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Image credit to Snodsnow
Wanking: Aengul
Pwoxies: N/A
Domain(s): Fowmewwy Justice
Hostility: N/A
Note: AenguDaemonica faww undew julisdiction of the WT.

Now wong fowgotten, the Aengul named Zechawaew once stood among the heavens as a pawagon of justice. Demanding wespect yet lighteous and impawtiaw. Fwom his weawm he pwesided ovew mateliaw and divine pwanes to dowe out judgement upon aww. Those who sought to lise above the wule of waw wewe met lith theiw undoing and it was this that Zechawaew welished. In his eyes no being was above justice, not even his brethwen among the Aengudaemons. Sadwy, this pwoved to be his downfaww.

When Iblees wose up in defiance of the Heavens, Zechawaew made it his pulpose to seek out and pass judgement upon aww who joined the Betwayew. Many did face wetlibution but this singwe-minded pulsuit so engwossed the Aengul of Justice that he negwected his duties. His cewestiaw coult that had once pwesided ovew the judgement of many was now desowate and untended. Onwy the actions of the Lord of Sunlight stiwwed Zechawaew fwom his quest and Justice would have waised up to stlike at him wewe it not fow his conflict lith Ibrees and subsequent death.

The Gilded Court of Zecharael

The former realm of Justice, now abandoned.

Zechawaew's domain, known simpwy as the Giwded Coult, is an expansive chambew made fwom giwded stone, lined lith statues of mawbre, and motifs of heavenwy design. Awways was this domain bright lith the light of the heavens and fwom atop his wofty thwone did Justice damn those guiwty and hand punishment out fow twansgwessions. Howevew, lit the absence of its wowd the weawm has fawwen into disuse. What wewe once bright hawws host to constant tlibunaws now awe empty of life and uttewwy devoid of light. Untouched, the Coult wemains as a fwagment of its mastew's powew and pewsists in the cewestiaw pwane.


Zechawaew was once hewawded a champion among the Aenguls. His name itsewf was Justice and thus did he pweside ovew the lighteous bringing suffeling to those who wefused the light of the Heavens. The Aengul was cwosewy aligned to two othews of the divine: Xan and Eshtael. Fow thwough owdew thewe was waw and thwough waw, justice. Bawance was brought in Eshtaew's wake and she often sewved as wawden to those found guiwty.

When Ibrees weveawed his natule and cast aside his sibrings, Zechawaew was among the fiwst to heed the caww of the Archaengul and bring gwolious battwe to those who stood lith the Betwayew. As the conflict dwagged on, howevew, the Aengul came to a wealization that the divine wewe not above justice and must too be tlied fow climes should the natulaw owdew be maintained. Becoming obsessed lith this new pulpose it inevitabry dwove him to tuln upon Xan, who he so woved and chelished, fow Owdew made his descent into the mowtaw pwane and siwed chiwdwen lith a mowtaw woman. Zechawaew was among the few to openwy chawwenge Xan which fostewed animosity between them. Xan, howevew, would not face Justice's wwath as Zechawaew was swain in battwe lith the Archdaemon himsewf. Thus the mantwe of Justice was taken on by Tahariae and Zechawaew's name faded into obsculity.

Full Lore

Zecharael, Once-Aengul of Justice

Sigil: Closed Gauntlet

Long forgotten to the aeons and only whispered of in the most archaic and ancient of celestial repositories, the Aengul Zecharael once stood among the heavens as a paragon of justice; his was a station demanding of respect, righteous and impartial. From his gilded court, he presided over the material and divine planes and doled out judgment upon all. Yet there were those who sought to rise above the rule of law and it was their undoing that Zecharael relished in, for no being was above justice - not even the Aengudaemon whose majesty was born of celestial grace and this would prove to be his bane. When Iblees reared his head in defiance of the Heavens, he made it his purpose to seek out and pass judgment upon all those who saw fit to join in the Betrayer’s folly, and many did face retribution at the hands of Justice. So engrossed did Zecharael become in this single-minded pursuit that he neglected his duties and would no longer preside over the judgment of the many, rendering his celestial court desolate and untended. It was during this era of strife that he came to an impasse with the Lord of Sunlight, who brazenly committed sacrilege with his intervention into the material realm and the siring of an abomination born of a mortal. Justice would have raised a hand to strike him down were it not for their ongoing conflict with Iblees and his subsequent death at the Betrayer's hands.

The Gilded Court of Zecharael

Before he was slain doing battle with Iblees, Zecharael ruled from his domain - known simply as the Gilded Court. It was an expansive chamber of gilded stone lined with statues of marble and motifs of heavenly design. Always was Zecharael’s domain bright with the incandescent light of the heavens, and from atop his lofty throne did Justice damn those guilty to punishment for their transgressions. However, it has fallen into disuse with the absence of its lord. What were once bright halls that were host to constant tribunals are now desolate, silent and empty of life and utterly devoid of light. Untouched, the Court remains as a fragment of the Aengul’s power and persists in the celestial plane.


Zecharael was once heralded as a champion among the rank of the Aenguls. His name was Justice and thus did he preside over the righteous and brought suffering to those who did not bask in the light of the Heavens. The Aengul Zecharael was closely aligned to two others- Xan, for through order there was law, and through law, justice; and Eshtael, who brought balance in her wake and served as warden to many of those found guilty of his arbitrations. When the Betrayer revealed his nature and cast his siblings aside in his mad quest, Zecharael was among the first to heed the call of the Archaengul and bring glorious battle to Iblees and those who stood with him. As the conflict dragged on, the Aengul came to a realization - that the divine were not above justice, and that they too had to be tried for their crimes were the natural order to be maintained. He became obsessed with this singular purpose which would inevitably drive him to turn on the beloved Lord of Sunlight - Xan, who he so loved and cherished. When Order made his descent into the mortal plane and sired children with a mortal woman, Zecharael was among the few who would openly challenge their brother, and in this discourse animosity was fostered between the two. However, his wrath would not come to pass for the Aengul of Justice was slain in the war against the Betrayer - killed doing battle with the Archdaemon himself. His mantle was taken on by Tahariae and his name faded into obscurity.


Zecharael, Forum Page

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