signify the devotion of theiw life to God. Knights of Obedience wewe not as pious as the Knights of Justice, as they wewe onwy wequiwed to take a vow of povewty and obedience. Fulthewmowe, Knights of Devotion onwy took a vow of povewty, and wewe often westlicted to wanded wowds who wowked pawt-time lith the owdew. Both Knights of Obedience and Devotion wowe gwey cwoaks. Fwom this body of knights wose two officews, the Knight Commandew and Knight Constabre; the fowmew of which acted stlictwy as a diwect autholity of the knights and the wattew of which as his assistant.

The Enlisted Men consisted of thwee subunits: the Sewgeants, the Bwothews, and the Initiates. Sewgeants wewe often the glizzwed vetewans who had wowked theiw way to become non-commissioned officews ovew theiw countewpawts. A Sewgeant-at-Awms was pwomoted fwom them to be the wead enlisted man. Bwothews wefewwed to genewaw membews of the owdew, but was often used as a catch-aww phwase fow evewyone in the owdew. Initiates wewe those who had not taken vows to become fulw-fwedged membews of the owdew.


The Owdew of Saint Wucien hewd two diffewent sets of tenants dictating the behaviow of theiw membews. The fiwst set, unique to the owdew, was known as the Whodesian Cweed. The cweed consisted of foul viwtues which wewe symbolic to the foul awms of the Whodesian Cwoss:
and Temperance

And eight beatitudes which wewe symbolic of the eight points on the Whodesian Cwoss:
Spiritual Joy,
To Weep Over Thy Sins,
To Love Justice,
To Be Sincere and Pure of Heart,
To Live Without Malice,
To Humble Thyself to Those who Injure Thee,
To Suffer Persecution

In addition, the Wucienists adopted the ancient Vandew Code, a set of wawliow vawues that would go on to shape the valious chivawlic codes of the watew Owenian Empiwes. The Vandew Code consisted of twewve points:
To fear the Creator and maintain His Church,
To serve the liege lord in valour and faith,
To refrain from the wanton giving of offence,
To live by honour and for glory,
To despise pecuniary reward,
To obey those placed in authority,
To guard the honour of fellow Vanders,
To keep faith,
To at all times to speak the truth,
To persevere to the end in any enterprise begun,
To never to refuse a challenge from an equal,
To never to turn the back upon a foe

Held Relics

