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Human Nations & Charters


The Golden City, the Serene City, and the Principality of Ves. In the elfish tongue, she goes by Ellaurehsae ay' Ves.

Constituted by the preambles, stipulations, amendments, and penumbras of the Golden Charter, the city prides itself upon constitutional government. Inspired by a great lineage of tradition and precedent, the people of Ves brought the Free Charter of 1706 before their liege lord, Duke Paul II of Adria, for his signature to secure the rights and liberties of the municipality. Nearly a decade later in the year 1714, the city would declare itself free from the rule of the Dukes of Adria, and the people would establish self-government. Ves is a republic governed by the Serene Assembly, a legislative body which is composed by lottery and by family right every four years. The assembly elects from among the patrician families of Ves a prince that might lead her as head of state, who rules for life. While holding the title prince, this title is by no means inheritable: for the city is free and immune from serfdom, and along with it the archaic feudal practices of yore. The populace of Ves, along with their prince, are legally referred to as burghers, but within this category are subdivided the patricians, clergy, and freemen.



The Kingdom of Curonian is situated in the Snowy Northeastern regions of Arcas. The capital city of Avalain is a true splendour to behold with its towering structures and powerful defences. The Curonian people are a vast and diverse group housing almost every form of the race on the continent. Human, Elf, Orc, Dwed, etc. all are welcome within the Kingdoms cities and lands to live.

The Kingdom is ruled on a system of primogeniture succession, meaning that the Kingdom will always be governed by a King who will then be succeeded by his eldest son. No daughter or woman of the royal house shall ever inherit the throne, title, or lands of the Kingdom.

The Curonian Council surrounds the King. This council is made up out of leading individuals in all aspects of leadership, namely the Military, Navy, Mayoral office, Stewardry and Ambassadorship relations.

The Kingdom of Curonian first started as the County of Cyrilsburg under the rule of Count Wilhelm I Devereux. After a golden age set in within the County’s lands, its status was elevated to that of a Dukedom where it received the new title, the Duchy of Curon. As the years went on and the new Duchy continued to grow and expand its wealth and power throughout the lands of Atlas, Emperor Augustus I saw it fit to further promote the Duchy to the rank of a Kingdom after Curon’s decisive victory against the Duchy of Adria in the Gentleman's War of 1700. The ceremony was performed in the Blessed Cathedral of Saint Johannes in Cyrilsburg, on looked by a large crowd of both Imperial, Curonian, Haenseti and Adrian nobility and citizens. From that moment on the nation became known as the Kingdom of Curonia.

Peak Times  Curionias usually are most activie aroun Five to nine easten time, with a majortiy of them being Amercian.
The route from cloud temple.
Notable information
  • Tavern~ The Tavern a great place to meet new people and hang out! With frequent events going on within its never a dull moment. Don't see anyone yet; call for a bartender!
  • The Order of Ursus was born from the ashes of the Principality of Curon at Bear Mountain and became a stepping stone for all the glory that came afterwards. Its founding father and first Grand Knight, Wilhelm Devereux rest in the Seven Skies along with the Original First Knights, but the Order of Ursus managed to survive thanks to the examples and virtues that they left as their legacy to us all.
  • Following its humble origins, the requirements to become a Knight or Dame of the Royal Chivalric Order of Ursus are not related to the social status of the aspirants, but instead directly tied with the merits they have accomplished and the service they have provided to the Kingdom of Curonia and the Royal Family. The members of the Order of the Ursus are the most worthy men and women of the kingdom, free of corruption, and committed to the Crown and the Virtues.



The County of Astorga is a multicultural settlement that promotes the advancements in science and art, built with an original style that attempts to break with the standards of our time and further evolve our culture. Built at the edges of the Kingdom of Curonian, it serves as both vanguard for the Empire and a haven to those that seek refuge from the constant conflicts of the most populated metropolis.

Peak Times  The peak times during weekdays between the range of 12pm to 12am.
The route from cloud temple.
Notable information and areas
  • Tavern ~ Fit for a king! A Tavern fillied with oele laughing, drinking and getting reday to go to the teather. To watch plays, stunts and much more.
  • Commercial District~ SEll your wares, your item, sell your soul in this beautiful district. Can't seem to find something to sell well go window shopping and find something t catches your eye!
  • Church ~ Have an urge, to repent or feel you need to do your citizenship right by going to church? Look no further, before you stands a beautiful and active church.
  • The housing at Astorga is for free and all kinds of guilds are welcomed.
  • The County of Astorga is ruled by the Count and his council, following an agnatic elective succession law, in which the Count must designate one of his male relatives of House de Alba as heir to all of his titles before his death.
  • El Consejo de Astorga is the most important institution within the county, it is composed of individuals that proved their trustworthiness to the Count and House de Alba, called Cosenjal/es, they are in charge of all the administrative duties that the Count can't accomplish himself and he desires to delegate. Unlike the councils of other realms, in Astorga, all the Concejales are expected to accomplish several tasks of different nature, instead of being divided into several charges.


Caliphate of Khalestine

Cresonia is an exotic city with lovely and warm colours. Their settlement being in the Korvassa allows for a nice place and a perfect spot for your summer houses. The city is also placed by the coastline, which means it is a place for swimming and fishing for those that ish. The culture is unique for human culture in the way that Cresonians do not care if you show some skin in their city.

Peak Times  Cresonia has a mix of both European and American people in our roleplay community. Thus our peak times are often a mix of 10 am - 10pm EST. Though of course this will vary from day to day
Notable information
  • THE KNIGHTS SOLIS~The Knights Solis is the official Knightly Order of the Duchy of Cresonia. They are loyal to their homeland and the Ducal Family and shall act in full effect as their guards, willing to give up their lives for the sake of the Duchy and the family.



The Dual Monarchy of Hanseti-Ruska colloquially referred to as the Kingdom of Haense is the most northern human realm in Arcas. A vassal to the Holy Orenian Empire, Haense stands situated between The Kingdom of Cascadia and the Golden City of Ves and has a long history with strong traditions. The royal house of Barbanov currently rules it and supported by a traditionalistic feudal society with its monarch and government residing in the Royal City of Reza. The Royal City of Reza serves as the current capital of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska and is the seat of the dual Crown, and it is King Andrik III who holds court within the illustrious Prikaz Palace. The city has an imposing religious status with the Basilica of Fifty Virgins towering over the central parts of the city, and it also is the home of the tomb of Sigismund.

Peak Times  Haense has a very mixed variety of players but most common time zones is EST and GMT. With its peak time between 03 pm to 07 pm EST during weekdays and during weekends, the range would be from 02 pm to 9 pm EST as a peak. Although you can find splattered activity throughout the day.
The route from cloud temple.
Notable information
  • city hall~which hosts the Royal Duma, located in the centre of the city.
  • Tavernn~ The bustling tavern right in front of the gates, managed by A mister Harlod bell. Maps align the wall and laughter, and the sounds of swords can be heard nearby.
  • Library~ city also takes pride in having one of the most extensively managed Human libraries in all of Arcas.
  • the bathhouse A place of bathing within the city, so the haense man can wash away their worries and fears.



The County of Ayr serves as the seat of House Baruch, a loyal vassal to the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska. The keep in which the family resides is called Marianburg, after the reigning Count’s great grandfather. It was constructed in 1709 by builders who are skilled in Northern architectural styles. The County of Ayr is a loyal vassal to the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska and consists mainly of highlanders of northern descent. In the county, you’ll find generally people of traditional Haensei culture and members of the noble house of Baruch.

Peak Times  Ayr is consisted primarily of players in EST. The peak times during weekdays between 3pm to 12am and during the weekends the range would be from 12pm to 12am.
The route from cloud temple.
Notable information
  • The ruling House of Baruch represents the true northern Haeseni culture. The Baruch is a resilient, gritty house, known for their naval ability and hobby of whaling. They are fervently loyal to the Koeng of Haense and are always poised to defend their home, whether it be a foreign invader or a mutant attacking its motherland. They are renowned for their determination and loyalty that dates back to the beginning of the house through service to King Peter I of Haense. It’s a land of growing commerce and population, as the House of Baruch is always looking for more personal guards, maids, servants, farmers, clergymen, and sailors.



The Imperial City of Helena serves as the capital of the Holy Orenian Empire and it's primary administrative, military, civilian and economic centre. Located in the Kingdom of Cascadia, in the former lands of Renatus north of Cloud Temple, the city boasts sprawling guilds of bureaucrats, merchants and knights and is home to many human cultures, housing many landmarks within its walls and in the surrounding areas. The Imperial City of Helena serves as the capital of the Holy Orenian Empire and its primary administrative, military, civilian and economic centre. Located in the Kingdom of Cascadia, in the former lands of Renatus north of Cloud Temple, the city boasts sprawling guilds of bureaucrats, merchants and knights and is home to many human cultures, housing many landmarks within its walls and in the surrounding areas. As such, Helena’s populace primarily consists of Canonist humans of Imperial heritage. All Descendants, however, are welcome to visit and apply for citizenship, as the Imperial State values loyalty and hard work regardless of race.

Peak Times  As the primary hub of one of the largest communities on the server, Helena boasts a diverse population of both GMT and EST citizens. Thus, the city’s peak times coincide with GMT evenings and EST afternoons, from 7pm GMT/2pm EST to 2am GMT/9pm EST. Considerable pockets of activity are common through GMT afternoons as well, ranging from 1pm to 6-7pm GMT.
The route from cloud temple.
Notable information
  • Giverment~The government of Oren is an absolute autocratic monarchy with the monarch acting as the head of state and wielding ultimate authority. Consequently, the laws of succession are those of agnatic primogeniture - the throne passes to the eldest male.
  • Market square~ The town square, where markets and stalls alike set up their stalls the most famous being the fountain stall where the precious beauty items are sold.



The County of Ravensburg is ruled by the de Ravensbourg family. It has plenty of jobs and room for people to live in. The current Count of Ravensburg has opened up his County to all those who wish to work and live in prosperity. Some jobs in Ravensburg include the military, the tavern, and stewardry.

Peak Times  The peak hours of Ravensburg tend to vary by day, but on average it tends to be on from 12pm-6:30pm EST. Most of our players tend to be either in EST or CST time zones. (we are hoping to get a few members from Europe or other timezones, to diversify our settlement)
The route from cloud temple.
Notable information
  • Ravensburgh is a vast majority of the populace of the County is human, with the acception of a few elves here and there.