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Kingdom of Caelia
Capital: Caelia
Languages: Common
Demonym: Caelian
Religion: Iusreligio, Canonism
Government: Senatorial Republic/Monarchy
Praefectus: Vacant
LordProtector: LatiniusVlastos(dead)
Wars Associated:

Inferi War

Preceded by:: City of Caliea

The Kingdom of Caelia (Kay-Lay-uh) was a monarchy run by an appointed King(By the Senate) and an appointed Senate(By the King) The Kingdom of Caelia followed the religions of the Caelian and Akritian peoples, that being Canonism and Iusreligio. The City and Kingdom of Caelia was located south of the Korvassan Desert in the lands of Arcas.


Caelius Clan

Caelianus Ramnesius is born somewhere around or in the city of Velia in the realm of Atlas, after his youth he forms a group that stems off of Velia This was called the Caelius Clan.

Caelianus Ramnesius declares himself the "Lord Protector of the Caelians" and he is described as the first king of the Caelians.

Caelianus Ramnesius would marry into the house of Horlenia by way of his wife Zoe Horlenia, together they would bear two sons by the names of Filione Ramnesius and Julianus Ramnesius.

Growing up Filione Ramnesius would grow envious of his father, being the oldest he kills his father in an attempt to usurp his father's title. Julianus Ramnesius would seize Filione and put him to death; Julianus Ramnesius is then declared, the Lord Protector of the Caelians.

After the Exodus from Atlas to Arcas, under the rule of Julianus Ramnesius the Caelians would establish the City Caliea (Kah-Lee-ay-uh) on the Western Plains south of the Korvassa Desert.

A large group of raiders would destroy the city of Caliea and spread the population across the land.

House Vlastos

The sons of Arcadius Maximus Vlastos were able to escape (Leontius Vlastos, Agrippa Vlastos, Manuel IV Vlastos and Nicholas Vlastos)

each son was married, Leontius to Sophia Horlenia, Agrippa to Zoe Sergia, Manuel IV to Camilla Pollia, and Nicholas to Valeria Ramnesius. each son had sons of their own whose names were Miqel Vlastos, Leonardo Vlastos, Efe Vlastos, and Latinius Vlastos.

Latinius would end up in the city of Morsgrad within the nation of Norland; here Latinius would be recruited to the Ashen Legion.

Not long after the four cousins would reunite within the city of Morsgrad; all joining the Ashen Legion. Here the four cousins would decide to return to their homeland of which their fathers knew. They would have named the city in the place of old Caliea, Cale (Kah-lay).

The cousins would depart from the port in Sutica to arrive to their destination.

However, along the sea route, a storm picked up in the southern sea; this would scatter the cousins along the southern sea. Efe would crashland on an island filled with massive psychedelic mushrooms, Latinius would crashland on the southern coast of the main landmass of Arcas inside a small farming village, Leonardo would crashland at the location of what would have been Cale to discover a group of Forest Dwarves had settled the area and named it Draknador, Miqel was never heard from again and presumed dead.

Leonardo and Latinius would eventually reunite in the city that Latinius had crashlanded at.

The two would catch up and make their way to resettle in the city of Draknador where they built a large Insula for their living situation. Over the course of 10 years, the remaining Caelians would return to their homeland with the news of Caelian Settlement re-emerging. Eventually, the Forest Dwarf town would become overpopulated by Caelians who became the vast majority in the region once more. The leader of Draknador "Durin La'Vassieur" would concede the city to the Vlastos Family. Here the city of Draknador is renamed to Caelia. Latinius Vlastos is proclaimed the King of the Caelians by the people of the city.

A Senate is formed by the Tribes and Houses of the Caelian people that being; Ramnesius, Vlastos and Horlenia.

The first Senate would contain Latinius Vlastos, Efe Vlastos, and Photios Vlastos. Years go by under this system when the dreaded Inferi invade the lands to the north of them destroying cities and landmarks within the Korvassa. Leonardo Vlastos would leave Sutica and relocate in the city of Helena meeting his wife Natalie Meyer, they would have two children; Hernan Vlastos and Leona Vlastos. Latinius Vlastos with his guard Leo Phokas go on a diplomatic mission to the Orenian capital of Helena, the Orenians induct the Caelian Military into their coalition against the Inferi in the Inferi War During the Siege of the Doghouse, Latinius Vlastos is injured by a falling Gargoyle. During the incident a massive Gargoyle falls onto a building in which a large attachment from the ISA were trapped, Latinius was right outside the building and hurt his legs being flung forward several meters. Latinius had to get drug out by the ISA Medics back to the invasion vessels. For the next few years the Caelians are able to barely repel the Inferi until they were repelled; during this Caelius Ramnesius under the wing of Latinius Vlastos would serve as the head coordinator of the legion. Hernan Vlastos by this time would enter adulthood and would become the regent for Hyspia after King Cesar I of Hyspia was murdered by Pedro Gonzalez. Latinius Vlastos having no children of his own would adopt Caelius to be his namesake, and Caelius would go by Caelius Ramnesius-Vlastos or just Caelius Vlastos.

Sutica and Osanora

After the lands surrounding the southern sea were engulfed in a tsunami the Caelian peoples would embark on the migration with the rest of mankind to the realm of Almaris.

Latinius Vlastos would tragically not make it onto the ships leaving for Almaris. While making a stop on a group of islands with the larger fleets of Humanity Caelius and Hernan would meet up and identify each other as each other's cousins. Hernan Vlastos had likened himself to a group that went by the name of Osanora this group had bartered with the Sutican Trade Monarch to give them land once they reached Almaris. Caelius due to his recent expertise during the Inferi War was promoted to Maestre de Campo the highest military position within the Barony and given reign over the whole of the military. The city of Osanora is soon diverse with three distinct groups making up the demographics; that being, Santegian also known as Osanorans, Hyspians, and Caelians. Within this time the Trade Monarch would disinherit the Hyspian people forcing them out of the lands of Osanora temporarily due to their beliefs.

Out of the blue the Baron of Osanora Antonio De Medina would strip the rank of Caelius Ramnesius Vlastos, this would cause an uproar amongst the Caelian population,

the Baron would succumb to pressure and reinstate Caelius to his position as Maestre de Campo. The Church which had been converted to Iusreligio by the Caelian population was confiscated and reconverted back to Canonism by the Baron and the Canonist diocese. Even the military was supplanted by the Baron replacing the main military force which had been held by Caelius with a Norlandic based Orenian Mercenary group.

The people had seen it was time for Caelia to be reclaimed, and so the Caelian people declared Caelius Ramnesius Vlastos by a new title known as Praefectus as to not betray the honor of Latinius Vlastos. Caelius with a group of Caelian legionaries would march on the Cantina while the Baron of Osanora Antonio De Medina was hosting. One of the Caelians would distract the most physically able of the Hyspians in the city during the event Carlos Mendez as Caelius believed he would pose the most threat to the event.

While Antonio asked Caelius to pay for his Margarita he drew his sword with the rest of the Caelians in the Cantina and declared Osanora defunct. However, in an immediate reaction, Antonio de Medina would throw a frying pan at Latinius causing him to get knocked out causing disarray for the other Caelians. Following the commotion, Carlos Mendez along with his brother Jerrito Mendez would enter the Cantina and draw their swords as well. Antonio de Medina would hop the counter in the Cantina and hold Latinius at knifepoint; with the legionaries' refusal to co-operate Antonio slit the throat of Caelius killing him. A bigger man in full armor who had joined the commotion by the name of Din would challenge Leo Phokas to a duel; Leo Phokas would win the duel crippling Din to the floor momentarily. Leo Phokas had run out of the Cantina where he was chased down by Carlos and Jerrito Mendez. After running for quite a bit, Leo Phokas turned to face the Mendez brothers in which he was able to defeat the two knocking them both unconscious. Leo Phokas would run back to the now-empty Cantina where only the crippled Din and the blood-lusting Baron remained. Leo Phokas had returned to retrieve his Praefectus' corpse which Antonio would guard, upon their meeting Antonio would get the upper hand over Leo thrusting his blade at him; however, at the last moment Din who was on the ground unsuspectingly parried Antonio's attack deflecting it allowing Leo Phokas to use his sword to slice open Antonio De Medina's innards.

Leo Phokas would make his escape from the Cantina with a guard Arcadius Ramnesius.

Leo Phokas with the Lord Protector's son the Praefectus Caelius Ramnesius Vlastos dead would declare himself the new Praefectus of the Caelian people. Leo Phokas would return with Mercenaries in attempts to supplant the Hyspians and Norland based Orenian Mercenaries that were protecting Antonio's son Felipe de Medina. Upon his return, the Sutican guard would arrive on horseback surround and attack the two, with 8 guardsmen and 2 Caelians involved. Leo Phokas and his guard would end up dead; following this Hernan Vlastos is relieved of his position in the Corte de Osanora and Caelians are kicked out of the land.

Culture and Society

The Caelians are a race of Farfolk people who put an emphasis on their abilities to produce legislation, their court of laws, and their abilities to field organized land armies. Typically Caelians enjoy situating themselves in fertile valleys or river beds near to arid lands, this is because the diet they consume tends to be filled with crops that can grow in hot-temperate to semi-arid climates such as grapes through vineyards, Figs, Dates, Apples, Pears, Plums, cabbage, carrots, pomegranates, radishes, turnips and more.

While the Caelians are not a seafaring people they do tend to utilize the ocean or rivers; this includes use for drinking, irrigating, fishing, and trade.



  1. Iulioia: The God of the Skys, Storms, Winds, and Pigs Iulioia is the King of Gods
  2. Mareus: The God of the Seas, Water, Harvest and Horses
  3. Amordea: The Goddess of Love, Fertility, Beauty and Cats
  4. Belldeum: The Goddess of War, Strategy, Victory, Wisdom and Wolves
  5. Parsdiem: The God of Wine, Partying, The Arts and Sheep
  6. Soledeum: The God of Justice, Fire, Peace, Medicine and Cows

The Caelian people will dedicate temples, Holidays and commit animal sacrifice of the patron animal of each god to honor that god/goddess.


  1. Noctis Frisco: This is a Holiday held every Monday, Some Tuesdays but mostly Bi-Monthly
  2. Dies Parsdi: This is a festival celebrating the bounties of the God Parsdiem which include Partying, Wine drinking and the Arts. and shall be held every 4 years (once a month on the first Saturday of each month)
  3. Amorcalia: This is a fertility holiday held once every 4 Years (once a month on the second Saturday of each month)
  4. Res Mareus: This is a festival celebrating harvest and the bounties of the sea which is held every 4 Years (once a month on the third Saturday of each month)
  5. Caelian Triumph: This is a festival in honor of a Triumphant General after the armies they were commanding hailed them as Imperator and the senate ratifies the Triumph. This is a day of marching through the city, feasting, partying, and execution of war criminals all to honor the Triumphant.


While the Caelian people have a republican fervor to them they have a top down approach with their societal structure, At the top of the class hierarchy is the Patrician or in some cases the King, the Patricians have their own amount of political power within the governments, being the only class where Senators can be chosen from. The Senate themselves vote in new Patrician families at their senate meetings. Below the Patrician is the Plebian, being a Plebian does not exactly mean that an individual is poor; being a Plebian is more lacking status, these people usually own property or have rooms within insulas. Below the Plebians are the Urban Poor, these are citizens who do not own property at all, and make wages below national average. At the bottom of the Societal Hierarchy is the slave; the slave is a captured individual during wars/sieges who is brought back to Caelia, with the educated becoming private tutors and the less educated being sold to foreign powers.


The typical Caelian will start their day by heading to the public forum, to talk, trade and view court cases happening, after their court cases are through they then go to their jobs which they stay at for 3 hours before most are allowed a 2 hour break, during this time Caelians will participate in leisure activities and attend the public bath house, after they are done with their two hour break they return to their job for another 3 hours of work. After they are off their jobs a Caelian can either return home or attend a dinner party, it is customary for Caelians to have open dinner parties within their villas or insulas, Caelians are expected to plan their own dinner party in the future after attending other’s dinner parties. Once they are done socializing and eating dinner they return home(If they did not throw the dinner party themselves) and go to bed to restart the process.

Caelians tend to be a very accepting people, while there are some animosity between other nations and cultures, the average Caelian wont have problem socializing with another race.


The Caelian people mostly dress in silken, or clothy materials; some Caelians drape tabards over their plain shirts, and wear fustanella which are pleated skirt like garmets that drape down to the user’s knees. Senators and higher noble men who are not on their daily route or are going to a senate meeting often wear togas. Caelian women tend to wear 2 piece silken dresses


The Caelian build style is very unique in the land, most buildings in Caelian cities will appear to have triangular or domed roofs, some buildings may even have columns supporting the roofs. Very few windows are in buildings, with most of the windows that are in place being stained. the color palette of Caelian cities are a mix of Brown,Beige, White, Red, Purple and Yellow with very few Blue.



  1. Ave=Hello/Greetings
  2. Vale=Goodbye/farewell
  3. Femina=Woman/Lady
  4. Puella=Girl/Young Girl
  5. Vir=Man/Male
  6. Puer=Boy/Young Boy
  7. Urbis=City/Town
  8. Domus=Home
  9. Insula=Apartment
  10. Bellum=War/Conflict
  11. Expeditiem=Military Campaign
  12. Legio=Legion/Military Division

Common Traits

The Caelian people will tend to have a slightly tanned olive color skin, this making them one of the palest farfolk races. Most Caelians will be shorter than most other human races on average usually standing within 5’6-5’11 feet tall. Caelians have a small array of color in their eyes and hair with most Caelians having blue, green or brown eyes and most Caelians having light or dark brown hair.

Notable People

  1. Caelianus Ramnesius
  2. Latinius Vlastos
  3. Leonardo Vlastos
  4. Efe Vlastos
  5. Caelius Ramnesius Vlastos
  6. Leo Phokas