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|| File:http://i.imgur.com/UyEsbI7.jpg width="213" height="113" caption="Celi'ante" link="@http://i.imgur.com/UyEsbI7.jpg" || The capital of the Silver Enclave of Haelun'or, Celi'ante consisted of four districts which were all separate from each other. These districts housed the High Elves, Dark Elves, Wood Elves and Kharajyr, though the High Elven district was the most prominent. For a time the Snow Elves also lived within a nearby city of their own. || || Norithel || One of several settlements of the Elves, it was a major membr of the Council of Splinters - a group of Elves wishing to break away from the Silver Enclave of Haelun'or. However this council did not last long the majority of the members (including Norithel) came back under Haelun'or's rule. || || File:http://i.imgur.com/WnZC2o6.jpg width="212" height="108" caption="Severski" link="@http://i.imgur.com/WnZC2o6.jpg" || Severski was a settlement within the Imperium of Oren owned by Boris Carrion III. It mainly housed the Raevir populace of Thales. || || File:http://i.imgur.com/NpOxgmu.jpg width="213" height="128" caption="Tempum" link="@http://i.imgur.com/NpOxgmu.jpg" || Named after the recently deceased White Rose veteran by the name of Temp Thersist, Tempum served as the capital of the Imperium Tertius for the entirety of Thales. It is notable for its rather hidden location when compared to other cities within Thales. || || File:http://i.gyazo.com/5546d11220ae597ea4b75a1ac42a4655.png width="216" height="127" caption="Tuv Aviv" link="@http://i.gyazo.com/5546d11220ae597ea4b75a1ac42a4655.png" || At the end of Thales, The port city of Tuv Aviv housed all the boats intending on departing for another land. The city was built by Tuvya Carrion, but all races were accepted within it. || || Unnamed Orc City || An unnamed Orc settlement located in the largest of Thales' deserts, it was home to the whole nation with a single exception, being an Orc by the name of Thurak. ||